God is Coming

Chapter 644 Important Conclusion

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It was another morning, the red morning light and the dark red magma flame intertwined and shot into the room, falling on Chu Jungui. He had been sitting by the window all night, quietly looking at the documents.

On the other side of the crater, a rock suddenly moved, and a small door opened at the back, and a person got out of it, and stretched his body in the hiding place. Even though she was wearing a battle armor, she still looked slender, and she was a somewhat petite girl.

She leaned against a rock, turned on the light screen, and said to the screen: "I have been monitoring the whole night, and there is nothing abnormal."

The screen was pitch black, and a synthesized voice came out: "The first picture you took was in the same pose as the last picture, but the light has changed. Do you have to be lazy on such an important task?"

The girl was particularly wronged: "I've been staring at him for 6 hours since the beginning, okay? He just hasn't moved, what can I do?"

"No one can sit still for hours."

"This person can do it!"

"I just said, no one can."

"I saw this with my own eyes. Are you trying to say I'm blind?" the girl yelled at the screen.


The girl was silent for a while, and said: "This joke is not funny at all. I suggest you watch the entire surveillance video before speaking. Didn't you see the slight changes in the light and shadow on his face? This is the constant change in the light screen in his hand. Variety."

"……Continue to observe."

The girl snorted, hung up the communication, and got into the big rock again. On the other side of the stone, it happened to be facing Chu Jungui's room. There are dozens of small holes on the surface of the stone, and each small hole is equipped with a miniature camera, which is responsible for capturing images of different spectra, and finally synthesizes a complete video.

Chu Jungui finally stood up, left the living room, and left the room. He strolled into the restaurant. At this time, there was no one in the restaurant, and the chef and waiter on the night shift had not changed their shifts yet.

Chu Jungui sat down by the window as usual, and the waiter had already served his usual meals for the past few days, and was waiting for follow-up orders. Chu Jungui waved his hand lightly, and the waiter retreated knowingly.

On the light screen in front of Chu Jungui, a virtual model appeared, which looked like an old-fashioned exoskeleton system, the predecessor of the battle armor. However, Chu Jungui designed it not for ordinary people, but for soldiers wearing exoskeletons.

The two bases on planet 4 will find it difficult to increase manpower for a while, so if they want to increase production capacity, they have to find ways in many directions. The first thing Chu Jungui thought of was to increase the output power of a single fighter. The power of this exoskeleton system is several times that of ordinary armor. Soldiers can easily move dozens of tons of heavy objects and completely become humanoid cranes.

However, due to the special environment of planet 4, the entire system is designed to be extremely clumsy and clumsy, using as few sophisticated electronic components as possible.

After eating breakfast, Chu Jungui had already completed the design drawings, and then split them into parts and placed orders to different manufacturers.

Red Ocean's manufacturer management system is quite advanced. Chu Jungui transferred the first payment to the other party's account according to the contract requirements. After a few seconds, the manufacturer reported that the production line had been adjusted, and the materials began to be shipped out for batch processing. During the whole production process, Chu Jungui can monitor the whole production process at any time.

Chu Jungui immediately turned on all the monitoring processes and handed over to Kaitian to track and record. This is a rare opportunity to observe the production line. Although it is only a partial image, it can also help the test subjects understand the production system of the interstellar industry.

After doing this, breakfast can be eaten. Chu Jungui sat for a while and browsed the news.

At this time, most people are still asleep, but this restaurant specially set up for executive-level guests has already begun to have guests coming in one after another.

Chu Jungui is searching for news about the assets of the Light Year System. What can be seen is that Excalibur Group successfully issued a standard light-year bond, and then a number of banks announced to follow up and continue to expand the amount of existing varieties for purchase. The two rating agencies welcomed the move, with stencil-like comments. All in all, this batch of bonds has gone through a series of combinations, and finally squeezed into the threshold of investment grade.

With the launch of a new batch of bonds, the number of institutions that have noticed this bond has increased, and analysts have begun to write reports. Chu Jungui was really curious about how this first analyst evaluated Light Year. After all, so far, the biggest secret of the Light Year Legion—the Le Mans grain is still not known to many people. Even how the two bases on the surface of the planet work, almost no one outside the legion knows. Even Duan Xuyan has only seen the orbital base. The orbital base is owned by Mr. Chu for outsiders to see.

The report is quite long, about a dozen pages, with a summary section at the front, which briefly clarifies the conclusions and main logic of the report. Ordinary people can forget about reading the abstract, but Chu Jungui spent two seconds scanning the entire report.

What made him laugh and cry was that the report focused on light years, but the person who wrote the report knew almost nothing about light years. It's fine if he doesn't know about Chu Jungui, but even Xinuo doesn't know about it, so it doesn't make sense. The entire article is all speculation and inference about Light Year's business model and financial capabilities, and there is no part to narrate the facts.

But after Chu Jungui thought about it, it didn't seem surprising that the analyst didn't know about Sino. Because of the special aristocratic system, there are extraordinarily many major generals in the Federation, almost as many as a cow's hair. Some people even joked that there are many more major generals than colonels. This is certainly an exaggeration, but the federal major generals also have at least 20,000 to 30,000.

However, this analyst can be regarded as working for a medium-sized organization, so it is reasonable to dare to write a report like this. Throughout the article, his focus is not on light years, but on other companies in the asset pool. He is quite familiar with these companies. After an analysis, he concluded that although Light Year has certain uncertainties, it does not significantly exceed these companies. That said, there's a good chance that Light Years won't be any worse than them. But the return of the bond is quite good, that is to say, from the perspective of cost performance, this bond is not bad.

This is a novel angle, which perfectly avoids the reality of not knowing light years at all, and then draws the most important conclusion: buy.

Chu Jungui was admiring the analyst's sophistication, when a young girl sat across from him and said, "I've been paying attention to you for a long time."

Chu Jungui looked up unexpectedly, and saw that the girl was wearing sportswear, her half-length hair was still damp, her skin was faintly reddish, and she was full of vitality. She looked like she had just finished her workout and took a shower. . She finished her fitness at this time, which means she got up earlier than Chu Jun came back for dinner.

"I haven't lived here for a few days." Chu Jungui was a person who never followed suit.

"I see you looking at things every day, what are you reading?" The girl didn't show any signs of life.

Chu Jungui handed over the light screen, and the girl said, "Light Year's report? What a coincidence, I've also been paying attention to this recently."

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