God is Coming

Chapter 654 It's Not Your Money

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Nolan looked at the empty meeting room, then looked at Jane beside him, and said, "They can endure for 30 minutes, which really amazes me. It turns out that these big men are also so tolerant. I always thought that big men have very bad tempers. Difference."

Jane said: "They haven't tested my true attitude, so naturally they refuse to leave. Besides, face is completely unimportant compared to 2 billion."

Nolan said: "Is that your real attitude just now? I mean, you want the equity of the project over there? That is far more than 2 billion. I think this part of the equity has exceeded 5 billion, right? How could they agree? , isn't it stupid to agree?"

Jian Weilu sneered, and said: "This is my real request, or the first-level request. Of course they will not agree now. As an established and large institution, they will certainly not see the reputation of the institution being damaged, so they must do it." Something, even if you know it's useless. I think it will take a few hours for their counterattack to come."

"How to fight back? Do you want to eat our empty orders?"

"No, they won't at this price, they will only make some gestures, such as placing orders around 80. In that case, the risk of our shorting will be much greater. At the same time, they will also concoct a batch of new reports to refute Let's give the market confidence."

"Then what should we do?"

"Be quiet first, and when their voices become loud enough and there are enough long orders in the market, we will do it again."

Nolan understood the meaning, shivered subconsciously, and said, "Is 7 billion not enough?"

"The 7 billion is just an aperitif. When the Excalibur Group takes the bait, we will offer another 20 billion, which can be regarded as... an appetizer."

Nolan asked cautiously: "What if, I mean, what if the Light Year Group is not as bad as we imagined? Should we not bet so big?"

Jian Dan said: "Then make it as bad as we imagined. Of course someone will do this."

"This... what are you going to do?"

"You don't need to know that. You have been in this industry for so long, don't you understand that the difference between a real big institution and a small bank is that the former's business has never been limited to the capital market."

Nolan shook his head and said, "This is... just crazy."

"If it's only a light-year away, will you let me stay here? Okay, now is not the time to be emotional. Excalibur Group holds the most positions, and other institutions are more scattered. It is estimated that a few more will come to the door in a while, roughly They are all between 500-100 million, and these people are up to you to deal with. Do you know what to do?"

"Understood, just scold it."

"By the way, some conditions."

"What conditions?"

"Whatever you want." After saying that, Jane left the conference room.

Chu Jun was lying on the sofa watching the latest report, and Yang Hui's image appeared on the communication channel: "I'm right at your door, come out and have a drink!"

After a while, Chu Jungui and Yang Hui sat opposite each other in the restaurant. Yang Hui poured a glass of spirits, drank it down, and said: "I just got the news, and I already know who is attacking us. In addition, the group's senior management just failed in negotiations, and they are already determined to fight back. My job is temporarily saved." .”


Yang Hui stared at Chu Jungui and said: "There is nothing to congratulate. This time, the other party broke the rules, but the result is hard to predict. Our opponent is Jane who has never missed a hand since her debut! Her There are many nicknames, such as Cold Noodle Butcher, Bingxin Killer, etc."

"If I hadn't met her, I would have thought you were talking about mercenaries." Chu Jungui had a rare humor.

"Don't be kidding! I just want to ask you, how much confidence do you have in Light Year?"

"I have said more than once that in terms of the current scale, I have enough confidence." Chu Jun said seriously.

A voice suddenly sounded from the side: "Just as long as you have confidence!"

Chu Jungui turned his head and saw Serena walking over and sitting down at the table. Shen followed behind her, and greeted Chu Jungui somewhat resentfully.

Chu Jungui said: "I have always been confident."

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Serena nodded, then turned around and said, "Shen, buy 1 billion, the market price."

Shen's face changed, but under Serena's stern gaze, he could only operate reluctantly. After finishing the operation, he couldn't help but said: "Miss, I think we can buy it cheaper at the current market."

"I think we've already discussed it, and I've heard your suggestion. Now it's my final decision, and you just need to implement it." Serena seemed a little impatient, and it seemed that the two had argued a lot before.

1 billion seems a bit small, compared to the way and tone of Serena's speech before. However, being able to have an ally at such a time is still commendable. It has nothing to do with the amount of money, but a kind of almost blind trust. Chu Jungui felt that he had to say something, thought for a while, and said, "In the current environment, the price is not so important, the direction is the fundamental."

"It makes sense. Just now I threw all my pocket money into it, so I lost it all, and I have nothing to eat." Serena stuck out her tongue.

"No problem, I will support you." Chu Jungui said without thinking.

Serena opened her mouth slightly, and her whole body froze. Yang Hui looked at Chu Jungui, then at Serena, with complicated expressions.

Chu Jungui felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, so he added: "If you don't consider the taste, but only meet the nutritional and calorie needs, it doesn't cost much to raise a person."

He said this sincerely, more than 20,000 soldiers in a light year, combined with food every month, the energy consumed is only a branch of the Futaba tree. As long as there is enough energy, even if you throw a stone into it, the machine will produce protein. With Serena's slender body, maybe two of them together can't eat a Light Year Warrior.

Serena stayed there for a few more seconds, and suddenly burst out laughing, which turned into a loud laugh in a blink of an eye, and said while laughing, "You really know how to tell bad jokes!"

After finally laughing enough, she turned her head and said, "Add another 10 billion, the market price."

Shen was taken aback, and lost his voice: "No!"

Serena's face turned cold, and she said: "This is the share that the old man authorized me to manage, and I can dispose of it at my own discretion. If you talk too much, then go back and I will replace it!"

Shen looked embarrassed, gritted his teeth, glared at Chu Jungui, and reluctantly carried out the order. Serena thought for a while and said, "By the way, I have a good sister who has 2 billion pocket money with me. Let's buy them all together!"

Shen had already smashed the jar, closed his eyes and said, "Execution is complete."

Serena glared at him and said, "You're lucky this time."

Shen replied, "It's not your money."

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