God is Coming

Chapter 640 Light Year Assets

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Sino felt that he was stupid, so stupid that he couldn't even see the obviously abnormal number length. But he doesn't feel ashamed, not everyone can keep calm in front of tens of billions, in fact, most of them are impossible.

Of course, that money is not his own, Sino comforted himself like this. But he thought about it again, the money can be used at will now, so what is the difference between it and his own? Thinking of this, Sino shivered. He thought he was a firm-willed and very principled person, but just now he couldn't help but imagine how to spend the 10 billion...

It is no problem for the capital stars of the three major powers to buy a set of top-level mansions. The top-level mansions of the dynasty and the federation are basically four or five billion. After all, in the 35th century, real mansions were flying in the sky. The capital star of the community is relatively large, and each of the five major republics has a capital star, ranking in no particular order. The housing prices of these five capital stars are not very expensive. After all, they are scattered, and about 2 billion can get a set that is not too bad.

Once the three houses are bought, it seems that there is not much left. After doing this calculation, it seems that 10 billion is not much. There is still a long list on Sino's list, such as luxury cruise ships of several famous brands, and the cost of filling the cruise ships with famous wines and beautiful girls...

Xinuo suddenly woke up from his dream, screaming inwardly. I was really thinking about how to use the money? Damn it, it's not my own money! Even if he wanted to use it, the account was still in the hands of Chu Jungui, so he could only look at it.

Sino shook his head vigorously, feeling that his principles were not that strong. I used to feel that I was not tempted, just because no one used 10 billion to tempt him. Not to mention 10 billion, even if it is 100 million, Sino feels that he may be shaken. The probability is not high, it is only 94.99%, if it does not reach the 95% confidence level, it is not high.

With a ding, a beautiful notification sounded in Sino's ear, which was the sound of money arriving in the account. Sino instantly felt a firework blooming in front of his eyes, happiness and ecstasy burst out uncontrollably.

"Dividends?" Sino happily opened his private account, and saw that the balance had increased by 3,000 yuan, reaching a total of 3,025 yuan.

He read it several times before he was sure it was 3025, not 30.25 million.

"This is?" Sino asked.

Chu Jun said calmly: "In the past two days, besides eating and sleeping, you have been drinking. Your body has been wasted. This is not good. Go and practice when you are free. What I just gave you is funding."

Sino pointed at himself, "Is this the only money I need for physical training?"

"The hotel's fitness facilities are free, and you don't need to hire a trainer if you have the training system of the federal military. As for food, you need high-fiber and high-protein foods, and you can only drink ice water. The money is enough You have been eating for a month." Chu Jungui was very sure.

Knowing that it was pointless to argue with Chu Jungui, Sino could only pack up his things indignantly, and ran to the fitness area.

After sending Xinuo away, Chu Jungui calmed down and thought about his next move. More than 10 billion seems a lot, but the Starship Fleet is a bottomless pit, and no amount of money will be enough. Think back then, the Ninth Fleet only dispatched a sub-fleet that was not full of size, and by the way helped Chu Jun return, but let him share the operating expenses in a short period of time, and it was still 20% off, just like that. Jungui also inexplicably incurred a debt of 5 billion yuan.

Chu Jungui feels that he can't just leave like this. After all, there are still many places that can be used in the federal financial system, and there are huge gold mines underground. Now Chu Jungui just picked up a piece of dog's head gold on the ground.

Chu Jungui asked Kaitian to continue searching for information on various starship manufacturing companies in the Federation, while he opened an encrypted communication channel. After a while, he saw the message reserved in the channel: Sister Xi is living outside and cannot leave the planet for the time being, but it is going well.

Seeing this news, Chu Jungui was slightly relieved. He is now in a quasi-wanted state, and he will be arrested once he returns to the territory of the dynasty, and after blowing up the security bureau, various agents must be chasing him all over the world. At times like this, it's better to protect yourself.

Chu Jungui turned on the financial news again, and saw a new term in an inconspicuous corner: light-year assets.

A series of bonds and derivative products issued recently have a security company called Light Year as the issuer. Therefore, the capital market classifies the underlying assets and light-year-related products into one category, collectively referred to as light-year assets.

Chu Jungui became interested now, and he searched out all the assets of the Light Year Department, and he was shocked when he saw it. The scale of light-year products already issued on the market has exceeded 50 billion, which is several times that of Chu Jungui's original bonds!

Chu Jungui analyzed these products one by one, and he saw that the proportion of light-year bonds in many products was less than 30%. Investment banks mixed in less than 20% of high-quality bonds, plus Chu Jungui's bonds and some other messy bonds, and combined them into new bond issues one by one.

Although in Chu Jungui's view, Light Year's asset quality is far superior to those of the bonds, but in the eyes of the banker, this should not be the case. Light Year can only enter the investment grade after packaging. After all, the orders that Chu Jungui put out now are really not high-quality, and even the orders are very reluctant.

So why put a bunch of crap into the asset bundle?

Chu Jungui began to analyze these low-quality bonds one by one, and soon came to a conclusion. The bonds were either already held by banks. The money in the bank's hands must be bought. Although the quality of this type of bond is not good, the yield is very high. Holding them can ensure stable high returns, but of course the price is the possibility of explosion. However, in the eyes of the bank, this kind of bond is like a batch of grenades with the insurance pin removed. As long as they are handled with care, they are unlikely to explode.

Each banker thought he was too clever to pass the grenade on to the next one before it exploded. This batch of bonds has been held in the hands of the bank for a period of time, and the risks have gradually accumulated, so we must find a way to sell them.

Chu Jungui noticed another talk show, which seemed to be discussing his bonds. He diverted his attention a little and saw a rather young man walking into the interview room. He was dressed casually. There was a pattern of explosive grenades on a round-neck T-shirt, and his lower body was loose trousers, which looked like pajama pants. Even his hair is disheveled, as if he just woke up.

The host's smile froze for a moment, and then became more enthusiastic. After shaking hands with the young man, she said to the camera: "I am very glad that we have the opportunity to invite the star asset manager of Miracle Investment. He has excellent performance in the past, and the assets under management are already quite large..."

"The future Planet 1000 investment manager." The young man added.

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