God is Coming

Chapter 643 It's Shameful to Be Cute

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Sino slowly got up and said, "Shall I go now? What about my fitness?"

"Come back to practice after finishing this matter. Anyway, you have to rest for at least 6 hours."

Sino shook his head and moved himself out of the fitness area. Chu Jungui picked up the pair of barbells casually and weighed them in his hands, feeling that there was no exercise effect. He loosened his fingers one by one until he hooked one finger, which made the tendons and bones feel the pressure and began to adjust and grow adaptively.

After feeling the process of his body growing for a while, Chu Jungui dropped the barbell.

Muscle grows under heavy load, but at the expense of agility and speed. In other words, his current body is quite perfect, which is already the limit of what his genes can achieve. If he wants to improve further, he can only replace his biochemical organs.

He left the fitness area, returned to his room, and continued to study the federal capital market. Chu Jungui has now figured out the rule framework and legal system of the entire capital market, and at the same time figured out its historical evolution and some major key changes. With the overall concept, the next step is the specific trading rules.

Chu Jungui sat down on the sofa and began to browse the information on the largest financial center in the Federation, including how many exchanges there were, the trading rules of each exchange, and some special local policies and regulations. Only after understanding these can we say that we have the most basic understanding of the capital market. If you haven't even read these basic rules and dare to say that you understand the market well, you are either a bastard or a liar.

The federation's largest financial center has hundreds of large and small exchanges, where almost all commodities and services can be found. There are tens of thousands of pages of various trading rules, special laws and regulations, and typical cases. With Chu Jungui's information analysis and processing speed, it would take more than 10 hours to fully grasp it.

But the most difficult thing is the first time. The other financial centers are similar to this place. At that time, Chu Jungui only needs to inquire about the differences in learning. After reading all the materials of several major trading centers, the red ocean is a trivial matter, half an hour is enough.

Countless articles flowed through like flowing water, and Chu Jungui gradually gained a specific and in-depth understanding of the federation's financial system. At this point, most experts in the financial field are no longer comparable to Chu Jungui. After all, it is impossible for them to read every rule and law in detail like Chu Jungui. These experts can only express some clear opinions in their own fields. Once they enter other fields, they can only use some ambiguous words to pass the test, and there will be no real conclusion after talking a lot. In layman's terms, it's nonsense.

At this moment, Chu Jungui received a new order. The order requires 5 high-speed frigates, as well as a full set of supporting weapon systems, ammunition and parts, and the final payment is a rather famous star thief. The format of this order is rigorous, the terms are complete, and the content is clear. There is only one thing wrong: this star thief is on the federal wanted list.

Except for this point, there is nothing to be picky about this order, with a total value of 1 billion, which is a very high-quality order.

Not long after, another order came. This order also came from a star thief, but it wanted two destroyers. The total value of the order is more than one billion, and the same is clear, except for one thing: Chu Jungui still does not have the ability to manufacture general-purpose destroyers.

With these two orders as the beginning, seven or eight small orders came in not long after. , Even to hire fighters are put on the order. Seeing the hired soldiers, Chu Jungui paid a little attention, and found that the guy who placed the order really wrote a lot of requirements seriously, and it didn't look like a joke.

The requirements of several large pages are summed up, that is, strong combat power, absolutely obedient, not afraid of death, able to endure hardship, and free of money. This kind of requirement is only suitable for mechanical warriors, and real mechanical warriors are not cheap.

However, Chu Jungui suddenly remembered his experience in Rockett, where the clone fighters produced by the clone factory seemed to meet this person's requirements. Star Thief would definitely not care about anti-cloning human being laws, maybe there are many clones among Star Thief.

Sino was quite efficient this time, and got back more than 5 billion orders after going out for a while. Although these orders are basically fake, no, it can be said that they are all fake, but what Chu Jungui wants now is just a form. Chu Jungui doesn't care about the person behind the order, let alone a star thief, even a cat or a dog, because the bankers don't care either.

After receiving the order, Chu Jungui connected Yang Hui again and sent the order directly. Yang Hui cheered and said, "5 billion? That's 3 days... No, you wait, don't give it to others, I'll apply for a special authorization right now!"

In the office at the other end of the communication channel, Yang Hui hung up the communication, and immediately passed the order to several subordinates, asking them to pack it immediately and issue bonds according to the previous batch.

"Sister Hui, so many? Can you sell them?"

Yang Hui turned her head and glared at the young man who was speaking, and said, "Do you know why you can sell it? Don't you look at how many derivatives are in the market now. The asset pool has light-year bonds. Every 1 billion light Year bonds, those banks can sell 3 billion more garbage. And we only need to issue the same light-year bonds, banks can launch exactly the same products, and people who buy these products can use the same risk control report, use The same approval reason, the same approval result. Such a good thing, why don’t they buy it? You are still young! Don’t think that it’s great to come out of a famous school, all of us here are from famous schools.”

The young man shrank his head, slightly embarrassed, but more excited. It seems that being scolded by Yang Hui is very enjoyable.

Another older person raised the light screen in his hand and said, "But sister Hui, what are these things! Even the two biggest lists can't stand up to scrutiny, let alone the others. Could it be Isn't this rubbish?"

"So I'll let you pack it. Pack it? Do you understand?" Yang Hui's voice was murderous.

The man's momentum suddenly became short by three points, but he was still a little unconvinced and said, "The elements of these orders are not complete, and the prices are random at first glance. How should they be packaged?"

Yang Hui ignored him, turned around and shouted to a little girl, "Go to the HR department and tell me that I have a senior investment manager position that will be vacant soon!"

The man was shocked: "Sister Hui, Aunt Hui, Grandma Hui! Show mercy!!"

"Wait a minute." Yang Hui stopped the little girl who was making a galloping posture, and turned to the older man and said, "Do you know how to pack it now?"

"I know! The highest specification, 50-page contract, all the requirements are complete, the language is rigorous, and the grammar is first-class!"

"How many copies?"

"Each one!"

"Very good, when this quarter's bonus comes down, your mortgage will be reduced by another 5 years. How many years are left?"

"If 5 years can be lost, it will only be 98 years." The elderly man smiled honestly.

"It's been less than 100 years, not bad!" Yang Hui snorted, and said, "It's good to know how to work, don't mess with what's there and what's not. It's just a middle-aged person like you who drags his family and carries a loan Old man, dare to blow his hair?"

The man smiled apologetically, "I'm just trying to be cute."

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