God is Coming

Chapter 653 Why?

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Chu Jungui had just finished speaking with everyone when he discovered a very serious matter. The light-year bonds were no longer traded.

It’s not that the trading system blocks the bonds of the light-year series, and there is no regulatory agency to come forward. In this era, most of the problems can be solved by the self-discipline of major institutions and accountability afterwards. So the current situation in the market is that the buying of light-year bonds disappeared in an instant.

Chu Jungui quickly investigated and figured out what was going on in a few minutes. As soon as this heavyweight bearish report came out, it immediately triggered a strong reaction, triggering the automatic risk warning mechanism of almost all institutions, automatically canceling all purchase orders, and waiting for the market to stabilize first.

Pure bonds are not stocks, and the face value has an almost unshakable support for the price, unless the credit of the bond issuer is completely destroyed. The yield of light-year bonds is quite high, so the holders are unwilling to sell at too low a price, and a stalemate formed in the market for a while. The price gap between buyers and sellers is more than 10 yuan, which is completely irreparable.

At this moment, a strong news detonated the market, and a large number of light-year empty orders appeared in the derivative market! Batches of empty orders are not tens of millions, but hundreds of millions and billions, and they become the mainstream of the market in an instant.

Looking at the countless filled empty orders, the market was dumbfounded at first, and then realized that countless empty orders were created in a short time, but it was too late, they were suspended in mid-air and could not be filled.

With the publication of this bearish report, it can be expected that the light-year bond market will disappear in an instant, and the only remaining longs in the market will be engulfed by a large number of shorts in an instant before they can react in time. By the time people with belated awareness joined, the opponent could no longer be found.

A capital market review column appeared in the most popular position again, this time the host was still the beautiful host, and the guest was the talented investment manager a few days ago.

It's just that this time the two sides' offense and defense changed, and the young investment manager was obviously at a loss, and his face looked a little stiff. The beauty host became gentle and charming, and asked him his opinion on Light Year in a soft voice.

After all, young people are young people, and the dignity deep in their hearts has not been abandoned. Faced with the sharp question asked in a gentle voice, he reluctantly said: "Judging from the content of this report so far, no definite conclusion can be drawn..."

"You want to say that Light Year is still a good company, don't you?"

"I never said it was a good company, I said it was a unique company."

"Do you still think so?"

"...Yes." The young man said bravely.

The beauty host unexpectedly stopped asking questions, but asked other questions, which made the young man instantly energized, and hurried to talk, for fear of returning to the original topic.

Chu Jungui cut out from this program and began to pay attention to other markets. The main bond market is calm, and the two sides are still in a stalemate, while the derivative market is already very lively, and more than a dozen new varieties related to light years have quietly emerged. The structure of these new products is complex, but the goal is the same, to provide a suitable weapon for longs or shorts.

Night was just falling on one side of the planet, and the sun was just rising on the other.

Jane stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, tracking the capital market with one eye, and admiring the famous sunrise with the other.

Nolan rushed in excitedly and shouted: "Big victory! My God, the price has been dropped by 10% in just one hour. This is a bond! 10% is more fatal than a halving of equity. There is no such thing as a bond in the market. Can't find an opponent!"

Jane was very calm and said: "Isn't this expected, is it worth being so excited?"

Nolan said: "Of course it's worth it! There are more than 8 billion transactions in the market now, of which 7 billion are ours, and then there are no more long positions. 7 billion! This is free money!"

Jane said indifferently: "7 billion is a lot, but it's not too much. There's no need to make a fuss about such a small amount of money. You came to me specifically to tell me these things, right?"

"I want to suggest, should we add another 10 billion?"

Jane turned her head slightly, revealing her beautiful side face, and asked, "Why?"

"That's right, this loss is still within the tolerance of those big institutions, and the largest one is only 2 billion. We will make a big bet at this time. In fact, the transaction will not be much, but we can force those institutions to admit defeat. After all They haven't lost much so far, all the bonds have been sold, plus the matching garbage, they still make money. They stop losses, we have all the money, it will be a textbook level transaction."

Jane finally nodded, "Knowing when enough is enough and forcing your opponent to surrender, you have improved a little after all. People from the Excalibur Group should be here, so let's listen together."

[Reading books to get red envelopes] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base Camp], read books and draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Excalibur? What are they doing here?" Nolan asked, but at this moment Jane had already walked out of the room, so he hurried after her.

In the conference room that comes with the room, seven or eight people from the Excalibur Group sat neatly in a row, half of them had slightly gray hair, and the younger ones were handsome and handsome, each with their own characteristics.

As soon as Nolan saw these people, he immediately put away his hippie smile and became serious. These few people are all important figures in the capital market, and their status is much higher than him.

Jane sat down across from everyone, and said, "I didn't expect a small incident to alarm the two vice presidents of Excalibur Group. It seems that my asking price can be raised a bit."

The two elderly people in the middle looked at each other, coughed and said, "Miss Jian, your operation in the Light Year Project is very sharp, but it is a bit too much, especially the Excalibur Group and your family have a lot of depth. with cooperation."

"The family is the family, and I am me. Maybe I accidentally broke a little bit of the rules, then I'm sorry, after all, I'm still young and don't understand so many rules." Jane's style has always left no room for it.

The two old men looked at each other again, looking a little surprised. Another old man said: "Miss Jian's style is indeed the same as the rumors, and that's okay, I'll just say it, we hope you can stop operating on the Light Year project, and appropriately reduce short positions."

"How much do you want to reduce?" Jane kept her expression.

"Excalibur's current position in this project is 2 billion, and I hope it can be reduced to 500 million. 500 million is quite a large amount." The old man's eyes were sharp.

Jane smiled slightly and said, "The 500 million is for me?"


Jane withdrew her smile and said coldly: "My point of view is just the opposite. I earned the 500 million with my own ability. 500 million may be a big amount to you, but it's nothing to me. Now I want to know More importantly, why should I give you 1.5 billion for free? Just because you are old enough? Or because you have such a little friendship and a shady deal with some useless old guy in the family?"

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