God is Coming

Chapter 627 Scared

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"What does the old man mean? I haven't understood it after listening for a long time." Sino was a little puzzled.

Chu Jungui pondered for a full ten minutes, which is quite rare for a test subject. After thinking about it, Chu Jungui asked, "Xinuo, do you still have some friends in the Federation?"

"Of course! After all, I used to be one of the young generals in the entire federation, and my friends... naturally there are not too many. Forget it, there are not many who can be used now, but there are still a few people who are willing Help me. What are you going to do?"

"I want to help me find out who are the key figures in the Xu family through your intelligence channel in the Federation."

"The Xu family? Is it Xu Bingyan's Xu family?"

"Xu Bingyan is a member of the Xu family, but he is not the same as the Xu family." Chu Jungui explained.

"Isn't that Xu Bingyan's Xu family? Well, I know, I'll go to the starship and ask them to send this code, and we'll have news when we get to the next jump point. But to be honest, I don't know. I feel that apart from Xu Bingyan, there is no other person in the Xu family who can be compared to him."

Chu Jungui said: "You think so highly of Xu Bingyan?"

"The entire federation has a very high opinion of him! It is no exaggeration to say that he is now our number one enemy! The federation is already planning a variety of methods to kill him. It has been a full 100 years, and the federation has never experienced anything like this. Such a failure as the Battle of the Longitudinal Line."

"Wait, you just said that the Federation is trying to get rid of Xu Bingyan?"

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Xinuo was puzzled, but Chu Jungui had a bad feeling and said, "That's right, they are just afraid of the Xu family."



In Dynasty, the capital's extraterrestrial space base, a meeting has just ended. Everyone who walked out of the conference room was famous, and there were many who held the marshal's scepter, and those who had military positions were at least generals.

Xu Bingyan walked out of the conference room calmly with an unchanging pace. An old man caught up from behind and walked side by side with him, and said casually: "I have heard that you do things like clockwork, I just observed it, and sure enough, every step takes the same time and distance. "

Xu Bingyan bowed slightly to show respect, and then said: "This is for the convenience of myself and others."

"Convenient for others?"

"With rules and plans, people around me will know what I am doing now and what I plan to do next, and the efficiency will increase."

The old man nodded: "It makes sense! By the way, I heard that the Federation has made a lot of small moves against you recently. You have to be careful, at least during this period of time, you can no longer do things like before. For the convenience of your own people At the same time, it is also convenient for the enemy."

Xu Bingyan said: "I have also heard about this. It is said that their method is not just as low-level as assassination. So I am going to give them some opportunities."

The old man raised his eyebrows and said with great interest, "Opportunity?"

"Yes, an opportunity." Xu Bingyan stopped and said, "If I don't do something, or ask the people around me to do something, they won't find anything against me. Wouldn't that be too boring?"

The old man laughed and said: "What a bold and interesting idea! But as someone who has experienced it, I still want to remind you that it is almost enough. After all, this kind of battlefield never determines the overall situation. As a person who will soon get his scepter People, your eyes should be on the frontal battlefield."

"That's natural, if the higher-ups decide to go to war."

The old man said: "Half of the key to war is in our hands, and half is in the hands of the enemy. However, as long as they dare to use it, we will follow."

The long passage had come to an end, Xu Bingyan and the old man separated and walked out the gate. Another old man came over and asked, "How does it feel to be in touch?"

"He is also willing to take some time to find excuses and cover-ups. He is not the kind of person who cannot communicate at all. And he is willing to leave some handles. These handles can be with the enemy, and of course they can be with us."

"Very clever. What about his lust for war?"

"It's not obvious yet, but his talent on the field is unmatched, and he has enough ambition and desire. We need him."

The old man later nodded, "Yes, the people of the Lin family are also talented, but they are too inflexible. This makes us sometimes win a war, and the gains are no different from losing."

"They are too arrogant. The dynasty is the dynasty of everyone. Winning a war is the result of concerted efforts. It is not the credit of a certain family or individual. But the old man won't listen to it."

"I heard that the old man is very dissatisfied with some recent events, and may speak up."

"We respect him." The old man said meaningfully.

When the old-fashioned fighter was approaching the meeting point, it suddenly received a very weak signal. If it was not close to a certain range, it would not be able to receive this positioning signal at all.

Xinuo flew towards the positioning signal in the fighter plane, and Chu Jungui suddenly said, "Do you think Lin Xi will be in danger?"

"According to that uncle's words, no, but the uncle is a bit unreliable. I don't think his key predictions are right." Sino said unceremoniously.

"What do you think?"

Xinuo shrugged his shoulders and said: "If this kind of thing doesn't come out, they will win. If Lin Xi is really full of injections, there will be no evidence at that time, and he will only suffer. But no one would have thought that you would go to Blow up the Security Bureau, damn it, you actually did this kind of thing! Now Lin Xi has pinholes on his body, and there is also evidence of testing the ingredients of the drug, plus the black market dealer, the whole chain of evidence is complete. Generally speaking Said that the next step is to negotiate."

"Negotiation?" Chu Jungui was a little confused, is there still a need for negotiation at such a time?

"It's not a bloodbath, it's bloody politics. It's happened, and it's usually talked about first to see if we can agree on something. The other side pays the price, we get compensated, and that's it. "

"They should have paid the price!" Chu Jungui became murderous again.

"No, they don't need to pay any price, if Lin Xi is still locked up."

"In other words, they paid the price not because they did something wrong, but because they didn't play well?"

"That's right."

Chu Jungui was silent for a while, and asked, "How do you know this?"

Sino showed an exaggerated expression: "I'm a general! How do you think I became a general? Is it just because of my skills and military exploits?"

"Depending on your family?" Chu Jungui guessed.

"Of course not! Rely on wisdom!" Sino pointed to his head.

Chu Jungui looked at him suspiciously. Judging from the past records, he really couldn't see that there was anything outstanding about this guy's intelligence.

Xinuo felt guilty when Chu Jungui looked at him, so he had to say: "Okay! To tell you the truth, since as long as I can remember, the elders in my family have been talking about this in my ears every day."

"You remember everything?"

"Of course not! Otherwise, how could he become such a bird."

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