God is Coming

Chapter 638: Not Enough Trash

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Since Sino didn't intend to talk about his past, Chu Jungui didn't intend to ask too much, and continued to bury his head in the information and data. But looking at it, his brows frowned.

"What's the matter?" Sino asked cautiously, "The one just now did something, right? This is really like her style, and she avenged her on the way."

Chu Jungui shook his head and said, "I just discovered a problem. Now that Jeffrey's Ross is here, we will soon see people from other investment banks and institutions appear. They must gain something when they come, or Say, we've got to give them something."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

Chu Jungui sighed and said, "The problem is, we don't have enough orders."

"You mean those orders in the back? Aren't they all rubbish?" Sino said.

"There's not even enough garbage!" Chu Jungui was a little depressed.

"This...is a bit crazy." Sino was speechless.

At this time, the housekeeper came in and said softly, "Mr. Bolton from the Platinum Bay Group wants to see you and is already waiting at the door."

Chu Jungui immediately stretched his eyebrows, put on a calm and calm expression, and said lightly: "Please come in."

A few minutes later, an elegant middle-aged man sat in front of Chu Jungui, introduced the Platinum Bay Group with a simple, elegant and impeccable grammar, and inadvertently pointed out that he was in An important position in the group, and some kind of unclear secret relationship with a certain big man in the group.

It is really not easy to squeeze so much content into a space of a few hundred words.

After introducing himself, he changed his posture and said, "Dear Mr. Chu, I'm here this time..."

"How much do you want?" Chu Jungui interrupted him.

The man was obviously very surprised. He was taken aback for a moment, and made up his mind to skip the lengthy persuasion process, and said, "2 billion! 1 billion is secured, and 1 billion is unsecured."

"No problem, this is a contract." Chu Jungui directly sent a contract.

The man accepted it subconsciously and said, "Is this a standard contract?"

"Of course not, it's customized. It also has your group's name on it."

"I'm afraid I don't have the right to sign the contract on the spot..." The man turned pale.

"Understood." Chu Jungui smiled, "This contract is valid within 6 hours, and all collateral will be locked within the time limit."

The man stood up suddenly, and shook hands with Chu Jungui: "Thank you very much! I'm afraid I have to go back immediately, and I will visit you in a few hours!"

Chu Jungui made a gesture of seeing off the guests, and said, "In this case, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you."

"Of course!" Bolton laughed and strode away. When he walked out of the hotel suite, he turned around to look at the two majestic and gorgeous doors, feeling a little dazed for some reason.

Before he could understand how he got the contract, he saw the elevator door open in front of him, and a charming young woman walked out. When the two saw each other, they were shocked, and instantly overflowed with murderous aura.

"You came first?" The young woman said in a bad tone.

Bolton raised the light screen in his hand and said with a smile, "The conversation is over, and I have gained something."

The young woman was short of breath, then calmed down, and said, "Then it seems that I have to work harder. If I lose to you, my face will be lost."

She directly unbuttoned the two buttons on her chest and walked into the room.

Bolton's smile froze on his face, and he cursed in a low voice after a while, then swung his fist vigorously at the tightly closed door, and flew away.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, Chu Jungui interrupted the woman's lobbying, sent over a contract, and said, "I already understand the superior market position of Excalibur Group, and I also understand that you are more respected than Mr. Bolton. Out of respect for God With the respect of the Sword Group and the recognition of your beauty, I can offer this contract."

The woman was a little surprised, took a look at the contract, and said, "2.5 billion, of which 1.1 billion is guaranteed? This...well, it is indeed better than Bolton's. But can't it be more?"

She asked seriously, leaning forward to maximize the effect of the two buttons.

It's a pity that such an offensive has no effect on Chu Jungui at all. Chu Jungui's eyes wandered around normally, neither deliberately avoiding nor stealing glances, just like normal. The woman even wondered if he would not change even if she sat here naked.

Chu Jungui said: "There are other respected institutions in this market, and I don't have many orders that can be used as guarantees. I need to reserve some for them. In fact, in this contract you have The guaranteed part is the most, after all, my remaining orders are less than 2 billion."

The young woman smiled sweetly and said without entanglement, "I'm very happy when you say that!"

She swished and signed her name on the contract, and returned the contract to Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui opened it and took a look. This time it was his turn to be surprised: "Has it been signed?"

The young woman proudly said: "Of course, this time I came here, I got the full authorization of the group, and the contract of less than 3 billion can be signed on the spot. But, you really don't plan to give me another 500 million?"

"That's all for the guarantee." Chu Jun returned.

The young woman bit her lip, and suddenly sent a contract, which was an unsecured and unsecured bond issuance contract of 499 million yuan.

Chu Jungui was taken aback, "Is this okay?"

"There are still a lot of people waiting and watching! Even with the 500 million, their guarantee ratio will not be higher than ours. Anyway, they are all at the bottom, why don't I use up the authorization?"

Chu Jungui laughed, and said, "I don't care, as long as you think there is no problem."

Seeing Chu Jungui finish signing, the young woman asked with bright eyes, "How much money do you need?"

Chu Jungui pondered, "I don't know either."

"There's always a limit."

"Depends on my command ceiling?"

"Then what is your command ceiling?"

"I'll probably know when I lose the fight one day." Chu Jungui said seriously.

The young woman suddenly covered her mouth and chuckled, laughing wildly, "I never expected you to be so humorous, you dare to brag more than I do."

Chu Jungui was very calm: "Perhaps my only advantage is that I have a thick skin."

The young woman stood up and said, "I'm leaving! Although this time is a bit regretful, it's just the beginning after all, and there's more to come!"

Chu Jungui neither stayed nor sent, waved his hand, and continued to process the data in his hand.

When she walked to the door, she saw Xinuo leaning against the door, holding two wine glasses in her hands, and said, "Don't you want to find a place to have a drink?"

The woman smiled, buttoned up her clothes, and said, "Sorry, I like younger ones."

Sino was dumbfounded, watching the woman's leaving back, speechless for a moment. Age is a double-edged sword, and its lethality is equally obvious to women and men.

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