God is Coming

Chapter 632: True Pioneering Spirit

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Chain Reaction is not a big bank. Its business is basically concentrated on this planet, and it has just begun to try to expand to other galaxies. In their own words, the extragalactic business is developing at a high speed, and the growth rate far exceeds that of several major banks. Although this is true, it is quite watery. The reason for the 100% growth of the extragalactic business is the increase from one outlet to two.

Chu Jungui doesn't care whether their extragalactic business is big or small, as long as they have it. Having business, even if there is only one branch, means that this bank is qualified for the inter-bank system transactions of the entire federation.

This time, Chu Jungui was greeted by a senior manager of the bond department and her entire team. Her impassioned introduction lasted a full half hour before coming to a close.

Chu Jungui pondered for a moment and said, "I heard that you are a bank with a truly pioneering spirit."

"Exactly!" The female manager smiled like a flower.

"Having a pioneering spirit, according to my understanding, means..." Chu Jungui paused, swallowed 'willing to take higher risks', and replaced it with 'willing to obtain higher returns'.

The female manager couldn't agree more: "This is the key to our growth rate far exceeding that of our competitors."

Chu Jungui said: "May I know how many bonds you and your team have issued in the past three months?"

The female manager smiled reservedly and said, "Speaking of which, I'm afraid it will impress you. In the last quarter that just ended, we issued a total of more than 200 million bonds, accounting for 40% of the entire department."

Sino immediately lost interest. This is a very small bank, even though the name is very explosive. Those real giants may be able to issue tens of billions of dollars in a single bond.

But Chu Jungui was not disappointed, and said: "Now let's talk about our cooperation, you should know that we have just successfully issued two bonds in Hengyuan and Pioneer, but to be honest, I have little confidence in you. "

The female manager's smile froze, and she hurriedly said: "Our scale is indeed not comparable to Hengyuan, but we can provide you with tailor-made financial products! These products..."

"Where is the product?" Chu Jungui asked.

The female manager gritted her teeth, stood up abruptly, and said, "If necessary, I can design it now! The whole process only takes about a week."

Chu Jun was fine, but the team members behind the female manager were chattering a little uneasy. The female manager turned around and yelled: "Shut up! It's been a long time for a week, and you can even sleep for an hour and a half every day! It doesn't matter if you work slowly, I will apply for stimulants for you, and a shot will be fine. The kind that doesn’t sleep for a week, it’s free!”

All the employees were silent, staring fixedly at the table in front of them, not daring to make eye contact with the female manager.

"Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I have already designed the product. You can see if it can be used." Chu Jungui sent a series of materials.

When the female manager opened it, the smile on her face froze, sweat was slightly dripping on her forehead, and she said, "This amount seems a bit..."

"This amount can increase your performance this quarter by 400% compared to last quarter, and your net income may exceed 1000%." ​​Chu Jungui said calmly.

"But..." The female manager shook her head with some difficulty, and said, "The support of Hengyuan and Blazers alone is not enough, you need more collateral, or..."

Chu Jungui looked at her, and suddenly said, "What if it's 400 million?"

"400 million is not a big problem." The female manager was obviously relieved.

"Okay, let's discuss the remaining 600 million. I can provide some additional orders as a guarantee, but these orders are not as stable as before."

The female manager took the order information, read it carefully, and said, "The customers of these orders are all star thieves?"

"Yes. It's just that some of the customers of this batch of orders are not in the Federation, so you haven't heard much about their names. Some of them are relatively small, so their ability and scope of business development are limited. The last one is On the federal wanted list, it seems that there is a possibility of being completely wiped out."

The female manager's expression remained unchanged, and she continued: "Indeed, if you issue bonds with this batch of orders as a guarantee, the rating will be much lower than your previous two bonds, and it will not be as good as the previous 400 million rating."

"What is the specific level?"

"The highest level is naturally the government bonds issued by the Dynasty and the Federation. We call it the risk-free level. Then some large companies such as Deep Space Energy, the Commonwealth Bank, etc. issue level 1, and the Star Control Industrial Group issues level 2. Galaxy grade bonds are issued at grade 3. Therefore, the first 3 grades can be classified as investment grade, and individual grade 4 bonds with particularly good quality can also be classified as investment grade.” The female manager explained in detail.

"That is to say, my first two debts, including your 400 million, are both grade 4? The remaining 600 million is grade 6?"

"Yes. Level 6 is junk."

Chu Jungui asked: "If there are buyers for these bonds, would you be willing to raise their rating?"

The female manager took a deep look at Chu Jungui and said, "Of course not! However, we can try to reconstruct them."

"Rebuild?" Chu Jungui didn't understand.

"Yes, similar to this..." The female manager quickly picked out a few orders from Chu Jungui and put them together. Among them is a level 4 order, 3 levels 5 and 1 level 6 order. "If these orders are issued separately, the rating will not change. But we bundle them together. Since the distribution areas of the order subjects are different and the business scope is different, this effectively disperses the risk, that is to say. , their ratings will go up.”

The female manager quickly constructed a new model and came up with a rating: 4.

"Impressive!" Chu Jun praised.

"This is where you need us." The female manager looked proud.

"So the 1 billion is okay?"

The female manager was taken aback for a moment, hesitated a little, and Chu Jungui said, "I can be responsible for the sales of 300 million yuan, but the condition is that you are responsible for the underwriting of the rest, just like Hengyuan and Pioneer."

The female manager finally made up her mind, gritted her teeth and said, "No problem!"

When Chu Jungui walked out of the chain reaction bank, a notification tone was sent to his and Sino's personal terminals. Sino rubbed his eyes vigorously, looked at it several times in a row, and said, "That's how 1 billion came?"

"995 million." Chu Jungui corrected.

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