God is Coming

Chapter 646: Face Slap

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Faced with Serena's dissatisfaction, Shen said with good intentions: "Miss, there are many liars in this world. You are so kind and simple, so be careful of being cheated."

"Ha, I've upgraded to a liar again."

"Of course I'm not talking nonsense. Think about it, he is so young and lives in this place, he is probably a liar. If he is a real upper class figure, how can he have time to study such a remote project as light years, and he will not You are as interested in the art of war as you are. Let’s take a step back, even if he is really interested in light years, he will not study it so deeply. I have also read the report you mentioned, it is a report from a small organization , not on their client list, would need to dig quite deep into their website to find this report. That's what the most diligent researcher would do, and of course, so would crooks."

Serena was thoughtful, and what Shen said seemed to make sense. No matter how interested she is in Light Years, she will not really search for relevant research reports one by one. That being said, this guy surnamed Chu is indeed a bit suspicious.

Serena, however, trusted her instincts more. Her intuition told her that the young man had an unimaginable calmness and wisdom, as well as a rare magnanimity. His attentiveness in listening doesn't seem fake, even though Shin has been so clearly hostile.

Seeing that she didn't have the expected reaction, Shin couldn't hold back a little, and said, "Think about it again, he also said that he understands light years very well. The one who really understands is me. Is there any top analyst in this market who would be like me?" How can he know light years better than me? I think he is afraid that I will expose him, so he is in a hurry to leave."

Serena was suddenly a little annoyed, she knew very well why this Shen was acting so hard, but it was completely impossible. Hearing that Shen continued to express how she worked so hard on this project, and how she didn't care about being overqualified, her complexion was already sour.

Shen was not in a hurry to leave, and this super high-end restaurant was a good opportunity to get closer to each other.

Serena was about to leave when she suddenly saw a man walking in. As he walked, he said, "Yes, I have already arrived at the restaurant, which is the special restaurant. You just had breakfast? It's okay, the environment here is good, and a cup of coffee is also good. I have something very important to talk to you Talk, haha, of course it has something to do with light years."

Serena had stood up, but now she sat down again. Shen was overjoyed, moved closer, and said, "Would you like to sit down a little longer?"

"Stop talking, sit over there." Serena pointed to the table next to her.

"I..." Shen's face flushed a little.

"Hurry up." The tone of Serena's order was unquestionable, and Shen reluctantly changed seats.

The man hung up the communication at this moment, saw Serena, and walked over.

Serena stood up and said, "Nolan, why are you here? You should still be sleeping at this time, right?"

Nolan shrugged and said, "Of course I wouldn't embarrass myself so much under normal circumstances, but today's situation is special, and I'm about to meet a very important friend. In other words, I regard him as a friend, but he may not be so. "

"There shouldn't be many friends that you can value."

Nolan smiled and said, "If it weren't for the huge gap in our identities, I would be very willing to be friends with you."

Serena smiled slightly and said, "You're really good at compliments."

"By the way, Miss Serena, why are you here?"

"I'm relaxing in the Red Ocean during this time, and I think I'll be staying for a while. I'm waiting for a friend now, so go and do your work."

Nolan nodded, walked to the other side of the window and sat down.

At this time, Shen quietly sent a message to Serena: "Is this person familiar?"

"Nolan, the first person to issue light-year bonds." Serena replied, and then closed the communication casually.

Shen sent another sentence, but it was not sent successfully and was bounced back. He had no choice but to sit there, peeking at Serena's beautiful back from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

Within two minutes, Chu Jungui walked into the restaurant again.

"Why is this guy back again?" Shen just felt uncomfortable all over, he didn't like Chu Jungui instinctively, and he didn't know why. Maybe it's because there are too many reasons, so I don't know why?

Chu Jungui nodded to Serena and Shen, and walked towards Nolan after saying hello. Nolan stood up, shook hands with Chu Jungui enthusiastically but with some embarrassment, and said, "Sit down first."

Chu Jungui sat down opposite him, and asked: "Is there anything important, do you have to talk face-to-face?"

"This..." When Nolan was considering his words, Serena and Shen on the other side pricked up their ears.

Nolan smiled wryly, and said: "Sister's personality is to control everything and hold grudges, and she will always remember every little thing, not to mention that what Sino did to her was indeed a little too much. So she saw that Sino was doing things for you , I took all my anger out on you. That purchase agreement was improvised by her."


Nolan leaned forward slightly, and said, "I didn't expect her reaction to be so severe. If I knew it, I wouldn't have asked her to come over. But things are like this now. As a former friend, I have to remind you, don't let her come here." Be careful. When she says she regards you as an enemy, she will really deal with you."

"Understood." Chu Jungui was still calm, showing no fear at all.

Nolan sighed, and said, "I can tell by your appearance that you didn't listen. Anyway, I have already reminded you. Another thing I want to say is that the assets of the light-year system in the market are already small and large. So things have changed and it’s better to be prepared early.”

"what to prepare?"

"Be prepared to deal with doubts. For example, you'd better bring out a financial statement, I mean the real one. Also prepare something to convince everyone that those orders are real and of high quality. Prepare more like this , so that investors can really have confidence in your light years, or let them be willing to have confidence."

Chu Jungui was still thinking about it, but Shen on the other side was already dumbfounded and could hardly believe his ears.

"I see, thank you." Chu Jungui stood up.

Nolan said: "If we can survive this round, can we continue to work together?"

"Of course." Chu Jungui smiled slightly and added, "If you can convince your sister."

Saying goodbye to Nolan, Chu Jungui nodded to Serena again as a farewell, and left the restaurant. Nolan also left in a hurry.

Only then did Serena stand up and said to Shin: "No one knows Light Years better than you, right?"

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