God is Coming

Chapter 631 Chain Reaction

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The terms of the bond issuance contract were better than what Chu Jungui had imagined, and the actual bond issuance would be a month later, which was already a very fast progress. However, Pioneer Bank promised the terms of guaranteed minimum issuance, and only charged a 5% handling fee, and transferred the full amount of the bond to Chu Jungui's account. Of course, the account is opened at Pioneer Bank.

Nolan personally sent Chu Jungui and Xinuo out of the gate, watched them get on the special flying car for top customers of the bank, and then returned.

Little Jack came over and said, "Although they are rare customers, isn't the treatment we give a bit too good?"

"Great?" Nolan laughed, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, you haven't been on the battlefield, so you don't know what they're talking about. If you've been on the battlefield for a few years, you won't think so. "

"How do you know they're not bragging?"

Nolan stopped in his tracks and said, "What they're saying just happens to fit with a certain war I know, and one of them is someone I know, so that's a complete match. I think I already know them roughly. Who is it?"

Little Jack expressed admiration: "You are so insightful, you can't hide anything from you!"

Nolan smiled slightly and said, "Don't do this! You have a good talent. If you want to develop, you can't just rely on flattery. Of course, you can't save the necessary flattery, understand?"


"Just understand, follow those two people and find out what they did. Those two guys' appetite will never be only 50 million."

Little Jack immediately hailed a speeding car and chased Chu Jungui and the two of them.

Nolan walked into a special elevator and went straight to the 30th floor. The area of ​​this floor is not very big, but he walked into a scary big office, the floor-to-ceiling windows faced a winding lava river in the distance.

He stood quietly in front of the window for a while before turning on his personal terminal. A moment later, a shrewd and capable stunning woman appeared on the terminal. Although she was wearing bright lipstick, her eyes were very cold.

"Is something wrong?" the woman asked coldly.

Nolan said: "Sister, I think it is necessary for you to come to the Red Ocean. I found two very interesting people here."

The woman frowned slightly and said, "I'm very busy."

"Come here no matter how busy you are, it's definitely worth it!" Nolan said hastily.

The woman looked at him quietly, and said after a few minutes: "It seems that you are very confident in yourself. Well, I will come here once. If I find you exaggerating, you know the consequences."

Before Nolan could answer, she cut off the communication, and a message came a moment later: Arrival in 40 hours.

"40 hours!" Nolan jumped up, rushed out of the office, and shouted, "Where's the person?!"

The secretary was startled, and hurried up to meet her. Before she could speak, Nolan quickly said: "Go quickly, find me a whole set of textbooks on currency banks and derivatives! I want everything, immediately, immediately!"

The secretary flew away.

Chu Jungui's flying car stopped firmly in front of a square building. This time the building was finally built on solid ground, some distance away from the active volcano and the lava river.

Sino got off the car, looked up at the mountain-like building, but couldn't see the top. The upper half of this gigantic building with a height of more than 1,000 meters was completely hidden in the clouds.

Looking at the majestic gate and the LOGO tens of meters in size, Sino said: "Hengyuan Bank, this is the fourth largest bank in the federation and the second oldest bank. Their slogan is to be as far away as the Milky Way. Listen Hearing this slogan, you know there must be a bunch of old guys in formal suits sitting there from morning to night! Of course you can’t die if you don’t take risks. I think we seem to have come to the wrong place, and they won’t help us.”

"They will." Chu Jungui walked into the building first.

After a while, the two walked into a large retro-style conference room, where a dozen people were already sitting in a row waiting.

Chu Jungui and Xinuo sat in front of the whole row of people. The key point was that there were only two chairs, and there was not even a table in front of them. It was as if they were on trial.

Sino seemed a little unnatural, and resisted it so as not to have an attack. Chu Jungui sat down calmly, his eyes swept across the crowd expressionlessly.

An old man in the middle coughed and said slowly, "Are you planning to issue debt?"

"Yes, 50 million." Chu Jungui went straight to the point.

The old man looked a little unhappy, and said: "The complexity and danger of the capital market are beyond your imagination, and this is not your cash machine, you can do whatever you want. At least, we don't know you yet."

Chu Jungui said calmly: "This is a transparent society. Since Pioneer Bank already has my basic information, you must have it too."

The old man took a deep look at Chu Jungui, and said: "I have to admit, this information is impressive, if it is not fake. But a great company, in addition to choosing the right business track, Management is also very important. I don't know anything about your management..."

Chu Jungui pondered, and then said: "One thing I can explain is that in our main business field, you should find it difficult to find a better management team than us. Just in the past 12 months, from the planetary ground In space, nearly 20 generals have been defeated by us, and most of them were disastrous."

Sino suddenly felt that the chair under his butt was a little hot.

"We will verify this." The old man discussed with the people around him in a low voice, and then said: "Unfortunately, for now, your business is still too risky for us."

"There is no risk." Chu Jungui raised the contract bag in Yang's hand and said, "The Pioneer Bank just promised to issue 50 million debts for us. I can take this contract and put your repayment order on them." above."

The old man's eyes lit up, he discussed a few words with the people around him in a low voice, and said: "Although we don't fully agree with the style of Pioneer Bank, we still recognize their professionalism. If you would like to share this contract If you put it in and make a structured bond issuance agreement, we are willing to serve you."

"I am also very willing, 100 million." Chu Jun returned.

"What? Didn't you say 50 million?" The old man was taken aback.

Chu Jungui said calmly: "With 50 million yuan, you will have no risk. This is not in line with the rules of the game. The capital market should only have easy money, not free money."

The old man discussed with the left and right for a while, and Fang said: "Risk means reward, this is an eternal truth. Well, we can do it, when will we sign..."

"This is a contract." Chu Jungui had already prepared the contract.

An hour later, Chu Jungui and Xinuo walked out of the Hengyuan Bank building, and a stretched speed car exclusive to Hengyuan Bank's major customers was already waiting at the door.

Sino looked at the bank account, and couldn't believe his eyes: "Is that how 142.5 million got into the account?"

"This is just the beginning." Chu Jungui said casually.

"Where are we going next?" Sino's eyes were full of anticipation.

Chu Jungui pondered, "With the endorsement of Pioneer and Hengyuan Bank, our credit is already very high. Next, we should find a bank with a truly innovative spirit."

After speaking, Chu Jungui sent a document.

Sino saw it, and immediately lifted his spirits: "Chain reaction? The name sounds violent!"

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