God is Coming

Chapter 630 Perfection

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Chu Jungui and Xinuo stepped out of the speeding car, in front of them was a pyramid building standing straight above the crater.

Sino looked around and said, "A bank built on the crater? Got an idea."

"Aren't all banks built on craters?" Chu Jungui asked.

"I know that's a metaphor, but it's not quite the metaphor. Aren't banks all conservative? It hasn't changed in 1,500 years."

"Volcanoes don't erupt every day."

Sino was just realizing this, when a young employee hurried over, with a warm professional smile, and said, "Hello, I'm Jack! You can talk to me about anything later. I'll take you guys first." Go in, the battle armor can be stored on the first floor."

The air of this planet is completely unbreathable, and the surface environment does not allow people to move freely without the protection of armor. Many large companies have dedicated armor donning and storage areas, just like the parking lot and bag storage area in the old days.

Chu Jungui and Xinuo entered the hall, and on the side were rows of individual armor replacement rooms. After taking off the armor, the armor will be taken away and stored, and a digital certificate will be sent to the personal terminal at the same time.

Chu Jungui and Xinuo walked out easily, and Xinuo asked: "The compartment in the row behind me is very big, but when I want to go in, it tells me that my model does not match? Your statement about class distinctions is very refreshing. ah!"

Jack laughed and said, "That's really a mismatch. Some of us here think it's very troublesome to go back and forth by flying car. We bought the kind of armor that can fly short distances, and we fly directly to work when we go out. We are all part-time workers. , the miniaturized flight power system is too expensive, and we can only afford the extra-large one. So we need a special replacement room."

"This life is very exciting." Sino looked at the scene of lava erupting everywhere outside the window.

Jack led the two upstairs and into the meeting room. Sino seemed a little dissatisfied, and said, "Only the third floor?"

Jack smiled unchanged, and said: "Although you two are from the Red Sea Group, you currently have no information or assets in our bank. There will be some restrictions on higher floors, please understand."

Sino was even more dissatisfied, and said: "I don't ask for the treatment of a private bank, but there must be VIPs, right? Senior ones are not acceptable, but junior ones are also acceptable. I think this place is at best better than a business point."

Jack's smile remained unchanged, and he said: "Actually, our sales department only targets big local customers, so the environment is much better than here."

Sino snorted, and said coldly: "I used to be a private bank blue card customer of Galaxy Bank! Galaxy is the biggest bank, right?"

Jack continued to smile without expressing anything, obviously capturing the key word "before".

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After Sino lost his temper, he remembered the reality that he didn't even have a credit account. Although he was very unhappy, he didn't say anything more. After all, "was once rich" is not something to brag about.

After Sino calmed down, Jack asked: "The Pioneer Bank has a wide range of businesses, from the most basic deposits, transfers, safekeeping and other businesses, to various investment banking businesses, and even investment fields, there are places that can serve you."

"Have you dabbled in technology?" Chu Jungui asked.

"Technology?" Jack's smile froze, this was an unexpected question. However, he reacted quickly, and immediately continued: "Our system has a high technological content, and the headquarters building, as you can see, is also a crystallization of high technology. Are you two here to save money?"

Chu Jungui shook his head, "No, borrow money."

Jack's smile became stronger immediately, "Ah! So we may need to change the conference room. After all, it's a bit rough here. I see that there is a conference room on the 5th floor that is empty, and we can go there for a detailed discussion. Before leaving, I May I take the liberty to ask, how much do you intend to borrow?"

Chu Jungui quickly went through the information of Kaifeng Bank in his mind, and felt that he had to be a little bit more measured, so he couldn't scare them, so he secretly evaluated it, and tentatively said, "50 million?"

Jack was in awe: "The 5th floor will definitely not work! Let's go to the 15th floor!"

Jack's reaction was beyond Chu Jungui's expectation. Just as the three of them walked out of the door of the conference room, Jack asked again: "Do you plan to use long-term or short-term loans?"

"None, issue bonds." Chu Jungui had already considered this point.

Little Jack was shocked, and said: "Wait, wait! The 15th floor is not suitable for your status, I am very sorry! I have to ask my superiors about this matter immediately, please wait a minute, just a minute!"

He sent a message in a hurry, and there was a reply in a blink of an eye. With a flushed face, Jack took Chu Jungui and Xinuo into the elevator and went straight up to the 25th floor.

As soon as the elevator door is opened, there is a beautifully arranged dry landscape, which is in stark contrast to the monotony of the lower area.

Someone was already waiting in the conference room, he looked about the same age as Sino, with a carefully trimmed mustache. Seeing Chu Jungui and Xinuo, he greeted them with a smile, shook hands warmly, and said, "I am Nolan, and I am currently working here.... The position is not important, let's get straight to the point."

The three of them sat down, and Nolan's eyes stayed on Sino for a moment, and then looked at Chu Jungui: "Bond issuance is an area we are vigorously developing at present. We issue bonds to the entire Federation, and even the dynasty and the community. But At present, I have limited information about the two, can I ask some questions?"

"Yes." Chu Jungui nodded.

Although he kept smiling, Nolan's gaze was as sharp as an eagle's, not letting go of any subtle changes in Chu Jungui's expression, and then asked: "Is the company under your name the issuer of the bond?"


"Can I ask what you've been doing so far?"

Chu Jungui pondered, and then tried to say something that the banker could understand and liked: "We mainly provided some services in the past."

Nolan smiled and said, "Providing services? I like it! Can you tell me more about it?"

"To be more specific, at the beginning of the company's development, it was mainly to eliminate the competitor's ground forces. After the mid-term business development matured, it occupied the opponent's two planetary bases. Some time ago, we also began to diversify, mainly providing starship repair, Businesses such as resupply and recharging have also attempted to upgrade and transform weapon systems. Oh, by the way, during the cooperation period, we also provide basic security guarantees.”

Nolan's smile was a little unnatural, and he asked, "What kind of security guarantee?"

"Competitors sent fleets to destroy my shipyard, and I had to destroy several of their light cruisers to be safe. Recycling parts and materials is our specialty, which also keeps our costs down significantly."

"Light cruisers...several ships...Okay, I understand." Nolan rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "I have roughly understood your business scope, and there is no problem at all. However, further guarantees are needed for the issuance of bonds , how can I trust that your cash flow will be able to pay principal and interest in the future?"

Chu Jungui pondered, and said: "I have some orders in hand, which can be used as guarantee."

"Because the uncertainty is relatively high, we will not accept general orders. After all, many customers will have difficulty paying. I hope you can understand this. But I want to know who are the customers of these orders ?”

"Star Thief."

"Perfect!" Nolan slapped his thigh hard, and said, "When will the contract be signed?"

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