God is Coming

Chapter 614

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"Since it won't be made public, why should we do it?"

"In order to exert pressure, but also to uphold justice." After Duan Xuyan finished speaking, he spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me, I am still a very righteous person."

He turned sideways and said seriously: "Zhou Shilei is not at the bottom, absolutely not. He used his privileges to squeeze out the real bottom. So this guy is not as righteous as he said, maybe not as righteous as me. Although I am not so righteous sometimes, I am willing to seek justice for others."

Chu Jungui thought: "Does it mean that only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps?"

Duan Xuyan was startled, and after thinking about it again, his old face turned slightly red.

The flying car turned on the optical stealth mode, drove into a secluded path, and stopped at the corner. Duan Xuyan made a gesture, and the rear of the flying car began to deform. The trunk was erected and connected to the carriage, and two sets of mobile armor changers suddenly appeared, and the armor was already prepared inside.

"Replace it. The task information is already in it."

Chu Jungui put on the armor and scanned the information. This is a new type of reconnaissance armor, which focuses on movement, invisibility and perception capabilities, and its combat effectiveness is not too weak. Just one set of armor can buy two apartments.

The target of the mission is an old man in his early 50s and his 16-year-old daughter, but they live in different places in the same residential area. The task process is to capture the girl first, and then bring her to the old man. The two cooperated with each other, Chu Jun returned to arrest people, and Duan Xuyan controlled the old man.

According to the intelligence, guards were probably deployed at the old man's place, and Duan Xuyan chose the difficult part by himself. In Chu Jungui's mind, he should take care of this part by himself, but thinking about it, it seems impossible that there are any real masters of fighting here. Generally, Duan Xuyan's 8.2 fighting skills are more than enough for the strong, so Chu Jun Feel free to complete your task.

Sneaking in and breaking the door went smoothly. Chu Jungui didn't wake the girl up at all, and he didn't use the anesthetic given by the battle armor. Pick it up and leave, the whole process of breaking and abducting took less than half a minute.

Chu Jungui took the girl to another building and arrived at the reserved floor. As soon as he walked out of the safety door, he heard the sound of glass breaking, and then a heavy object fell to the ground with a bang. A bodyguard broke through the door and slid along the floor in front of Chu Jungui. The bodyguard struggled to stand up, but was stunned by Chu Jungui's foot.

Duan Xuyan appeared at the door. Seeing this scene, he helplessly spread his hands and said, "There was a little accident."

There was a roar from downstairs: "Will you let people sleep in the middle of the night?"

Duan Xuyan yelled back in a more ferocious tone: "If you don't accept it, you have to bear it! Otherwise, I will come down and teach you how to sleep!"

Downstairs muttered a few words, then fell silent.

Duan Xuyan picked up the bodyguard and threw it into the room. Chu Jungui followed him to the inner suite and saw the old man lying on the ground, already passed out. There are also three bodyguards in the room.

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"This old guy has doubled his bodyguards. It seems that he has done something big recently. I'll have to question him later."

"Who is this person?" Chu Jungui finally had a chance to ask this question.

Duan Xuyan said: "According to the jargon, this guy is an informant, but he has served as an informant for several parties, and he belongs to the kind who has both sides. I don't tell you, you know, he is Zhou Shilei and Xu Yan's informant, We also help them do a lot of dirty things secretly. In fact, we don’t need to ask anything, we just need to show that we already know a lot, and we can put pressure on them, let them guess how much we know, and then take action. As long as If they move, they may reveal their flaws."

Knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, Chu Jungui silently memorized this technique.

Duan Xuyan kicked the old man awake, then lifted him up and threw him on the chair, and fixed him with a magnetic restraint.

The old man groaned, slowly opened his eyes, and saw his daughter sitting on the opposite chair, unconscious. He immediately wanted to jump up like a wounded old lion, but Duan Xuyan stepped on the chair, preventing him from moving.

"Who are you and what do you want to do? Let her go, she has nothing to do with me! If you dare to touch her hair, I will never let you go!"

Duan Xuyan sneered, and waved the knife, half of the girl's black hair instantly flew away, revealing a piece of scalp. After showing off his sword skills, Duan Xuyan said: "I have moved more than one hair, so what can you do? Before you speak harshly, you'd better find out the situation first."

With anger in his eyes, the old man said hoarsely, "What do you want?"

"What have you done recently that you need to add so many bodyguards? By the way, you must answer the questions carefully. Once what you say does not match the information we have, your little daughter will be beaten again. I will kill you If you go down, I'm afraid you will have to replace your limbs."

The old man was in a stalemate for a while, and finally broke down, saying: "I recently worked for the Security Bureau and got them a batch of controlled raw materials."

"Security Bureau? Who?"

"You'd better not know... stop!" Duan Xuyan had already stabbed into the girl's arm amidst the old man's yell. The girl woke up from the pain, Chu Jungui frowned, and flicked the back of her neck lightly, making her faint again and at the same time blocking her sense of pain.

Duan Xuyan stared at the old man, and said coldly: "I don't have much time to waste on such a small character like you. Talk or die, both you and her must die."

"Yes..." The old man said a name, Chu Jungui quickly matched the list, and found that it was Zhou Shilei's colleague, who was also under Xu Yan's subordinate.

"What kind of medicine did you get them? I want detailed data."

The old man silently opened his personal terminal and sent a secret document. This is a batch of small doses of medicine, the total amount is only a few kilograms, and the ingredients are very rare. For a while, Duan Xu Yan didn't know what it was for.

Duan Xuyan snatched his personal terminal, put it away, and said, "This is what we want. For the rest, you should know how to do it even if I don't tell you. Goodbye!"

When Duan Xuyan and Chu Jun returned to the flying car, they saw two figures coming out of the apartment building, quickly boarded a flying car, and went away in a blink of an eye. Chu Jungui could tell from his gait that they were old people and young girls.

Duan Xuyan looked at the speeding car going away, and said: "They must have a pre-planned safe escape route. This kind of old fox, even the Security Bureau will not be able to find him for a while. His running can buy us a lot of time. , and at the same time exert a lot of pressure. Similar to the previous incident, they have enough resources and means to suppress a single incident, but if there are too many incidents, their resources are limited, and they will always be unable to suppress it. At that time Here's our chance. Let's go to the next target, we're going to be busy tonight."

"Xin Yi Ruo Bai, what about them?"

"I assigned homework to them, and I'm busy. They are too young to see this." Duan Xuyan started a new itinerary, and the speeding car accelerated rapidly, disappearing over the city.

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