God is Coming

Chapter 616 The Worst Result

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The light of dawn sprinkled on the newly awakened city, Duan Xuyan rubbed his eyes, looking very tired. He took off the blood-stained gloves and threw them into the destruction bucket beside him. Blue and white flames erupted from the destruction barrel, burning the gloves to ashes.

"It's finally finished, there are a lot of accidents." Duan Xuyan yawned, took out a spray, took a sip under his nose, and immediately lifted his spirits.

He handed the spray to Chu Jungui and said, "Come and try it, the best excitement and sleep aid. It will give you unlimited energy for the next hour, and then you will enter the deepest sleep, and you can sleep for 3 hours in a row .Let’s digest the information, take a break, and continue. Today’s task is still very heavy.”

The speeding car drove to a quiet small building, drove into the garage and stopped. Duan Xuyan got out of the car and said, "Come on, this place is very safe, it is one of the secret bases I have prepared."

Chu Jungui took the spray, took a deep breath, and analyzed the ingredients contained in it.

The two came to the study on the second floor. Duan Xuyan pressed the table, and a large tactical map appeared, with marks appearing on it.

Duan Xuyan threw the equipment bag on the ground and said: "We carried out a total of six operations last night, hitting 4 direct targets and 2 indirect targets. These operations were mainly aimed at Zhou Shilei, and now his umbrella must be As well as the related people are already exhausted. If you want to keep his position, it depends on how determined Xu Yan is willing to make and how much resources you are going to use. She still has a lot of contacts and resources in her hands. We will save Zhou Shilei. But when she finishes making a decision, we should wake up, at that time..."

Duan Xuyan chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen targets appeared on the map in an instant.

"Achieving these goals will definitely consume all the resources in her hands. At that time, it will depend on how she chooses, whether to continue to suppress the matter, or choose to report to the higher authorities for more support. With her character, Once she reports to the higher-ups, it is equivalent to admitting her incompetence. So she should try her best to hold on, and at this time, just give her another fatal blow, and then we can talk."

Duan Xuyan yawned, shaking a little, and said vaguely: "Okay, I have to sleep. You, why are you still... so energetic..."

Before she finished speaking, Duan Xuyan collapsed on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Jungui covered Duan Xuyan with a blanket, stood in front of the tactical map, and began to analyze the data. Chu Jungui divided the brain into ten areas, let two areas enter a rest state, and the rest continued to work.

Chu Jungui also included the new goal given by Duan Xuyan into the analysis, and stood still, watching the progress bar of the analysis go up little by little. After standing like this for an entire hour, a person suddenly emerged from the massive amount of information and was marked with a key point.

This is a very ordinary man, with a medium build, a medium appearance, a medium education and experience, a medium family background, everything is mediocre. Except for not having a family, he is no different from ordinary people, and it is not surprising that he does not have a family. The data show that he has slightly higher requirements for his partner, which is a line higher than his own. It has been single until now.

He has nothing to do with the Security Bureau, but what makes Chu Jungui focus on him is that he and Xu Yan appear in the same area many times. This is no coincidence, as the frequency of co-occurrences is fairly regularly spaced. There is no data at the end of the trajectory of the two people, just like a black hole, covering up all the truth.

Chu Jungui is connected to the tactical network, and Duan Xuyan's network authority is quite high, which saves him a lot of time to attack the mastermind. Chu Jungui began to dig deep into this person's information, and finally discovered the abnormality. A lot of key information about this person is vague, plausible, incompatible with each other, and difficult to pinpoint accurately. That is, the person's information has been artificially changed, and once investigated, it is possible to trigger an alarm.

How could an ordinary person be treated like this?

Chu Jungui continued to dig deeper into his information, and soon realized the trap. When Chu Jungui is determined to guard against it, even if the trap is a master, it is hard to escape his eyes.

There are indeed experts who have laid out quite clever traps in this man's file information.

Chu Jungui looked at the trap in front of him, thought for a full minute, and finally tapped on the screen to trigger the trap. Of course, this trap will not capture any information about Chu Jungui, the only thing it can do is to sound the alarm. What Chu Jungui wanted was the alarm, to let the people behind the scenes know that he had found this man.

After the alarm was triggered, Chu Jungui opened a series of secret communication channels and ordered a batch of military supplies. Some of these channels come from Dr. Zero, some from special forces, and some from the personal networks of Li Xinyi and Duan Xuyan.

A large quantity of munitions will arrive in 6 hours.

After doing this, Chu Jungui calmed down, waiting for the goods to arrive.

At this time, Dr. Ling suddenly appeared in front of Chu Jungui. The doctor looked at Chu Jungui seriously, and said slowly, "Are you planning to create an unprecedented terrorist incident?"

Chu Junhui replied, "I just want to save one person."

"I'm helping you."

"Really? Thanks."

Dr. Ling sighed, and said: "This case is very complicated, and even involves the high-level officials of the Dynasty. My suggestion is not to act rashly, otherwise it will easily backfire. You know, because of the self-righteousness of that little guy Li Ruobai, let this The case has moved from an ordinary review to a criminal case."

"Without Ruobai, they will find other reasons to turn this case into a criminal case. Those people's goals are like this, and no matter what we do, it will not change. Instead of doing this, it is better to let them know that the consequences of doing so will be What."

Dr. Zero's expression became severe, "You are challenging the authority of the entire dynasty."

Chu Jungui's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "The authority of the dynasty is not defined by certain people. And as far as this case is concerned, a soldier with outstanding military achievements was sentenced for resisting the unfair treatment of the conspirators. The greatest harm to the dynasty! I don’t think that under such circumstances, any dynasty soldiers still need to fight bloody battles!”

Dr. Zero was slightly taken aback: "Has your emotional module mutated?"

The emotion on Chu Jungui's face quickly disappeared, and he said, "No, it's just to strengthen persuasion."

Dr. Zero seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said seriously: "Let's put this matter down now and don't interfere any more. Your childishness will only make things worse!"

Chu Jungui was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head, looked directly into Dr. Ling's eyes, and said, "Doctor, I once thought about what the worst outcome would be."

The doctor frowned slightly, "What is it?"

Chu Jungui did not answer directly, but asked another question: "If I really challenge the dynasty, how much do you think the dynasty will have to pay to eliminate me?"

Dr. Zero didn't answer right away.

How much will it cost to eliminate humanity's first true deep-space warrior?

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