God is Coming

Chapter 651 Attack

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Chu Jungui's logistics system is still under planning, and hundreds of contracts have been sent out, most of which have not yet received feedback. Just this set of logistics system on the red ocean planet has already cost Chu Jungui hundreds of millions, and this is still the case of only renting and not buying.

While waiting for the contract feedback, Chu Jungui was not idle, and was checking the transport ships one by one. All he looked at were second-hand transport ships with average performance and cheap prices. The construction of a new transport ship needs a process, and Chu Jungui can't afford to wait now.

The three major forces all use a unified classification standard in the field of starships, but the names are similar with minor differences. Transport ships are divided into three categories: small, medium and large. As for the super transport ships that break through the upper limit, there is no consistent standard.

Chu Jungui first looked at some small transport ships. The so-called small is only compared to other transport ships, at least the shipment volume is more than 50,000 cubic meters. This is a transport ship specially used for space transportation, and will not land on the surface of the planet, so the carrying capacity is very considerable.

There are a large number of second-hand small transport ships, and there is a lot of room for selection. However, Chu Jungui looked around and felt that the cost performance of small transport ships was not high, and the transportation cost per unit of goods was very high. According to this standard, the boat Chu Jungui looked at was getting bigger and bigger, gradually approaching the limit of 1 million cubic meters.

If it exceeds 1 million cubic meters, it is a medium-sized transport ship. Ordinary planetary enterprises do not have much use for medium-sized transport ships. Only large enterprises or companies that specialize in shipping will equip medium-sized transport ships.

Chu Jungui soon took a fancy to a transport ship named Xiansheng. This ship was 600 meters long, with a support column in the middle, and the cabin and function rooms at both ends. It looked like an elongated ship. dumbbel. This transport ship is 30 years old, which is fairly new for a starship. It's just that it is a real interstellar transport ship, not the little guys that Chu Jungui met before that can land on the surface of planets.

The fiber rope is fast, stable and reliable, but its only disadvantages are high operating costs and high fuel consumption during flight. However, energy consumption has never been considered by Chu Jungui. He immediately placed an order, and the 1.5 billion in his account disappeared instantly.

After buying such a transport ship, Chu Jungui immediately felt a sense of security. No matter how many orders he places from Red Ocean, the shipping capacity is enough for the time being.

As soon as the transport ship was booked, Yang Hui appeared on the communication channel, and she used a very urgent red call.

After connecting, Chu Jungui asked directly: "Is there any question?"

"The problem is very big!" Yang Hui said with a cloud on his face, "I have received news that several institutions, including brokerages and banks, are planning to launch an attack on the Light Year Group. Will do it!"

"Launch an attack?" Chu Jungui was taken aback for a moment. After staying on the red ocean for so long, he almost forgot what war was like. It's just that the federal financial institutions are so tough, they do what the federal fleet can't do? Could it be that those bankers are more powerful in commanding the fleet than the generals like Sino?

Chu Jungui shook his head. He didn't think those bankers had the ability to take over the base on planet 4. Now that the base on planet 4 had become large, it would be impossible to take it down without an army of 100,000.

However, out of caution, Chu Jungui asked for details: "How many starships did they send?"

"Why send starships?" Yang Hui was startled, then laughed, and then his expression became serious again: "How could they attack you? If they want to attack you, they have to go deep into the dynasty star field. The attack I said is that they will attack you." Targeting Light Year's reputation, the consequences of such an attack are no worse than sending a starship, and may even be worse."

"What are they going to do?"

"Comprehensive questioning, unpacking all the data of Light Year Bonds, digging out the underlying data, and finding loopholes one by one. You know, not many companies can withstand this kind of carpet analysis and questioning." Speaking of this, Yang Hui added meaningfully: "Your light years don't seem to be able to withstand doubts?"

Chu Jungui pondered, "I'm afraid it's enough to question, but I'm sure I can withstand the attack."

Yang Hui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brother, I'm not kidding you!"

"Neither have I. The most direct way to give them confidence is to let them send a fleet over, preferably with the Planetary Marines, and then I'll just destroy it."

Yang Hui covered her face, and said helplessly: "They are financial institutions, and they usually don't do this kind of thing. I just want to remind you that the next doubts may be very violent. If you can't handle it, then you are in The capital market is over."

"If it is aimed at the company's operating capabilities, then I think those bonds packaged with Light Years are even worse."

Yang Hui sighed, and said simply: "Those companies are not very good, and some are even on the verge of bankruptcy. But the problem is, their information is all true!"

Chu Jungui was also taken aback, "I thought you didn't care about the contents of those orders, all you wanted were these things."

"Under normal circumstances we really don't care, and sometimes we don't even care about true or false, but that is the general situation! Obviously, it is no longer the general situation, these orders will become the best target for the opponent, and they will mercilessly Destroy us!" Yang Hui's voice became louder and louder.

Chu Jungui was still calm, "Isn't the essence of bonds just to repay the money? These orders are not important in the first place, and they don't affect Light Year's profitability at all. In other words, they don't affect my repayment."

Yang Hui smiled wryly, "Even if I believe you, it's useless."

Chu Jungui said: "Didn't you think about this issue when you issued it? I thought it should be a tacit understanding between you big banks and big institutions. You issued my bonds, and other banks sold them along the way. Out of your own garbage, the term is called risk assets, isn't it? Why would other institutions attack you?"

"It is of course a good thing to be able to make money together. The problem is that the size of the poker table is limited, and not everyone is eligible to be on the table. Those who are outside the table will want to clear the players on the poker table as soon as possible, so that they have a chance. In another situation, one of the players at the table is trying to take the entire table for themselves. The hell is, we are in a situation where it is neither of the two."

"What is that?" Chu Jungui asked.

"They want to overturn the table." Yang Hui smiled wryly.

"You've been talking for so long, do you want me to do something?" Chu Jungui asked.

"No, it's too late for anything now. I'm just...just telling you."

Chu Jungui said calmly: "Then I know, if there is nothing else, I will continue to work."

Yang Hui was stunned: "Work? What job do you have now? I wanted to ask you for a drink, because I will have no job soon."

"My job now is to spend the 50 billion." While Chu Jungui was talking, he ordered another large transport ship and spent 3 billion.

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