God is Coming

Chapter 639 Who is crazy?

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Xinuo dragged the wine bottle and sat in front of Chu Jungui, a little depressed, and said, "I feel like a waste now. I can't help you at all just by looking at you."

"It doesn't matter, it will be useful to you soon."

"What are we doing now?" Sino asked.

"Get money, or to put it another way, financing."

"Getting money, isn't it cheating money?"

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said, "There is still an essential difference. After all, we are not liars."

"What's the difference between us and liars?"

Chu Jungui said seriously: "I have already answered this question for you, but since you didn't understand it, I will answer it again from a different angle. There is an essential difference between us and liars. I have no intention of paying back."

"What about us?"

"It is still possible for us to pay back the money." Chu Jun returned.

At this time the housekeeper came in again and said, "Excuse me, some gentlemen from Adelaide Brothers Bank have arrived..."

Chu Jungui said to Xinuo: "Then let's do this first."

Sino sighed, stood up, and said, "Jun Gui, it's not a small sum now, I still want to remind you that not everything can be done with peace of mind. I am willing to go to the battlefield for you, but not I can do everything for you. I have a bottom line, understand?"

Chu Jungui looked at him and asked, "Is your bottom line high?"

Sino was startled, "It doesn't seem to be very tall."

"I guess so."

As the fifth largest bank in Red Ocean, Adelaide Brothers Bank is not one person, but the whole team. Several handsome men sat in a neat row in front of Chu Jungui. The man in the middle shook hands with Chu Jungui, his movements were strong and powerful, showing at least a 3.0 fighting level, and he had a strong confidence that he could live a few moves under Chu Jungui's hands.

It only took the man 15 minutes to get what he wanted, politely bid farewell to Chu Jungui, and led the team to leave without the slightest procrastination, fully demonstrating what is execution and what is called vigorous and resolute.

Even when they left, their footsteps were fast, as fast as fleeing.

After leaving the hotel, the youngest member of the team couldn't help asking: "Head, with a contract of 2 billion yuan, there is only 660 million collateral. Isn't the risk a bit high?"

The strong man had no expression on his face: "It is only a risk when it is in our hands, and it is not a risk as long as it is sold."

"However, this thing doesn't seem to sell very well."

"Things that are not easy to sell are valuable! Everyone can sell things that are easy to sell. Do you need me to pay you such a high salary?" The boss's voice was a little harsh.

The young man was frightened and submissive. The boss glared at him and asked, "Do you know how to sell it?"

"No, not very clear."

The boss snorted and said: "Find some varieties in our pool with similar ratings but obviously different industries and categories, unpack and repackage them, and then design a model, which can effectively reduce the risk level. If you are in college If you got an S+ in math at the time, this model won’t bother you.”

The army-like team quickly boarded the flying car and moved on to the next project. For the elite team at Adelaide Brothers Bank, spending more than 3 hours on a 2 billion project is a waste, including travel and preparation time.

After Adelaide Brothers Bank, Red Ocean's sixth and ninth largest banks appeared successively, including the fifth-ranked investment bank. All the guests were sent away, it was already late at night.

Sino silently reviewed the order, then came to Chu Jungui with the summary form, and said, "This kind of cheating by us, no, it's borrowing, no, it's 12.15 billion?"

"11.91 billion." Chu Jungui corrected.

"The handling fee isn't that much, is it?" Sino asked.

"The front-end and back-end costs plus taxes plus consultant and intermediary fees and lawyer fees." Chu Jun returned.

Sino was startled, "So much money?"

"Industry practice."

"No wonder they are so active! It turns out that they have earned more than 100 million yuan in just two days! This does not include future interest! This kind of front-end fee is the most fucking expensive. These bastards think I don't understand finance?"

After getting excited, Sino thought from another angle: "However, they also gave us more than 10 billion, so it seems appropriate to charge some money."

Chu Jungui glanced at him and said, "That's not their money."

"Wait! Let me think about it..." Sino seemed to think of something, and said, "Even if these banks belong to this planet, their assets are calculated in trillions, right? They just keep going up and down like this." Just make money?"


"If the interest rate difference is 1 point, wouldn't you be able to earn hundreds of billions a year?"

"You said less, there is no big bank that only earns 100 billion a year."

Sino took a deep breath and said, "Could it be that I entered the wrong profession back then?"

"No. The money just passed through your hands, and it's not really yours."

"But they get money every time they go through it, commissions, bonuses, promotions and salary increases, it's so fucking comfortable." Sino sighed heavily, moved his thoughts away from this annoying problem, and focused on When it comes to the real question: "Jungui, we have more than 5 billion orders as collateral, right?"


"But how can we have so many orders? How many people actually paid the deposit, 500 million?"

"700 million."

"Then how did the remaining 4 billion come from?"

"They are all contracts for which no deposit has been paid for the time being."

Sino's voice raised a lot, "My God, are those also called contracts? I remember that many of them are like this: Hey, buddy! I heard that you have starships for sale? Leave me two, as long as The goods are good, how much money is fine!"

"Isn't it clearly written in it? Two starships are required, the model is not limited, and the price is up to us."

"Are you serious?" Xinuo looked into Chu Jungui's eyes for a long time before saying angrily, "Damn it, you're serious!"

There was confusion in Sino's mind, feeling that either the world was crazy or he was crazy. At this moment, reminder messages began to come one after another, and funds with a unit of 1 billion were remitted to the account one after another, and the balance of the entire account exceeded 10 billion in an instant. The length of the balance has already exceeded Sino's tolerance limit, and with every extra digit, Sino feels that he has lost half of the air he breathes.

The hopelessly long string of numbers convinced Sino that it was the world that was crazy.

"Is it long?" Chu Jungui asked.

"This... this is too fucking long." Sino felt that he could hardly breathe air.

"Because my setting is accurate to 15 decimal places."

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