God is Coming

Chapter 655 Stop loss

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Serena's heavy bet put a little pressure on Chu Jungui, but the test subject did not have too much burden. In his opinion, mature human beings should be responsible for their own actions. Besides, she is not I can't afford it.

A few people were chatting happily, a group of men in black poured into the restaurant, stood around the few people, and surrounded them. This group of people seemed to be hostile at first glance, Chu Jungui remained calm, while Serena's face darkened. But before she had a seizure, Shen stood up abruptly, pointed at the tip of the nose of a big man in black and cursed: "What do you want to do, who allowed you to stand here? No matter who you are, step back, otherwise If you don’t, I’ll let you go around without eating!”

Shen's fingers were about to poke the tip of his nose, but the big men in black were unmoved, their eyes were indifferent, as if they hadn't seen Shen. Shen froze in place for a while, neither advancing nor retreating. He wanted to fight, but felt that he had lost his identity. In addition, if the opponent fought back, he really couldn't beat him. He sneaked a look at Serena from the corner of his eye, but found that the young lady was chatting with Chu Jungui again, so he didn't look at her at all.

Just at the moment of embarrassment, the manager of the restaurant trotted all the way over, with sweat on his forehead, and said, "I'm really sorry, these gentlemen didn't mean any harm."

Seeing the manager of the restaurant, Shen raised his voice immediately, and shouted: "I'm afraid it's not up to you to decide whether there is malice or not, and they offended our lady, didn't you see it? Besides, this place can be done as you please." In? Even a few security guards can come in and out at will, so what’s the difference with a supermarket? How about the dignity and privacy of customers, is that how they are protected?”

The manager of the restaurant was so scolded that his face was green and pale, and he could only apologize again and again.

At this time, an elegant man who looked around thirty appeared behind the manager of the restaurant. He gave a slight bow and said, "These are my personal attendants. Let me clarify here. This restaurant is indeed the one with the strictest identity requirements on the planet." Even I can only bring 5 people in. Miss Serena should not be qualified to bring friends. Of course, the regulations are just regulations. We are willing to be friends with people like Miss Serena, so for We don’t mind the occasional violation of the rules.”

Shin couldn't say a word, but the implication of the man's words was very clear, he was the one who should go out.

The man sat down at the table and said to Chu Jungui: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Henry, and I am the executive director of Hengyuan Bank. I will not go around in circles and just say it directly. We believe that the recent behavior of shorting Light Year and related securities Very bad, so the top of the bank decided to fight back, and got the approval of some industry institutions. There are not many of them, but they are all quite important. Soon we will launch a series of counterattacks, but at this stage, you are very important, and The key. These people have followed me for many years, and they are all veterans from the battlefield. If you don't mind, they will protect you within a week."

Chu Jungui raised his eyebrows slightly, "Will someone come to kill me?"

"That's not likely. I mean, not yet. But some small accidents, such as hitting a car, or being hit by something, it's hard to say. These are small things, but they affect the mood very much. And these people are experts in this field.”

Although Chu Jungui didn't think anyone could hit him with something, he still took a serious look at these strong men. Wherever his gaze fell, the strong man who was seen trembled instantly as if he had been stabbed by a needle. This reaction has allowed Chu Jungui to roughly judge their strength, and their fighting skills are around 6.0.

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This is already quite good, and he can barely be called a master. Back then, Lin Xi was only 7.0. The basic physical fitness of these people is about three times that of ordinary people. If they really fight, there will be no problem with dozens of dozen. A 2.0 like Shen can only be called a fighting enthusiast. He can fight against three or four ordinary people. In front of these strong men, even three Shen can't last a minute.

"I basically don't go out of the hotel, so these people are unnecessary." Chu Jungui glanced at the restaurant manager, and then said, "If there are always problems here, then I don't think there is any safe place on the entire planet."

"On the red ocean, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, but there will always be some aliens who don't know the heights and depths of the earth. Another point, during this critical period, we don't want you to make remarks about light years, no matter how good they are. It’s still not good, it’s best to keep silent. But there will always be some people who serve the media directly or indirectly, even if it’s only temporarily.” Henry glanced at Yang Hui and Shen intentionally or unintentionally.

"Keep silent? Yes. How long?" Chu Jungui asked.

"I think a week is enough, but basically it won't take that long." Henry said with a little arrogance. Then he turned to Serena, showed a charming smile, and said: "We have seen your actions just now, and we are very happy to have a beautiful lady like you in our camp. Although the price of the pending order is open to discussion, the timing of the action is perfect .Ah, our operation has begun."

Shen suddenly let out a low cry.

When Serena opened her personal terminal, she saw that there were a large number of long and short orders in the derivative market, basically distributed in the 85 line, and the amount had exceeded 10 billion, and it was still rising rapidly.

At the same time, a large number of reports on light-year bonds poured out, including many well-known institutions. These reports discuss the reliability of Lightyear Bonds from various angles. The most critical point is that it is jointly issued by many first-line large institutions and several small star institutions. How could these large institutions make mistakes? Moreover, one report pointed out even cryptically that even if they did make a mistake, they would definitely be able to afford it and would not let investors pay for it.

The enthusiasm of the market was once again ignited, and the long orders on the market quickly accumulated, and there were continuous scattered small orders that began to go up, and there were even three-handed and five-handed orders.

Henry was also paying attention to the market, and smiled at this time: "Look, when these scattered individual investors gather together, they will also burst out with great power. They are greedy and impulsive, very easy to be incited, and refuse to let go Even the tiniest of investment opportunities. Sadly, our opponents don't seem to be able to take advantage of this power, or seem to be bothered to do so. So we've got good allies for almost nothing. Look, retail investors has over 5 billion pending orders and counting. That's why I want you to keep silent, because you don't know what to say to these people. Usually, they just want to hear what they want Listen."

"Be taught!" Chu Jungui felt that he had learned something new.

Henry gestured, and the restaurant manager brought over a glass of wine. He took a sip and said: "The capital market is actually a battlefield without gunpowder. Of course, they are often the source of a war..."

Shen whispered again: "The number of empty orders has started to decrease!"

The empty orders accumulated around 90 suddenly began to decrease, and the bulls immediately smelled blood. The price of pending orders instantly approached the base camp of 90, and there were continuous small and small orders that rushed directly to the transaction. As a result, the reduction rate of empty orders was significantly accelerated.

Seeing this scene, Henry smiled even more charmingly, and said, "It seems that our opponent should consider how to stop losses. Mr. Chu?"


"You may consider issuing a new batch of bonds."

Chu Jungui was a little surprised, "It's not necessary for now, the money for this week is enough."

"Of course it is necessary! If you don't issue new debts, how will they stop the loss? Haha!" Henry laughed loudly, and the people around him realized that he was joking.

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