God is Coming

Chapter 615

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In the isolation area, Lin Xi was sitting in a small garden, reading a book. This kind of old-fashioned paper book is already an antique thing and can often only be found in museums. But at this moment, it fits perfectly with this warm and sunny little garden.

Lin Xi's hair had grown a lot, and it was almost down to her shoulders. The sun draped over her body along the ends of her hair, giving her a faint halo. She looked leisurely, sitting on a wicker chair with her long legs folded together, enjoying reading and tranquility.

The scene outside the courtyard door suddenly twisted, Xu Yan seemed to step out of the water, and appeared outside the door so abruptly. She pushed open the courtyard door, walked up to Lin Xi, looked at Lin Xi carefully up and down, a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Xu Yan pulled a chair and sat down. Lin Xi looked at the sky and said flatly, "It seems that it's not time for interrogation yet."

"It's an investigation."

Lin Xi smiled lightly, "Eight hours a day, strong light, cold wind, hypnosis, psychological suggestion, etc. are all used. Isn't this an interrogation?"

Xu Yan looked at Lin Xi and entered commands in his personal terminal. The surrounding environment immediately changed slightly. The wind disappeared, the leaves no longer swayed, and all the light and shadow effects stopped.

"Okay, there is no monitoring now. Do you want to know why I hate you so much?" Xu Yan said.

Lin Xi changed her posture and felt obvious resistance when her movements were slightly larger, and the force field restraint on her body was not weakened. She put down the book and listened quietly.

Xu Yan no longer maintained the same cold expression, at this moment she showed her jealousy nakedly, saying: "Every one of you in the Lin family is like this, always thinking that you are superior to others, always thinking that you can not eat the fireworks of the world. You are completely living in your own world, self-righteous!"

Lin Xi was a little surprised, and said, "Aren't your achievements good? Why do you complain like a bitter woman?"

Xu Yan calmed down and said: "A long time ago, when I was young, I met your uncle Lin Xuanshang. He was my idol for a while, and I chased him wholeheartedly, but I couldn't close the gap with him. .And in the process of catching up, he lost his youth before he knew it. He never paid attention to me, and he might even have forgotten my existence. But he found a vase that was only young and good-looking! This is a shame to all women who are desperately trying to be good. And later, he even found a vase that was even younger and useless."

Lin Xi sighed and said, "I quite agree with your last sentence."

Xu Yan stared at Lin Xi, gritted his teeth and said, "You are the second Lin Xuanshang!"

Lin Xi was stunned, and said, "No way, I have failed anyone! There is a fool who has failed me from beginning to end."

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Xu Yan took out a light screen, threw it to Lin Xi, and said, "Look for yourself."

Lin Xi took a look, and saw his various body data on the light screen. She knew these data a long time ago, so she handed the light screen back and said, "What can these show?"

Xu Yan said: "Your intelligence level is 1106% of ordinary people without optimization. And I am now at 1172%. We all know that exceeding 1100% is a sign of extreme intelligence optimization."

"Aren't you stronger than me?"

"It's just that you are strong now. Are you still improving? Although the improvement is not large, but compared with the data we have a year ago, you are indeed still getting stronger. If you continue like this, you will become stronger in a short time." Become the second Lin Xuanshang."

"No matter how strong I am, I will use all my abilities on the battlefield against the enemy, unlike you, who use all my abilities to fight internally."

Xu Yan was unmoved, and said: "Originally, the idea of ​​the higher authorities was to use you to get rid of Lin Xuanshang, but now it seems that if you let it go, then you will be the next Lin Xuanshang. This time, you will not pass the review."

The movement of the surrounding scenery resumed, and Xu Yan got up to leave. Walking out of the courtyard door and passing through the light curtain, the outside is impressively inside a huge warehouse, and there is no blue sky and white clouds at all. There are more than a dozen staff members around, and seven or eight heavily armed soldiers. The two automatic weapon stations kept locking on Lin Xi.

Xu Yan quickly walked into a laboratory and asked, "How is the research going?"

A doctor came over and said: "The quality of the batch of medicines sent over is very fast. Now the process of concentration and reconstitution is going smoothly. It is estimated that all fermentation and separation procedures will be completed in 8 hours, and it will be ready for use."

"Will it work as described?"

"It has been tested in secret many times, and the effect is exactly as expected. It is the latest generation of anti-gene optimization drug, which can fundamentally reverse compile the gene optimization components, eliminate the optimization effect, and destroy the genetic basis to prevent re-optimization."

Xu Yan frowned and said coldly, "This is not what I want."

The doctor hurriedly said: "It has another usage. When it is used for many times with a very small dose, it can cause irreversible damage to the genetic foundation without leaving any traces. In the end, after a few years, the user's genetic optimization will be greatly improved. Slowly degenerates."

"Are you sure you won't leave any traces?"

"As long as the dose is small enough and the number of injections is large enough, it will not be discovered. Even a thorough inspection will not find it out." The doctor said with certainty.

"Very well, we just have enough time. When the new medicine comes out, we will give her an injection."

When Xu Yan walked out of the laboratory, he saw an officer rushing over and shouted, "Director, we have urgent information!"

Xu Yan received the information, glanced at it, and his face changed a little, "Lao Yu ran away? When did it happen?"

"Six hours ago, he boarded the spaceship to the Neptune 6 galaxy four hours ago, and entered the wormhole 20 minutes ago."

Xu Yan's face was a little ugly, and he said, "Why did he leave, did you find out?"

"Someone raided his secret hiding place last night. I don't know what he said to him. After the attacker left, he fled immediately and took his only daughter with him. The attacker's hands and feet were very clean. We only inferred from the scene that someone attack, but no clues or traces could be found."

Xu Yan's face was really ugly, and he shouted: "No one can leave no traces. To expand the search area, we must find this person, and we need to find out what he knows. In addition, send a notice to the Neptune system organization to let They assisted in intercepting Lao Yu."

The officer said: "There are still a few things here that you need to come forward to say hello to all parties, otherwise our rank alone will not be able to suppress it."

Xu Yan glanced at it, cracked the light screen in anger, and said, "This Zhou Shilei has so many things going on at once, can't he pick and choose people when he's dealing with the messy things in his own house?"

The officer next to him said: "It's a surprise that it can be done. I'm afraid he has no choice."

Xu Yan was thoughtful, "You mean, what else did he do without telling me?"

The officer said: "You don't know all these things, do you?"

Xu Yan's eyes were a little cold.

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