God is Coming

Chapter 647 Profitability

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When he returned to the room, Sino was sitting on the sofa, staring at the coffee table with dull eyes, motionless.

"Didn't you go out to pick up girls?" Chu Jungui asked. His speech is quite human now, and he is not particularly familiar with his words, so it is basically impossible to tell that it is said from the mouth of the test subject.

Xinuo smiled wryly and shook his head, and said, "She's here, if I go out to pick up girls at this time, I'm courting death."

Chu Jungui sat in front of him and asked, "Are you so afraid of her?"

Sino sighed, "I thought I wasn't afraid at first, but I didn't know that I was really afraid of her until I saw her again."

"The matter is over. If you don't want to go out, go to the gym." Chu Jungui patted Xinuo on the shoulder, sat down by the window, and continued to work. Because the order he placed was relatively scattered, it was completed very quickly. It could be completed in about 3 days, and shipped to the port for packing and shipping, and then shipped to the neutral port of the N77 star field, and then shipped to the No. 4 planet.

This series of processes is quite complicated, and Chu Jungui is not at ease completely handing over to a third party. He broke down the whole process into several links, and entrusted each link to different people. This has greatly increased the workload for him, but the safety has also been improved accordingly. Once this process is completed, Chu Jungui will continue to provide mechanical and material support to the base. As for the increased workload, for the test subject, it was just a matter of serious thinking for a few minutes.

Sino sat for a while, trying to say something, but in the end he didn't speak, and left the room silently.

At noon, Chu Jungui had already handled the whole process, and looked at today's financial information as usual. There are a little more news about the light-year assets, and there are two more reports, but they are all routine reports of small institutions, without any unique insights, and they analyze light-year as the most common bond.

Just when everything was calm, a blue message suddenly popped up: Excalibur Group newly launched 10 billion light-year group bonds, all of which are investment grade, and will jointly issue more than 50 billion yuan with three banks headed by Hengyuan Bank. hybrid bonds.

Blue means relatively important market information. The one-time issuance scale of 50 billion is relatively important, but it is nothing more than that. News scrolls across the screen in a blink of an eye and is replaced by other important market information. 50 billion directly doubled the size of the light-year assets to reach a scale of 100 billion. But that's nothing compared to a really big business. The short-term financing of those giants spanning several star fields is tens of thousands to trillions.

After reading the news, Chu Jungui started to work in the afternoon. He analyzed the Federation's starship equipment and general equipment manufacturers one by one, and wanted to see which products were cheap and competitive, and could be used on his own starship. There are other products that cannot be produced in light years, and we must also focus on inspections.

This will be a long and arduous research process, and Chu Jungui estimates that it will take him hundreds of hours to process all the data. These are only public information. If there are channels to obtain some internal reports, the workload will increase exponentially.

Chu Jungui ignored the huge number of working hours and started working directly. For him, as long as any work is done, it will always be finished. If you don't move, the progress bar will never come to an end.

However, Chu Jungui didn't know that the work he was going to do would require dozens of researchers to follow up and study it in other large institutions for years, and this was still supported by the database accumulated over hundreds of years.

At this time, at the pole of the planet, stands a strange building with a hexagonal shape. This huge hive-like building is one of the top three hotels on the planet. Perhaps from another perspective, it is not the largest, but it must be the best, because it only accepts members and never opens to the public.

A planetary shuttle landed on the rooftop apron of the hotel. Nolan hurriedly got off the plane, almost trotting into the hotel, and entered a huge suite. The living room of the room is like a magnificent tropical scenery. The endless sea is slowly rippling with waves, and the sea breeze blowing in the air is warm and has a unique salty taste.

Jane was leaning on the recliner, wearing sunglasses, enjoying the warm sunshine. Her posture is very relaxed, holding a light screen in one hand, and gently resting the other on her forehead, her fair skin glows like jewels under the sun, making the surrounding scenery eclipsed.

Nolan stepped lightly and came to her side.

"you are late."

"There's something wrong with the shuttle..."

Jane said flatly: "Fortunately, you didn't say it was a traffic jam."

Nolan smiled awkwardly. The shuttle first enters the orbit, then flies from the orbit to the sky above the target, and then re-enters the atmosphere, just like the intercontinental missiles of the old era. How could this thing be blocked? He said carefully: "It's only three minutes late, doesn't it matter?"

"In just these 3 minutes, I have read all the information on Light Year's newly issued bonds. I think you should have read it."

Nolan nodded quickly.

Jane said: "Just read it. How are you doing what you are asked to do?"

"I went to Chu Jungui according to your instructions, told him to stop and throw that bastard Xinuo out. As expected, he refused on the spot, and there was no possibility of bargaining. After that, a new issue was released in Guangnian The bond news, it seems that he was successfully irritated by me, and he has lost his rationality in doing things."

Jane casually sent a piece of information and said, "This is the news I just got from my friend Dynasty. It's very interesting."

Nolan took it over and took a look, his eyes lit up immediately, "Mr. Chu is still in the dynasty and still has secret debts? 5 billion, so much!"

After an exclamation, Nolan read the report twice thoughtfully, and said, "Although the information is indirect, the data is quite detailed and reliable. Well, Chu Jungui is responsible for the expenses shared by the Dynasty Fleet. 5 billion is not too much. But what is he capable of, he is actually qualified to share the cost of the fleet dispatch, is the fleet dispatched for him?"

"Focus on the point."

"The liability account is directly managed by the Dynasty Fleet. The person who wrote this report can see the balance of the account in the routine check every six months. This liability was formed 11 months ago, and the last time he saw the balance was 3 One and a half months ago, during this period, the debt was reduced by about 500 million, that is to say, in Chu Jungui's light years, can he repay more than 90 million per month?"

Before Jane could speak, Nolan continued: "After all, Light Year still needs to develop. According to the optimal plan, at least half of the profits should be used to repay the debt, otherwise the annual interest of at least 300 million will overwhelm him. Half dead. Based on this calculation, Light Year’s current monthly profit limit is 200 million. And he issued 20 billion in the federation! This, this is not even enough to pay back the interest!”

Jane nodded, "Yes, originally he might support it when he only issued 10 billion, but now the extra 10 billion can definitely crush him to death, and he may issue more."

"Shall we do it now?"

"No, wait until the new 10 billion yuan and all the mixed bonds are issued. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can take care of a few old opponents." Jian Dan said.

"It looks like this batch of bonds will be fully subscribed soon, so I'll wait a little longer." Nolan stared at the real-time beating numbers on the screen, which were rapidly approaching 50 billion.

At this time, Chu Jungui had just received a message that the latest energy payment from the 4th Fleet had arrived, and the federal debt had been automatically offset. The current account balance was 210.00 yuan.

This number was smaller than Chu Jungui expected, he frowned slightly: "The profitability is a bit insufficient..."

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