God is Coming

Chapter 645

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Seeing Chu Jungui's unchanged expression, the girl said, "You don't think I have nothing to do every day, do you?"

"Oh, so what do you do?"

"I haven't figured it out yet. The family wants me to inherit some property, but I don't like it. I want to do something I like."

"for example?"

"Investment, I am very interested in the Light Year project recently."

Chu Jungui remained calm and said, "You have a wide range of interests."

The girl said: "I know that this project itself has a lot of problems, but after a series of packaging, its problems are not so big. At this time, its real advantages appear. This is a company that will wage war company of."

"War is not a good thing."

The girl said: "We have always opposed war, but has the war ever stopped? For Light Year, I think the only thing we need to care about is whether it can win."

"It seems... makes sense."

"Since you are also reading its report, can you tell me your opinion?"

To be honest, Chu Jungui, what can he think of his army? He has always responded to the external situation passively. The so-called development strategy is nothing more than having more people and more guns; when it comes to the long-term goal, it is to survive on planet 4.

However, after Chu Jungui has systematically studied the relevant knowledge, he already knows that the capital market has its own rhetorical methods, and it is very important and necessary to master this rhetorical method in order to integrate into this market.

So he adjusted his vocabulary and said: "Actually, I think this company is very simple. Its development strategy is to acquire and control as many core resources as possible in order to win in the increasingly fierce competitive environment. Of course, its primary goal now is to strengthen their market position.”

The girl was thoughtful, "So that's the case, it makes sense. I didn't think as clearly as you. I thought its goal should be to win the war."

"War always means risk. There may be winning or losing. The consequences of losing are not usually serious, so it is better to avoid war as much as possible. Besides, isn't there an ancient wisdom? Gamblers always It’s not as profitable as casinos. So I think it’s good for Light Year to sell starships.”

"Then it will become a shipyard?" The girl looked a little disappointed.

"Actually, the focus of this project is not what Lightyear does, but whether it can pay back the money."

"Oh?" The girl listened attentively.

Chu Jungui shook his head secretly, but still explained patiently: "I think the market's judgment on Light Year's repayment ability is biased, and it should be seriously underestimated, so its bond price should still have a lot of room to rise."

"Will the yield drop a point?"

"I think 2 points or more." Chu Jungui actually wanted to say 5 points. In that case, the yield of light-year bonds would be less than 4%, but this is already the yield of the top bonds.

The girl was already very surprised and said, "So confident...Maybe we can cooperate?"

Before Chu Jungui could answer, the girl said to the communication channel, "Shen, come to the restaurant, where I have breakfast."

After finishing the order, the girl looked at Chu Jungui and said, "Sorry, I should ask for your permission first. Shen is the family's senior investment manager, and now he is helping me with some investment business."

"That's all right. I'd love to talk to him. But probably not for long."

"Thank you very much." The girl smiled.

After a while, a young man with a mixed-race face hurried over and said, "I'm really sorry, I just had a rough fight with the waiters at the entrance of the restaurant. They won't let me in until I give you your details."

The girl nodded and said, "This is Mr. Chu. He has unique insights into the research of the Light Year Project. You can discuss it. I want to expand investment in this project."

Shen sat down next to the girl, glanced at Chu Jungui, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu is able to pay attention to the Light Year project, and his vision is really unique. But to be honest, among the many types of asset pool bonds, Light Year is only Quite ordinary. It is special because of its business, and Miss likes it because of its business, not because of its bonds. If you analyze it carefully, you may draw some unpleasant conclusions Of course, most people in the market are actually not very professional, and it is normal not to see it. From another perspective, risks are just risks when there is no outbreak, so we don’t actually need to pay too much attention to its fundamentals. Normally, it's generally not a problem at this time of day."

Shen raised his head slightly, showing a see-through smile: "Knowing the problem and choosing to ignore it is the same as not knowing the problem at all, but they are actually two different things, aren't they?"

The girl faintly felt that there was something wrong with the taste, and she was a little displeased.

Shen looked at Chu Jungui's young and flawless face, and then at the seat by the window where he was sitting, and slowly, a wave of anger kept growing in his heart. He spent a lot of time trying to get into this restaurant, but how could this guy with no hair grow in front of him get in and sit in the best seat?

Chu Jungui also felt Shen's inexplicable hostility, but because the guy in front of him was far from being able to pose a threat, Chu Jungui automatically ignored the hostility. Therefore, instead of being angry, Chu Jungui asked seriously, "Where is the problem with Light Years?"

Shen cheered up, and proudly said: "I have been studying Light Year for two full days. You must know that there are more than 500 securities of the highest quality in my asset portfolio. It is very rare to be able to give it two days. In this No one in the market understands Light Years better than me."

Next, Shen talked with eloquence, gradually turning into high-spirited speeches, and made an eloquent analysis of Light Year's environment, history, challenges and opportunities.

Chu Jungui listened carefully. This is the first time I have heard the evaluation of my legion from other people, and it is still a rare experience. The girl seemed very displeased at first, but Chu Jungui's reaction was beyond her expectation, so she sat quietly, looked at Chu Jungui, and listened to the conversation with all her attention.

Shen spoke with high interest, but Chu Jungui began to feel that it was a waste of time to continue listening. He looked at the time and said: "Mr. Shen, your insights just now are very incisive. But I have limited time, and now I have 5 minutes. Can you briefly talk about Light Year itself? I just heard you analyze a lot, but it seems No mention of light-years themselves."

Shen opened his mouth, and his smile instantly became a little awkward.

When Mr. Chu saw you, he stood up and said, "Thank you for sharing, I'll go first."

The girl also stood up and said, "I'm Serena, keep in touch."

"Okay." Chu Jungui nodded and left the restaurant.

When Chu Jungui's figure disappeared, Shen Cai said angrily: "Are the ignorant guys so arrogant these days?"

"He hasn't spoken from the beginning to the end, why do you say that he is ignorant?" The girl's dissatisfaction finally broke out.

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