God is Coming

Chapter 652: Aperitif

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"Spending money... It's right to spend money now. Then you should be busy." Yang Hui turned off the communication.

After Chu Jungui took down two transport ships, he felt that the capacity was almost enough, so he began to pay attention to raw materials. The processing capacity of the base is also quite powerful. It may be a good idea to import raw materials and then process them.

At this moment, dozens of communication requests suddenly appeared on Chu Jungui's communication channel, each flickering frantically, threatening to blow up Chu Jungui's personal terminal. There were all kinds of people who requested communication, most of them were from major financial institutions. Basically, Chu Jungui had met some time ago, covering a series of institutions from Hengyuan to Furui, including Excalibur Group. But this time it wasn't Yang Hui.

With a thought, Chu Jun connected to the channels of all financial institutions at the same time. Everyone can only see a profile picture of Chu Jungui and hear his voice.

"Mr. Chu?! Have you seen the latest report? The whole market is going crazy!"

"Mr. Chu, I just want to know, how many of your orders are real?"

"Can we meet? I want to know the real answer."

In addition to the above group of people who were mixed with panic and rage, there were still a few people who could barely maintain their demeanor.

"Mr. Chu, I regret to inform you that we need to increase the margin of your account by 15000%. Please transfer the money to the margin account within one hour, otherwise..."

Chu Jungui directly cut off this guy's communication. If I remember correctly, Chu Jungui will not remember wrongly. All the money in this organization's account has been spent. The so-called security deposit was originally used to pay intermediary fees that may appear in lawyers, financial consultants, etc. Basically, it is not used much, and the ratio is very low, only a few per thousand. Now it is going to increase by 150 times. In fact, I want Chu Jungui to return the money raised in bonds.

The wish is beautiful, but it is destined to be unrealistic.

Now Chu Jungui already knows how to deal with these guys from financial institutions, and he doesn't get used to them at all unless there are special circumstances. Those who speak politely can still listen to them, but those who are not polite don't need to give them a good face at all. Anyway, financial institutions have their own standards for doing things. Those who meet the standards can be admitted, and those who do not meet the standards cannot be admitted. It has nothing to do with attitude.

Others, Chu Jungui, were much more patient.

"Mr. Chu, recently, no, many things have happened today, many of which are related to you. I know you must be very busy at this time, so I will make a long story short. The contract you just signed, we are now in Full production, it is estimated that the production will be completed in three days, but I wonder if you can pay the rest of the payment? I know that according to the contract, the final payment should be paid after three months, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Jungui said, "Yes."

The man froze for a moment, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Chu Jungui said calmly: "As a condition of paying in advance, you have to prepare the raw materials for the next order. I don't want the order to be delayed due to the supply of raw materials. I see the raw materials enter the warehouse, and the payment will arrive. "

"no problem!"

After cutting off the communication, Chu Jungui frowned slightly and looked at the remaining channels. These channels are all industrial enterprises, suppliers of various equipment for Light Year. It is conceivable that their demands are similar, requiring Chu Jungui to pay in advance. They knew the reason behind it without asking, they were afraid that Chu Jungui would not be able to pay the final payment.

Including the entire logistics system, Chu Jungui only spent less than 20 billion yuan, and payment ability is not a problem at all. So what are these people worried about?

Chu Jungui connected to their channels at the same time, and sure enough, the appeals were almost the same, asking for payment in advance. Chu Jungui didn't insist either, but agreed with all of them.

After shutting down all the communications, Chu Jungui frowned slightly. He had figured out what these people were worried about. They were worried that Chu Jungui's funds would be frozen!

This is impossible to happen under normal circumstances. Freezing funds at will will deal a very heavy blow to the credibility of the federal financial system, and everyone will have a strong sense of insecurity. But so many companies held the same view, which aroused Chu Jungui's vigilance.

Chu Jungui turned on the news, and immediately saw the report that had been spread all over the place. The content of the report is quite sharp, pointing directly at Light Year's order fraud, and took out several fairly typical large orders as examples. The organization even contacted several star thieves on the order. Only two of the five orders were confirmed. The remaining two star thieves said that they were just joking and testing, while one simply denied it. the existence of the order.

The report only cited five orders as examples, but it listed all the orders that were used for mortgages in light years, and there were more than 340 orders! If it weren't for the test subject's completely accurate memory of numbers, I would be a little surprised.

Being able to collect every order proves that there are terrible forces behind this report. Many orders are buried deep in the data, and unless the background data and working papers are adjusted, they cannot be found from the public data at all, but even so, every order is now clearly listed in the report, allowing The text of this report is less than ten pages long, with nearly a thousand pages of attachments.

After seeing this report, Chu Jungui finally understood why people panicked. Even a professional female killer like Yang Hui was so desperate that she thought she would not be able to keep her job.

The long list at the back is the last few tons of straw that overwhelm the camel's camel, and nothing else is needed.

Everyone will wonder how many fake orders are on this list. Some people have even begun to investigate, which may include Excalibur or Hengyuan. Although many light-year bonds were issued by them, Yang Hui was just one of the many internal factions among these behemoths. The internal competition of these large groups was probably even more fierce than the competition between groups. Yang Hui's opponents would never watch her get through this difficult time safely.

So, this report is just the beginning.

At this time, Sino rushed in and shouted: "Jungui, do you know what happened? Now the whole market is questioning us, what's going on?"

Chu Jungui said calmly: "It's normal, because many of our orders are not real."

Sino opened his mouth, and said after a while: "Of course those are not true, elementary school students know they are not true. However, those banks won't just send them out like this, right?"

"Packaged, of course."


Chu Jungui remained calm, "This is normal. Since there is money to be made, why don't the banks make money?"

"Well, these damned bankers turned out to be more shameless than me! What should we do now?"

"Do nothing. Whether those orders are real or not has nothing to do with whether we can pay back the money."

At this moment, on the other side of the planet, Jane drank the wine gracefully, and said lightly: "Let's have an aperitif first, empty order, 10 billion."

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