God is Coming

Chapter 619 The sun is shining brightly

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Lin Xi sat still, waited until Zhou Shilei got close enough, and then suddenly reached out to grab the syringe. Even though he was very weak, the grasp was still like lightning. However, when she moved a lot, the force field restrained on her body increased exponentially. Lin Xi's fingertips had already touched the syringe, but that was it. The restraining force field was so strong that she couldn't breathe, and she couldn't even move.

Zhou Shilei was not affected by the force field, he smiled triumphantly, pierced the needle into Lin Xi's upper arm, and the liquid medicine was automatically pushed. After the injection, Zhou Shilei threw the syringe directly into the trash can next to it, where it was destroyed by the high-temperature flame.

"What did you call me?" Lin Xi asked.

Zhou Shilei grinned grimly, and said, "The medicine that reverses genetic optimization!"

Lin Xi didn't panic, and said calmly: "You can't afford this responsibility, and neither can the people behind you."

"Don't worry, it won't leave traces. This is just the first injection, and there are many more injections to follow. After all the injections are finished, your genes will slowly degenerate. This process is very long and will last for several years. And in During this process, nothing can be found out. So even if you walk out from here, you will gradually become like me. Goodbye, future female marshal."

After that, Zhou Shilei laughed loudly, then leaned forward slightly, approached Lin Xi, and said, "It's a pity, I will never see you who can make people do whatever they want. If my children were not alive, I really want to scratch every good-looking place on your body. So, goodbye, Marshal Lin Xi. This is the first and last time someone calls you that. Wait until the day when your genes completely degenerate, maybe you will understand, you guys These big families are the cancer of the whole society!"

He paused, took a little breath, and said: "Maybe you think I'm crazy, maybe you still think I'm stupid. But someone has to come out and do something. Without other powers, the big family will only become more and more Big, become uncontrollable, all opportunities and resources will become your pockets, and eventually you will become a country within a country. Do you want to rely on the spontaneous power of society to limit you? That is not at all It is possible. Only the power of the government can control you, weaken you, split you up, so that you will not become monsters. Unfortunately, this is not my job in the future, but someone else will stand up and replace me !"

In the end, Zhou Shilei said: "I have nothing in my life, but I don't regret it. The injustice you have created will eventually bury yourselves."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Shilei bowed deeply to Lin Xi, then turned and left.

Walking out of the light curtain, Zhou Shilei saw Xu Yan standing in front of him. Xu Yan looked at him expressionlessly and said, "It's a wonderful speech."

Although he obviously felt that he had nothing to be afraid of, Zhou Shilei was still a little embarrassed, which was Xu Yan's accumulated power over the years. He said with some embarrassment, "I just hate people like her."

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"Apart from the difference in stance, Lin Xi has nothing to dislike. On the contrary, she is worthy of respect." Xu Yan was a little surprised, she stared at Zhou Shilei with slightly pale eyes, and said slowly: "I am the kind of person you hate. .”

Beads of sweat began to ooze from Zhou Shilei's forehead.

Xu Yan withdrew his gaze and said, "Let's go, forget about everything today, and keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you will miss having a job."

Zhou Shilei didn't dare to say anything, and left in a hurry.

A young woman appeared beside Xu Yan like a ghost, and said softly, "Do you want to destroy him?"

Xu Yan was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "He's worthless, and he won't attract attention. That's it."

"What we're doing is dangerous, and if it gets out, no one can afford it."

Xu Yan pondered for a moment and said, "We really need time now. Maybe giving our opponent a stern warning can buy us back time. Are you sure you can win this person?"

A photo appeared on Xu Yan's personal terminal.

The young woman took a look and said, "I haven't heard of it, is there any information about his fighting?"

Xu Yan sent over a bunch of materials. The young woman watched for a while, closed her eyes, and said after a moment, "He's dead."

Xu Yan finally made up his mind and said, "Go. Be careful, there are a few little guys around him who are also capable. The most important thing is not to hurt them."

"I understand." The young woman disappeared into the shadows.

Xu Yan called one of his confidantes over and said, "One injection must be on time every day, and there must be no mistakes. After 12 injections, it will be replaced with a spray. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, no records will be left."

Zhou Shilei walked all the way, passing through three gates successively. Every time he passed a gate, he would take a deep breath, straighten his appearance, and then stride through with a sense of ritual. He knew that after leaving these gates, he was no longer eligible to come back.

The next step was to go through various handover procedures, and the permissions under Zhou Shilei's name were removed one by one, and finally only the permissions to operate in the lowest confidentiality area remained. In the Security Bureau, the lowest secrecy area is actually a public area, and anyone can visit it. And in this humble gray building, 90% of the area is inaccessible to him.

The handover procedures went very smoothly, most of the people had classic poker faces, and they were business-like, which made Zhou Shilei feel better.

After all the formalities were completed, a clerk led him to the office area on the first floor. This is a large semi-open room, mainly responsible for the research of open intelligence and the application of media and other institutions. Zhou Shilei was taken to a corner workstation. He couldn't believe it, and confirmed it again: "This is my position?"

"Yes, it's here." The clerk was very sure.

"But isn't my level the same as before?" Zhou Shilei argued.

At this time, a voice came from the side: "Your rank is the same as before, but in my department, only me and the other two deputy directors have separate offices."

Zhou Shilei looked up and saw a gentle middle-aged man who was the director of the Administrative Affairs Bureau of the new department. He forced a smile and said hello: "Hello Director Lu. You..."

The middle-aged man said: "I have a meeting right now, let's talk about it tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry.

The clerk gave Zhou Shilei a sympathetic look, shrugged, put the materials in his hand on the desk, and whispered, "Congratulations, you offended Director Lu on the first day."

Zhou Shilei was startled, not knowing why.

The clerk sighed, and stretched out three fingers one by one: "First, the director thinks that this position is to take care of you, but you don't appreciate it; second, the director has always hated you people in the internal and external departments; third, the director has a very good memory. .”

The clerk finally said: "Think about it, have you ever confronted the director in the past? There should be quite a few."

Zhou Shilei was stunned for a moment, but it doesn't matter at the moment, if his immediate boss likes to hate it, let him hate it, anyway, it is impossible for him to be promoted again. He suddenly thought, the so-called strength without desire is used here?

He put away his things and left the gray building. When he walked out of the courtyard, he unexpectedly saw the still bright sun. Only then did he remember that it seemed that this was the first time in the past ten years that he left work on time.

Zhou Shilei laughed at himself, and walked towards his speeding car. As soon as he sat down in the car, a gun barrel was pressed against the back of his head: "Drive forward, go to the place I designated."

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