God is Coming

Chapter 613: The Fun Begins

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After getting on the flying car, Chu Jungui opened the suitcase, which was full of community gold coins.

"How about it, I have good connections, right?" Duan Xuyan lit a cigar, looking quite intoxicated.

Chu Jungui closed the lid of the box and said, "Why do I feel that you are almost on the top of the blacklist? She doesn't seem to be willing to look at you any more."

Duan Xuyan shrugged and said: "I had a past with her, the time was not very long, and the ending was not very happy. She is still willing to see me, which is already a pretty good result."

Chu Jungui patted the box and said, "So our operation funds have to pay for it?"

"Who said, the price she gave me must be the best price! After all, there is still a relationship from the past."

"How did you break up?" Chu Jungui asked.

Duan Xuyan sighed, with melancholy eyes, "Well, it's very complicated. To put it simply, she knew about my other girlfriends at that time."

Chu Jungui silently searched the results of similar incidents in the database, and said, "Is this love? This is hatred!"

"Of course it's love. Don't look at the high interest rate, but what we borrowed is clean and untraceable money, and what we return is the money in the account. The value of the two is completely different."

When Duan Xuyan said this, Chu Jungui understood. On the way back to the hotel, Duan Xuyan looked through the materials he kept receiving. Every time he received a copy, he would forward a copy to Chu Jungui. It is full of personal information, some are related to Xu Yan and Zhou Shilei, most of them seem to have nothing to do with them.

After reading the materials, Duan Xuyan pondered, turning back to look at the materials from time to time, shaking his head occasionally. After a while, he sighed, and said: "This Xu Yan is the key person, but she is very difficult to deal with, and there is no place to attack. This will not work, I have to find more information."

The two returned to the apartment, and the three of them, including the girl, stayed in the apartment without speaking, and the atmosphere was dull. They were not surprised by Duan Xuyan's appearance, they had obviously known the news in advance.

Duan Xuyan directly passed the information to the three of them, saying: "Don't be dazed, hurry up and read the information and see what you can find."

The three of them managed to pull themselves together to look through the information, while Chu Jungui left the apartment and continued to monitor Zhou Shilei. Zhou Shilei's home was still busy and noisy, and he himself was in a bad mood, drinking all the time. During the waiting process, Chu Jungui did not sit idle, but rearranged and analyzed Duan Xuyan's information to find out its inner law, and then continued to expand the search according to this law, looking for the information he wanted in the massive public information.

Regarding Xu Yan, Chu Jungui had already come to a conclusion. She comes from a wealthy family, and all the money comes from her parents and husband. She has lived a very regular life since she was a child, without any bad habits, unselfish, workaholic, and has received the best genetic optimization. In terms of work records, she almost never misses, and her evaluations over the years are all flawless. There is no way to attack such a person, and I believe that even if her relatives are used to threaten her, she will not hesitate in the slightest.

This is a cold bureaucratic machine. Chu Jungui came to a conclusion.

Just when he was a little discouraged, Kai Tian suddenly said: "Humans are not machines, everyone has weaknesses, but we haven't discovered them."

Chu Jungui lifted his spirits, expanded the search area, and continued to search. Gradually, some seemingly valuable intelligence surfaced in the massive amount of information.

Outside the apartment building, Duan Xuyan walked out of the gate, looked up at the night sky, and connected to Chu Jungui's communication channel: "Little guy, come out to work, get ready, I'll come to pick you up."

"What kind of preparation?"

"Everything you need to be ready to kill someone."

Chu Jungui turned off the communication, put on the inner armor, took Kai Tian with him, and walked out of the hotel. A speeding car stopped at the entrance of the hotel and loaded Chu Jungui on board.

Duan Xuyan sent a document and said, "This is the first goal for tonight."

Chu Jungui opened it and saw that the information showed an ordinary-looking middle-aged man who was the director of the principal's office of a certain middle school.

The speeding car was parked outside a low-density residential area, which is full of residential buildings below 10 floors. The environment is elegant, which is obviously better than the residential area full of high-rise apartments, but it is not a real villa area.

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Duan Xuyan took out a small metal box and handed it to Chu Jungui: "Find a way to enter room 302, put this in that guy's briefcase, and then come out again, without disturbing anyone, and without leaving traces, and It has to be done in 10 minutes."

Chu Jungui nodded, took the metal box, activated the stealth mode of the inner armor, and sneaked close to the house. Chu Jungui was in front of the door of the building, and stuck a light sheet as thin as a cicada's wing on the smart door lock. This is the latest generation of anti-access control equipment. A number that can only be seen with special glasses flashes on the light sheet, and finally stays on a row of numbers.

The door of the building opened slowly, and Chu Jungui flashed in like a ghost, walked directly up the stairs, one and a half floors, and arrived in front of room 302 in a few strides. This time, Chu Jungui didn't use the light film, but directly released a cloud of black mist from his wrist, covering the smart door lock. It only took one-third of the time to turn back the access control light card, Kai Tian unlocked the door, Chu Jungui flashed in and closed the door.

Entering the room, Chu Jungui tapped lightly with his thumb and forefinger, sending out tiny shock waves, and clarified the structural distribution in the room. The only information Duan Xuyan gave him was the structural diagram and layout of the room, but no information about furniture and sundries.

Just as Chu Jungui was about to move on, the door of the inner room suddenly opened, and a woman came out, saying, "Who's there!"

She opened her eyes wide and scanned the living room.

Chu Jungui fell on the ground in an instant, allowing the focus of her vision to pass over her body, and when the woman sensed something was wrong, and looked back, he had already climbed up the wall to the ceiling, hanging right above the woman's head .

There was a dissatisfied voice in the bedroom: "What are you doing? No one cares about our little things, come back to sleep. It's terrible, now I have to toss several times a day."

The woman returns to the bedroom and closes the door. Chu Jungui landed lightly, found the briefcase the man had placed on the shelf in the living room, put the metal box inside, and returned the same way.

When he got back into the car, Duan Xuyan was timing and said: "Wow! 3 minutes and 11 seconds, this is a new record! But you are too fast, so if you want to see a good show, you have to wait for a few minutes. "

"What's in the box?"

"Synthetic drugs, he just used them some time ago, there should be residues in his body. And the police are on their way, and they are expected to arrive in seven minutes, and then it will be wonderful."

"Why bother him?" Chu Jungui was puzzled.

"Because the police will investigate him to the bottom, and will also find out that he helped Zhou Shilei's eldest son apply for an exceptional admission, so that he has the opportunity to study in this school. Once this kind of thing is made public, it will definitely arouse public outrage."

At this time, a flashing police light came on in the distance, Duan Xuyan started the flying car and said, "Let's go to the next target."

"Is this not enough?" Chu Jungui asked.

"Not enough, because this matter will not be made public." Duan Xuyan increased the engine, and the speeding car quickly disappeared into the night.

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