God is Coming

Chapter 618 Anxiety

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Duan Xuyan came to the tactical map, stretched out his hand, and all the icons representing actions disappeared, and then said: "This blow is heavy enough for her, cancel other actions first, and wait and see."

Chu Jungui asked: "Cancel all of them? Shouldn't the pursuit continue at this time? If the police can't find out the cause of the man's death, I still have this in my hand."

Chu Jungui projected a video, which was exactly the information recorded by Kai Tianzi, completely reproducing the whole process of Xu Yan instructing his subordinates to kill his lover with poison.

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Duan Xuyan was also taken aback, thought for a moment and said: "Put this thing away, don't make it public."


Duan Xuyan said: "What we want is the result of the review, not the downfall of Xu Yan. This is politics. In politics, it is far from being life-and-death. Just like Xu Yan's tricks on you, what we want is to let you You retreat in spite of difficulties. And we put pressure on her to let her show her flaws. If there is a flaw, there is talk. But what you are doing now is directly rushing to kill her, so there is no point at all Talk. The ending of the dead end is not what we want."

Chu Jungui was thoughtful, could this be the so-called sense of proportion?

Duan Xuyan said again: "This video must not be leaked, and we can't even show it to the Xu family, unless they want Lin Xi to die. Let's go to sleep for a few days first. I also need to contact a few old friends to find out What's the situation now."

"And Zhou Shilei."

"He's in enough trouble now, he'll probably be transferred, that's enough."

After instructing Chu Jungui not to act rashly, Duan Xuyan left in a hurry. Sitting in the room, Chu Jungui felt as if he had overlooked something. He reviewed all the actions and information of the past few days in an instant, and finally remembered a question: what is the drug that the informant provided for the Security Bureau for?

These batches of drugs are not simple raw materials, but complex compounds in the form of intermediates. This makes it very difficult to judge their efficacy. Chu Jungui can't find it in the public information, and there is even no information about these compounds.

Feeling a little uneasy, Chu Jungui dialed Li Xinyi's communication channel and said, "Xinyi, can you help me find out what the medicine is for?"

Li Xinyi on the other end of the channel was a little surprised and said, "I thought you forgot me. Bring me the name of the medicine."

Chu Jungui sent the information, the girl frowned slightly, and said, "I haven't seen these ingredients before, but I have a friend who may be able to help. Give me some time."

Chu Jungui nodded and turned off the communication channel. At this time, the various military supplies he ordered began to arrive one after another. He set up a portable weapon processing station in the room and began to process some special ammunition.

As time passed by, Chu Jungui became inexplicably uneasy, and he couldn't explain the reason, because the feeling of uneasiness came from the metaphysics component. It seems like something bad is going on.

Chu Jungui silently processed the ammunition, and the special bullets piled up more and more. He looked up at the time, several hours had passed, and Duan Xuyan still hadn't come back.

At this time, Li Xinyi connected to the communication, and the girl sent over a bunch of information composed of countless molecular formulas, saying: "My friend happens to be an expert in molecular biology. He analyzed these intermediates and gave various possible synthesis and formulas. Processing direction. But among all directions, one of the most common uses is to process drugs that reverse gene optimization."

"Reverse optimization?" Chu Jungui's feeling of uneasiness became more obvious.

"It is to destroy the basis of gene optimization and make the gene return to the state between optimization. This drug will cause irreversible damage to the gene, and the degeneration process will last for a year or even longer after use. During this time, the user will be very pain."

"Why did the Security Bureau buy this medicine?" Chu Jungui asked.

Li Xinyi said: "Who knows? There are many shady places in the Security Bureau. Maybe they are used to punish someone, or maybe they are used in other places."

"Is it possible to crack the security bureau's system?"

"No way."

Chu Jungui didn't have any hope at first, he nodded, said to have a good rest, and then turned off the communication.

He stood in the room, motionless. A moment later, Chu Jungui suddenly grabbed a pistol that had just been assembled, swept all the processed bullets into his pocket, and then jumped out of the window, quickly disappearing into the night. Chu Jungui had a strong feeling that he needed to confirm Lin Xi's situation with his own eyes.

Lin Xi was still sitting in the small courtyard, resting on the table with his elbows, taking a nap. The sun is still shining and the wind is blowing comfortably. She didn't go back to sleep, because it was useless to go in, the light inside was always on, just like the sun never sets in the sky at this moment.

This is a very common but usually very effective method. Lin Xi's personal chip has been locked, and even the basic function of telling the time has been turned off. Ordinary people will gradually lose their sense of time, and their psychological defenses will quickly collapse.

At this time, the unchanging scenery outside the courtyard door fluctuated for a while, Zhou Shilei pushed open the courtyard door and walked in. He snapped his fingers, and the surrounding scenery froze, which meant that the surveillance system had been turned off.

Zhou Shilei came to Lin Xi, observed her expression carefully, and asked, "Can you tell me the current time?"

"The parental calendar is 3:11 am on January 12, 3050."

"It's 13 points." Zhou Shilei corrected it, pulled a chair and sat in front of Lin Xi, and said: "I was imprisoned for two full months, and the error in memory of time is only two minutes. I admire you very much."

"I don't need your admiration."

Zhou Shilei smiled and said: "I know, I know. A small person like me will not be taken seriously by you at all. Even if you are locked up here, there are people outside trying to save you. We originally released a smoke screen , Let people outside think that this is just an ordinary review, and it will take a little more time at most. But it seems that there are many people who care about you, and some people can't wait and started to do it. This is more than two months earlier than we expected. "

Lin Xi was unmoved, "This has nothing to do with me."

"If you knew who came to save you, maybe you wouldn't think so. Maybe I can give you a hint, there is a guy named Li Ruobai among the people who came."

"It's him?" Lin Xi's expression moved slightly. Li Ruobai has come, and it is very likely that Chu Jungui will also come.

"It seems that you guessed it. That's right, it was the person who took you away from the wedding." Zhou Shilei leaned back to make himself more comfortable, and said, "After all, they are young and inexperienced. They played a trick, and they took the bait. I caught them and let them go. It's a pity that the emperor's family didn't want to mention the wedding that year, so they couldn't pursue this matter. Originally, they had learned a lesson and should Be honest. But unexpectedly, instead of stopping, they intensified their efforts!"

Zhou Shilei's face suddenly became a little ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You know, they ruined my children, ruined my reputation, ruined my friends, and ruined my position! For this position, I give up I got two chances to be promoted! Twice! And now, all of this is gone!"

"Starting tomorrow, I will be transferred to another department, and I will never come back. I will stay in that idle job until I retire. But now, the people above think that I have one last bit of use." Zhou Shilei grinned grinningly, taking A thin needle came out.

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