God is Coming

Chapter 642 Order

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The Federation is a giant.

This is a fact that everyone knows, but most people don't really understand. The Red Ocean is an industrial and financial planet, but it is not yet one of the seven major financial centers of the Federation. At best, it can only be said to be the financial and trading center of several nearby star fields. Even so, light-year assets can only be regarded as a drop of water in the entire capital market, and it can only cause a little ripple in the sea of ​​capital. The waves couldn't even splash.

In the early morning, a dusky red glows in the sky, and the blackouts on the windows fade to allow natural light from outside to filter into the rooms. Chu Jungui walked out of the room for the first time, ready to walk around the hotel. Today is a blank in his plan, and he needs to think and build his next action strategy.

After intuitively understanding how huge the Federation is, Chu Jungui has a new understanding of the dynasties that can overwhelm the Federation. It is simply unrealistic to fight against the dynasty. It is only wise to deal with opponents within the existing rule system, just like Duan Xuyan once did. It's a pity that the opponent didn't play according to the routine, which made Duan Xuyan, an old fox, almost lose his life. However, the opponent did not expect that there would be another Chu Jungui who did not follow common sense.

Chu Jungui strolled towards the restaurant of the hotel, he planned to experience the hotel's famous restaurant throughout the planet. At this moment, a request was lit on the communication channel, and the young woman from yesterday appeared on the screen. "I'm already at the entrance of the hotel, can we have breakfast together?"

After a while, Chu Jungui and she were sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the waiter was bringing up exquisite meals.

Chu Jungui said: "I heard that in the Commonwealth, appointments for lunch and dinner are traditional, and appointments for breakfast are rare."

The young woman smiled and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to invite you for lunch and dinner, and no one will argue with me for breakfast. But I'm very happy that you are willing to have dinner with me."

"As long as I'm free, you can ask me out anytime." Chu Jun returned.

The young woman covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "If you say that, I will misunderstand."

"I'm serious. After all, you issued the bond for me."

There was a hint of disappointment in the young woman's eyes: "So it's because of the 3 billion..."

"Not all of them." Chu Jungui's consolation was weak, but if he continued to make it up, it was a bit difficult.

Fortunately, she accepted the explanation completely, smiled again, and said, "Let's get to know each other again. I'm Yang Hui, the senior investment vice president of Excalibur Group. Well, don't look at this title as a bluff, it's actually just a marketing title." That's all, don't really think of me as a vice president, haha, I'm not that old."

Of course Chu Jungui knew.

Yang Hui stirred the coffee with a spoon, and said: "Excalibur Group has hundreds of thousands of people, and I have a team of more than 20. But I can directly report to the boss of the group in charge of investment, and the authorization for daily business is 1 billion. Plus, I'm 35."

"35 is a very good age, and you are still a girl. And there are not many people who can sit so high at your age." Chu Jun returned.

"I take it as a compliment." Yang Hui continued to stir the coffee, and said, "I lost a lot of points in your mind for my performance yesterday, right?"

Chu Jungui shook his head, "What performance? You are very professional and I am deeply impressed."

Yang Hui laughed: "You can talk! Yesterday I really wanted to get that order so much that my mentality collapsed. If you had made some requests at that time, maybe I would have agreed."

Chu Jungui thought about it seriously, and asked, "Is there still time to mention it now?"

Yang Hui lowered her eyes and said, "Speak, I'll listen."

"Can the interest rate on that batch of bonds be lowered by half a point?"

The charming atmosphere was swept away.

Yang Hui said angrily, "Is money all you have in mind?"

"With so much money, I can't fit anything else for the time being." Chu Jungui was very honest.

Yang Hui said helplessly: "Okay, then let's talk about money. Are you still planning to issue bonds?"

"Of course, but haven't you run out of authorization?"

"That was yesterday's mandate. Today is a new day."

Chu Jungui was taken aback, "Is this how you calculate it? Well, how much do you want?"

Yang Hui held her chin and said, "It's not too much. Another 5 billion?"

Chu Jungui didn't expect her to have such a big appetite, so he thought for a while and said, "There shouldn't be any problem. But all the orders I brought this time have been mortgaged, so I have to think about what else can be mortgaged."

Yang Hui stretched out two fingers, "2 billion, as long as there are so many mortgages or guarantees. I don't care what you take out, just make up enough."

"no problem."

"Okay, I'll go first, and I'll come to you to sign a contract at this time tomorrow. Also, thank you for your breakfast." She got up and left, the table full of food didn't move, but the cup of coffee was stirred up.

Chu Jungui left the restaurant, connected to Sino directly, and asked, "Where is it?"

Sino on the other end of the channel said weakly: "Fitness area. What, do you want to see me?"

"Wait for me, come here right away."

A few minutes later, Chu Jungui found Xinuo in the huge labyrinth-like fitness area. The guy was sweating profusely, sitting slumped on the ground, leaning against a pair of barbells, panting with his tongue out.

Chu Jungui glanced at the barbell and said, "I thought you were in the high-gravity zone. Are you so tired after only 500 kilograms?"

"A full 100 times!"

Chu Jungui frowned: "Have you done genetic optimization? How tired are you wearing two potatoes on one chopstick?"

Sino continued to stick out his tongue and pant, without the slightest thought of jumping up angrily and pulling another 100. Chu Jungui kicked him on the butt unceremoniously, and said, "Get up! You can pull 400 more, then rest for 60 seconds, then do 100 more in each group, and then do 5 more groups before you really get tired. .”

Sino was taken aback and said in shock, "Are you crazy?"

"There will never be a better fitness trainer than me."

Xinuo only felt that Chu Jungui's gaze was extremely unfriendly, as if he had seen himself thoroughly from the inside to the outside, and immediately shivered. His intuition was actually not wrong, the test subject was very clear about the potential of the human body, and could definitely squeeze out the last drop of sweat from Sino.

"Wait, you didn't come to me to teach me how to exercise, did you?"

"It's really not, there's business. Do you know Star Pirates?"

"I know a few, and there aren't too many people who have been in contact... Well, there are actually a few."

Chu Jungui didn't delve into the question of why the commander of the Starship Fleet knew the Star Pirates, and said directly: "It's good to know, just contact them and let them place an order, order anything."

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