God is Coming

Chapter 612 Walking the Dog

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Duan Xuyan extinguished the cigar in his hand, looked at the image in the apartment, and thought silently.

Chu Jungui casually inquired about the genetic optimization situation, and the price surprised him immediately. The most basic and advanced optimization package costs 500,000 yuan, and the optimization must be completed before one year old. However, the optimization rate is only 50%, which is 10% more than the government's universal inclusive free package. For comparison, the average annual income of the dynasty middle class is 200,000.

The price of the optimization plan with a higher range increases exponentially. The price of 60% optimization is close to one million, and the price of 70% is more than 2 million. More than 90% of the highly optimized quotations are all above 10 million. And those real top-level solutions can not only be optimized for certain specific aspects, but some can also be superimposed repeatedly. There is no price at all for this scheme.

During the search, Chu Jungui accidentally noticed a movement about canceling highly genetic optimization. There are many people who support this movement, and there are frequent news about it. Chu Jungui opened an interview casually, and saw that the leader of this movement was doing the interview. She said angrily to the screen: "There is no doubt that genetic optimization is the main culprit, the main culprit of the polarization between the rich and the poor. The gap between the poor and the poor is so wide that it is hopeless. Those children who have done top-level genetic optimization, the effect of practicing for an hour is more than ten times that of ordinary people! I think that a person who cannot change through his own efforts The society of fate is unfair and immoral! We can't just sit back and watch this situation get worse, we have to do something. The best and most thorough solution is to completely ban all genetic optimization except government inclusive programs plan."

"Will this weaken the emergence of top talent, thereby affecting the competitiveness of the dynasty?" the host asked.

"Elite determinism again! History will tell us that between fairness and elites, we must choose the former!"

Chu Jungui turned off the news, Xu Yan received several messages during this period, after reading them, he said: "I roughly know what to do. The next measures may make you feel uncomfortable, do you want to participate? "

"Yes." The test subject only had targets in his eyes.

"Very good. I just got some information, you should familiarize yourself with it. Also, prepare 10 million as soon as possible. I can find someone to help you advance for a few days, but the money will have to be returned."

"Okay." Chu Jungui sent a message to the doctor through an encrypted channel, expressing that he would increase the supply of energy liquid and metal hydrogen.

He opened the information sent by Duan Xuyan, and saw a photo of a woman, the woman who led the team to arrest them.

Xu Yan, 51 years old, is the Director of the Third Bureau of Special Operations under the Security Bureau. He has a long list of brilliant resumes in the past. He has been promoted to the Director of the Special Operations Bureau after only 10 years in the Security Bureau. The Special Operations Bureau has a wide range of powers and can conduct a series of operations from investigations, arrests to pre-trials, and belongs to the core department of the Security Bureau.

Her family background is also quite prominent, from the Xu family, although not a direct descendant, but the blood relationship is quite close, and her grandfather was a good businessman and accumulated a huge amount of wealth.

Although it was not mentioned in the information, Chu Jungui guessed that she must have used top-level genetic optimization, and it will be strengthened later.

Her photos look about 30 years old, which is the age of choice, and can be maintained until nearly 200 years old before suddenly aging. Zhou Shilei's wife was tormented by life and obviously didn't have the money to do necessary repairs and maintenance. Not to mention choosing an age, it was a bit difficult to have an appearance that was in harmony with nature.

Compared with Xu Yan, Chu Jungui had an intuitive understanding of the gap between rich and poor for the first time. And Zhou Shilei is not really poor.

Duan Xuyan said: "Let's go, the action begins now. Take my car."

When the two of them left the main entrance of the hotel, a black high-end flying car stopped firmly in front of them. This kind of flying car is often only affordable by the real rich. The interior is comfortable and luxurious, making the journey a pleasure.

After getting on the flying car, Duan Xuyan threw herself into the seat, and two wine glasses rose from the central armrest in the rear row, and the fine champagne had already been poured into them. Duan Xuyan took a sip from the wine glass and said, "Is this car not bad?"

Chu Jungui quickly found out the price of this speeding car: 1.1 million, exceeding 99.4% of the speeding cars, so he said, "Very good."

"This time, it is estimated that we will spend some time and travel a lot of places, so we need to make ourselves more comfortable. So I rented this car."

The flying car starts, flies into the predetermined channel, merges into the traffic flow, and starts to drive at a constant speed.

Duan Xuyan flicked over a photo of a woman and said, "We're going to see this person in a while, she's a bit difficult to deal with, so be careful when talking to her."

"What is the purpose of this meeting?" Chu Jungui asked.

"Borrow money."

The flying car drove into a low-density residential area, and finally stopped in front of a white villa. The courtyard door of the villa opened automatically, and a red-haired woman was already standing there. She has a graceful and enchanting figure, with a cigarette between her fingers, and her eyes are full of arrogance and disdain.

"What are you doing here?" The woman didn't seem to have a good impression of Duan Xuyan.

"I have some things recently and I need money urgently."

"Borrow money again? Yes, how much do you want, and what are the conditions?" She was very straightforward, and she had no intention of inviting the two of them in.

"50 million, for a period of one month, with an annualized interest rate of 10%. By the way, I want the kind of money that will not be tracked."

The woman sneered, "The requirements are quite high, yes, the money is guaranteed to be safe and clean, but I want 100%!"

"100%?" Duan Xuyan's smile froze on his face.

"It's the best deal, and I can assure you, you won't get a better price here, and you won't even get money."

"But the market price is clearly only 50%."

"Don't you understand? Your credit is already bankrupt. It's actually quite polite to let you into this neighborhood. How about it, do you want it? I have limited time and I have to walk the dog soon."

"It seems that we have no choice." Duan Xuyan patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, it only takes one month, and the interest is not much."

Without waiting for Chu Jungui to answer, Duan Xuyan said to the woman: "I want this money, when can I get it?"

The woman made a gesture, and a few minutes later, two burly men ran over, one carrying a box and the other leading several dogs. The woman took the box and handed it over, saying, "All the money is here."

The two big men led the dog and trotted away. Duan Xuyan looked at their leaving backs, suddenly realized something, and asked, "Isn't your dog already walking?"

The woman sneered: "that's because instead of wasting time with you here, it's better to go for a walk with the dog. Now that you can go, I can arrange something else."

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