God is Coming

Chapter 628 Guard

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A small starship hovered in the cold and deep sky, and fighter planes flew into the starship and docked at the berth.

There is no one in the starship. This is a small starship specially used for deep space exploration, and it can perform multiple long-distance jumps in a row. Chu Jungui set up the N7703 galaxy, activated the starship, and jumped into deep space.

When Chu Jungui returned to planet 4, everything here was developing step by step. The size of the orbital station has been expanded, and two frigates are under construction at the same time. Will, Roland and a group of officers who stayed behind arranged everything in an orderly manner. A high-speed passage has been built between the two bases on the ground, and the ark can go back and forth in a few hours. With the delivery of the first batch of starships, orders from Star Pirates have come in like a snowflake, and the purchase intention has exceeded 30 ships.

Chu Jungui did not plan to sell all the starships, but kept half of them for his own use.

The base is booming, but Chu Jungui is a little unhappy.

Sino, who arrived at the base for the first time, quickly found his place after the initial shock, and devoted himself to the design and construction of the starship. After all, he was the commander of the Starship Fleet. Compared with the commanders of mixed legions such as Will and Roland, he has more professional opinions on starships.

On the second day after returning to planet 4, two dynasty military starships came to the high orbit of planet 4 and asked to see King Chu by name.

Chu Jungui arranged the meeting place in the conference room of the orbital station. Under normal circumstances, he would not allow outsiders to enter the base on the surface of the planet.

This time, two colonels from the Dynasty military came over, and they directly explained their intentions after seeing Mr. Chu returned. They are all officers of the Fourth Fleet. On the one hand, on behalf of the dynasty, they want to conduct a formal assessment of the strength of the Light Year Legion in order to assess the level. Most of the legions in the dynasty are semi-independent, and the legions like Light Year, which are stationed outside the official star field of the dynasty, are actually independent.

The dynasty will conduct regular evaluations on each legion, and then determine the corresponding level. The subsidies and material supplies that different levels receive from dynasties are very different, and it will also affect the dynasties' assignment tasks.

Chu Jungui naturally knew these rules, but he didn't expect the evaluation to come so quickly.

After a colonel routinely introduced the evaluation rules, he sent the application materials to Chu Jungui, asking him to fill them out by himself. The evaluation level is not the higher the better. The higher the level, the more difficult the tasks issued by the dynasty will be. Once they cannot be completed or not completed well, it means that the material distribution and subsidies for the next year will be greatly reduced.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui filled in the information with 2,000 combatants, 3,000 logistics and engineering personnel, 100 planetary surface tanks, two frigates, and one transport ship.

After receiving the information, the colonel did not check it, but just looked at it and said: "Major Chu, you are still the battalion commander of the special forces, and you can form a 500-man army. These can also be counted in the strength of the army. After a comprehensive evaluation, The Light Year Legion has already reached the standard of star ranks, and it is tentatively designated as a one-star legion, what's your opinion?"

"No." Chu Jungui shook his head. The one-star army is the lowest star army. If all the strength of the light year is reported, it should be rated as two stars. But now Chu Jungui has already taken some precautions against the dynasty, and does not intend to expose all his strength.

The colonel didn't get to the bottom of it, put away the information, and said: "The strength of the Light Year Corps seems to be lower than what we know, but this is not important, I will report it according to the information. The next thing is some affairs of our Fourth Fleet, Let Colonel Liu speak."

Another colonel handed over a list of supplies. It turned out that the strength of the 4th Fleet was not as good as that of the 9th Fleet. After the defense was changed, there were also two squadrons, and the 4th Fleet felt great pressure. In this case, the 4th Fleet noticed Chu Jungui and his Light Year Army.

Although the scale of Light Year is not large, it has successfully developed orbital shipbuilding. Although the only frigates that can be built at present are more or less supplementary. As a regular fleet of the dynasty, the 4th Fleet of course looks down on the starships built by Light Years. What they need is a large amount of basic supplies, energy, and transport ships.

The 4th Fleet needs Chu Jungui to provide them with these materials, and build a transport ship, and then send them to the fleet mobile base, and then the 4th Fleet will pay according to the purchase price on the list.

This requirement is easy for Chu Jungui to satisfy, and the purchase price is quite generous, even higher than that of the Ninth Fleet. So Chu Jungui agreed. However, he also made a few requests, mainly to open up the procurement of some starship equipment, and to establish a data base station in the N7703 galaxy.

The two colonels hesitated for a moment, but they still agreed, but only one data base is provided for free, and if they want more, they will have to pay.

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

With the data base station, you can keep in touch with the outside world, but when the war starts, the data base warfare is also the enemy's top priority to destroy the target. Now the entire star field is not very peaceful, the truce negotiations are very difficult, and the war may restart at any time.

The 4th Fleet was very efficient and sent the data base station over the next day. Chu Jungui also adjusted the production sequence, putting aside all the orders from the Star Pirates, and used nearly half of the production capacity to produce materials for the 4th Fleet. A 10,000-ton small transport ship can be sold for roughly 100 million if it is filled with basic supplies. With the current production capacity of the base, one can be completed in half a month.

After the data base station was in place, Chu Jungui received the news from Duan Xuyan. The current situation has stabilized, and all parties tried their best to suppress the incident. They only said that the energy supply system of the Security Bureau exploded. Lin Xi has now regained his limited freedom, and his body has undergone a thorough examination. Basically, there is nothing serious. Now the two sides are negotiating the terms of compensation, the progress is not optimistic, but there is still progress.

As a compensation condition, Lin Xi's review should end soon, and he will be compensated for his military achievements. Chu Jungui's charges were also lightened accordingly, and it is estimated that he will be fine if he hides outside for a while.

After receiving this news, Chu Jungui finally relaxed. It's not a big deal not to be able to return to the dynasty's core star field for the time being, the test subjects have patience.

Seeing that the situation was calm, Sino proposed to take a look at the Federation. He still has some channels in the Federation to buy some special equipment for building starships. Chu Jungui's base has developed to the current stage, and its production capacity is close to the bottleneck. After all, the efficiency of general-purpose manufacturing machines is far inferior to that of specially designed and developed production lines.

Sino is not optimistic about the current stable situation. He believes that war will break out again soon, and the need for starships will never end. His suggestion is to first buy a production line dedicated to the production of armor modules. This kind of armor module is like the reinforced concrete of the construction industry in the parent star era, and it is the most basic material of the starship.

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