God is Coming

Chapter 617

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After closing the communication with Dr. Ling, Chu Jungui became calm and cold, opened the man's profile again, and dug hard towards the place where the trap was buried in advance. This was quite a violent attack. Chu Jungui broke through the trap before the system had time to respond, and obtained the information inside. Then he left like a ghost.

Duan Xuyan was still fast asleep.

In the dead of night, there are still many rooms with lights on in an ordinary apartment building. A man in the room was still working at his desk, making final improvements to the plan.

In the shadow of the street corner, Chu Jungui saw the image of the entire apartment in his field of vision. He stood motionless like a sculpture in the night wind, silently watching the man work.

Kaitian said in the channel: "This guy has been working on such a simple plan for 5 hours and still hasn't finished it. He is really stupid."

"How do you know?" Chu Jungui asked.

"The time is displayed in the system."

"Well, that's the normal working speed of an average human being."

Kai Tian said again: "I think this guy has to work until midnight every day, and usually doesn't have much entertainment. Does he really have something to do with that woman?"

"Data don't lie."

"It's time for the data to lie." Kai Tian didn't think so.

"Okay, pay attention, someone is coming."

Several flying cars appeared quietly, and they were parked a block away, very cautiously. More than a dozen heavily armed soldiers got off the speeding car, turned on the optical stealth mode as soon as they got off the car, and began to search around. These people are all experts, and they searched all the places where people are most likely to hide, and a soldier passed by Chu Jungui's feet.

Chu Jungui is standing behind a huge billboard at the moment, and has also turned on multiple stealth modes.

After searching quickly, these fighters each searched for a battle position and arranged a secret battle line to secretly surround the apartment building.

An unremarkable speeding car drove up, and two people whose faces could not be seen got off the car. They entered the apartment building and came to the apartment where the man lived. One of the women, who appeared to have the key to the apartment, opened the door and closed it after entering.

The man who was still working at his desk heard the movement, turned around, and saw Xu Yan standing at the door of the study.

"Why are you here?" The man stood up in surprise and joy, and said nervously, "I didn't know you would come. The house is messy and there is no food prepared."

"No need to prepare." Xu Yan's gaze scanned the entire room, and her lens scan showed that there was no abnormality in the room. It's just that this kind of scanning has no effect on the thin layer of black air on the ceiling. Kai Tian completely hid the offspring in the dust.

"I, um, what are you going to do now?" The man was both happy and nervous, a little incoherent.

Xu Yan said with a blank face, "You should sleep well."

The man was a little taken aback, and said, "Sleep? I'm going to sleep, but your appearance scares me..."

"If you fall asleep, you won't be afraid." Xu Yan beckoned, and the young female subordinate behind him walked towards the man.

The man suddenly understood, with a shocked expression on his face: "You want to kill me? Why? What did I do wrong?"

"You are not wrong." Xu Yan said.

"Then, our relationship?"

"It's true, too."

"Then why?"

"Because someone is already investigating you, I can't take this risk. I came to see you for the last time to leave a memory of our past. You should sleep well."

"You!..." The man wanted to struggle, but the young woman had already come behind him, grabbed his throat, pinched it lightly, and made the man open his mouth, and then flicked a drop of liquid medicine into it.

The man's face quickly turned blue, and he fell down slowly. The young woman moved him to the desk, carefully placed him on the ground, arranged a scene where he was struggling briefly after falling to the ground, and then said: "Tomorrow he will be found, showing that he died of acute cerebral infarction."

Xu Yan looked at the man's body with a sad expression for a moment. The young woman reminded: "We can't stay here longer, or the time will not be right. You should go, and you shouldn't have come."

Xu Yan's sadness disappeared, and he recovered his expression as cold as iron, and turned to leave. The young woman stayed for two more minutes to erase all traces before leaving.

When Xu Yan and the young woman left the apartment building, Kai Tian asked: "The attack is really ruthless, what should we do now?"

Chu Junhui replied: "I have already called the police, and the police will arrive in a minute."

"Is it useful to call the police?" Kai Tian was a little puzzled.

Chu Jungui said: "Most of these medicines will take some time to completely disappear, so they need to let the body be discovered tomorrow morning. In this way, no one can find anything. If the police find the body now , maybe you can still find traces of drug residues. In that case, this matter will not be so easy to end."

The police lights flashed in the distance, and several police speeding cars drove quickly and surrounded the apartment building.

A block away, Xu Yan saw this scene through the glass of the flying car, and his face became gloomy. The young woman in the front seat turned around and said, "I found it. Someone called the police just now that there was a murder. Shall I go and stop those policemen?"

"It's already late." Xu Yan's voice was cold, and he tapped the handrail again and again, and said slowly: "Someone is staring at us, and they are nearby. The technique is quite clever. Withdraw all of our people first, and immediately go back and completely Check this area, as long as he has hidden, there must be something left behind."

The young woman gritted her teeth and said, "When we find him, he will definitely regret being born into this world!"

The flying car started and quickly disappeared into the night.

When Chu Jun returned to the hotel, Duan Xuyan had just woken up. He rubbed his eyes, looked at the time again, and jumped up, full of energy.

"You didn't take a break?"

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Chu Jungui shook his head, handed over a light screen, and said, "Here is a document, please take a look."

Duan Xuyan took it, and the information contained the man and everything that just happened that night. Looking at it, his face became serious, and he said, "It's a little troublesome."

Pointing to the light screen, he said to Chu Jungui: "Xu Yan is a woman who does everything well. She actually went to kill that person herself this time. It's not because she is confused, but because she has a very deep relationship with that person. But even with such a deep relationship In terms of feelings, she can also kill people without hesitation, and her methods are quite ruthless. Well, now she must already hate us to death. It is not a pleasant thing to have such an opponent."

"That man doesn't seem to know anything. Maybe he doesn't even know Xu Yan's true identity. Why did he kill him?" Chu Jungui asked.

Duan Xuyan shrugged and said, "She has a family and has two children. Once this kind of thing is exposed, her position will be gone. So you have hit her heart this time."

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