God is Coming

Chapter 641 Immediately 100 million

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The two people in the studio seemed to be at odds with each other naturally. The host tried to maintain elegance to control the field, but the opponent didn't want to follow the routine at all, just by looking at this pajama-like outfit.

After bragging about her historical performance for nearly 20 minutes and her own genius mind, the beauty host finally couldn't take it anymore, and stabbed a knife in the heart of the young investment manager with a smile: "Your experience is legendary, what I want to know is , after this series of epic victories, what is the size of the fund you manage?"

The young man's face turned green instantly.

However, the beautiful host hadn't been complacent for a minute, but she deeply regretted it.

"The capital market is filled with a group of ignorant, greedy, lazy, dirty, and self-righteous fools! They occupy high positions not because of their skills, but only because of their seniority, seniority, family, and even simply being good-looking, or obedient enough! And Ordinary investors are a bunch of short-sighted fools, they always think that they can invest their little money in the right people, but they turn a blind eye to the really powerful people..."

Young investment managers opened the floodgates and fired with full firepower, spraying from market regulators to the federal president, and then spraying all major federal investment banks and banks, and finally turning to the greed and stupidity of ordinary market participants. He spoke urgently and quickly, but it was extremely clear. The beauty host could hear every word clearly in his ears and understood what he meant, which made it uncomfortable.

This is equivalent to watering a person who is not thirsty at three times the speed, how can this be bearable?

She desperately sent signals to the studio, but the director in the background seemed to be blind and did not respond at all. After listening to rapid-fire complaints for ten minutes, the beauty anchor finally couldn't take it anymore and screamed: "Enough!"

The young investment manager stopped talking in astonishment, and said, "How do you know I'm going to start talking about the media?"

He finally realized that he was going too far, and said resentfully, "However, I didn't intend to say anything about you."

The beautiful host quickly recovered her smile, asked for a 20-second commercial, then rushed into the backstage like the wind, grabbed the director, and shouted in his ear: "Why don't you stop?"

The director was suffocated by her, and hurriedly said: "The program is very effective! Our ratings will explode!"

"Damn your ratings! I'll resign after hosting this show!" The beauty was furious.

The director shouted at her back: "Go on! He might be the future star of the investment world!"

The beauty returned a middle finger.

A producer in the background asked with some concern: "Is she really going?"

The director said confidently: "When she sees the bonus of this episode, she won't leave."

The beautiful host who returned to the studio changed her professional smile and said, "Let's get back to today's topic and talk about your recent investment."

The young investment manager said: "The theme is not static, it will change with the environment all the time. And some themes, or principles, are eternal. Just recently, I discovered a series of Quite a unique and high-quality asset, that is the Light Year series of bonds."

The beautiful host said: "I've also heard about the Light Year series, the name is a bit vulgar, but..." She suddenly stopped, looked at the young man, and suddenly realized that she had forgotten his name!

This is a rare mistake, but she was too angry just now. Although the young man didn't spray it on her, the incidental attack caused by the afterflame from the muzzle also severely injured her, so that she suddenly couldn't remember his name. The more anxious she was, the more she couldn't remember.

The young investment manager actually understood what she wanted to do and said: "You can call me a genius, everyone around me calls me that. The name doesn't matter."

"Shameless!" The beauty host cursed silently in her heart, with a smile on her face: "This title is a bit..."

The young man spread his hands and said, "If you feel monotonous, you can also add some prefixes, such as handsome, chic, unparalleled and so on."

The beautiful host interrupted him decisively, "Mr. Genius, tell me about Light Years. Why did you vote for it?"

"Bonds are worth nothing more than yield and potential credit enhancement. Light years of both. If I were to elaborate, it would be a wall of formulas. Can you get me a clipboard?"

"Ah, we don't need to know such details. Can you explain it in a more general way? You know, I'm not good at advanced mathematics, and neither are many of the audience."

"Well, I'll keep it simple." The young man took a deep breath and said, "Light Year is a security company."

The beautiful host obviously did her homework, "There are hundreds of thousands of security companies in the entire Federation, and thousands of them are listed, not including companies with security businesses. Why is Light Year so special?"

"Its special feature is that most other security companies are engaged in security protection, but Light Year is just the opposite. Its main business is to destroy the opponent's security business."

The beautiful host was stunned, "Arms dealer?"

"More than that, this is a war group. It's just that the scale is still small."

The beautiful host had a flash of inspiration: "Isn't this similar to Star Thief?"

"Essentially, they are star thieves!"

The beauty made an exaggerated expression, "Am I outdated? Now star thieves can go to the capital market to raise money?"

"So, this is a promising star thief." The young man said seriously.

The beautiful host laughed and said, "You are so humorous!"

"No, I'm serious."

The more serious the young man was, the more the beauty couldn't breathe from laughing. When she was about to fall off the seat laughing, she suddenly asked, "How much did you buy?"

The young investment manager subconsciously said: "A full 50 million."

The beauty suddenly stopped her laughter, put on a sinister smile, and said, "If you say 50 million, you don't need a whole word to describe it. Then what is the size of your fund? 100 million, or 200 million?"

The young man couldn't sit still anymore, but he had to answer: "It has exceeded 100 million."

"Already?" the beautiful host chased after her.

"Uh, actually very soon, you know, as long as the credit of these light-year bonds increases and the yield decreases...damn it, if they rise, my scale will exceed 100 million."

In the eyes of the beauty host, the young man in front of him is already a prey that has fallen into a trap, and he can do whatever he wants. She said with a charming smile: "In this case, as long as your asset size increases by another 100 times, you will be able to enter the top 1,000 planets! But be quick, or the standard of the top 1,000 may be raised again! "

The young man's face was green and pale, he smashed the water glass in his hand on the ground, turned and left.

The beautiful host waved at his back: "Goodbye, Mr. Genius of 'There will be 100 million soon'!"

Then she turned her head, smiled charmingly at the camera, and said, "This interview is over."

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