God is Coming

Chapter 656 The Princess Arrives

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Henry's sneer caused a burst of laughter, Shen laughed extraordinarily vigorously, Yang Hui had a perfect balance between reserved and publicity, Serena just smiled, only Chu Jungui remained expressionless.

It seems that Chu Jungui also told a joke just now, and everyone laughed together.

The short side in the market is retreating steadily, the 90-yuan line is already in flames, and many empty orders have been withdrawn from the front line and retreated to the 95-yuan line. However, the market sentiment has been ignited. There is no difference between 91 and 95. As long as it is less than 100, there is a profit. Even if there is only a difference of 1 yuan, if you put 100 times leverage, that is 100% profit, and it will be in a few days or even a day. Cash out within.

In an instant, the forces of all parties formed an unprecedentedly powerful joint force, encircling and suppressing the bears with a murderous aura.

Henry was not in a hurry to leave. This kind of moment naturally needs to be shared. Who else can be a better sharer than everyone in Light Years?

The short side has retreated steadily, and has already retreated to 99 yuan. The next step is the difference between profit and loss, so the resistance at this line is extremely fierce.

Seeing that the last one billion empty orders were still resisting, Henry pondered for a while, and entered an instruction on his personal terminal, and a huge order of 2 billion was born, sweeping away all the empty orders on the field!

The bulls in the market saw that their meat was almost gone, and they couldn’t take care of any more. Countless dozens or hundreds of small orders gathered together and became a torrent, which instantly broke down the last line of defense of the bears, and the price rushed to 103 in one breath. There is still an upward trend.

This is already a somewhat irrational price, and there are hundreds of millions of empty orders at 105, but it looks more like fishing, and the fishing is stupid.

"Mr. Henry, you have gained a lot, right?" Shen asked attentively.

Henry smiled reservedly, and said, "It's only four or five billion for a small fight. It's not as good as Miss Serena's decisiveness."

Serena said: "These money should not be in the eyes of Mr. Henry, he is just fulfilling the leadership responsibility of Hengyuan Bank."

Henry glanced at Serena appreciatively, and said: "Yes, as one of the market leaders, it is our responsibility to maintain the market's operating order and some customary traditions. For those who disrupt the order, we must give a strong counterattack, Only then can they understand the importance of following the rules."

After finishing speaking, he smiled slightly, picked up his wine glass, and said: "After this battle, all investors who have made money in the market must understand why Hengyuan has been able to stand for 700 years."

Then Henry said: "Miss Serena, if you are interested in investing, welcome to Hengyuan Bank to experience life."

"I will consider."

Henry drank the wine in his glass and said, "Mr. Chu, the situation is developing much faster than I expected. It seems that these followers of mine don't need to stay for a week."

Chu Jungui said: "I appreciate it with kindness."

"However, Mr. Chu, after the successful issuance of these bonds, your identity is no longer what it used to be. You still have to pay attention to your personal safety. There will always be some people who are unwilling to fail, and may do some extreme things. "

Henry got up and was about to say goodbye when he suddenly saw some changes in the market. The number of empty orders increased a little, and they gathered outside the safety line of 105, as if he still didn't give up.

The number of these lists is not large, but it is a bit dazzling to look at. Henry instinctively felt a little offended, and his face was a little unhappy. However, buying at 105 was obviously a bit stupid. He thought for a while, and then issued another order. In the blink of an eye, a huge order of 10 billion yuan appeared at 98 yuan.

This long order is like a giant, standing in the formation of one's own army, warning all opponents who are still unwilling to give up. As if echoing Henry, two large orders of 5 billion appeared in the blink of an eye, also at 98 yuan.

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Henry smiled reservedly before leaving. There is no need to stay with those followers.

At this time, a stunning girl rushed into the restaurant, came to Serena, and said, "Sorry, I'm late!"

Seeing this girl, Henry was a little taken aback, and immediately stopped in his tracks, not planning to leave.

Serena smiled and said: "You missed a big show! But I just helped you earn 200 million, don't rush to thank me, come, let me introduce someone to you."

As she spoke, she brought the girl to Chu Jungui, and said, "This is Mr. Chu, very outstanding."

The girl bowed to Mr. Chu with impeccable elegance, and said with a smile, "Meet you again..."

Before she finished speaking, the whole restaurant suddenly shook, everyone's eyes blurred, and Chu Jungui's hand was already on the girl's face!

The girl was a little helpless, and said with a half-smile, "Here we go again."

Chu Jungui was also a little embarrassed, and said, "Sorry, I can't control myself."

"Forgive you." The girl took Chu Jungui's hand, paused, and then took it off her face.

Serena looked at the girl, then at Chu Jungui, and said with a look of astonishment, "Are you so...familiar?"

The girl nodded and sat down gracefully, only looking at Chu Jungui with her eyes.

Henry, who was about to leave, came to the girl, bowed elegantly and respectfully, and said, "It's a surprise, and I'm very glad to have the honor to meet you here, the beautiful Miss Hathaway."

Hathaway stood up, stretched out Henry's hand to shake gently, and said, "I am also very happy. At the party a year ago, your speech on the future development of the capital market was very impressive. If I remember correctly, the party Many points of view have been confirmed.”

"Glad you remember that speech. Looking forward to serving you and your family in the future."

"My family and I have always needed a friend like you."

Henry saluted again before taking his leave and leaving.

After seeing off Henry, Hathaway came back and sat down again. This time she sat directly next to Chu Jungui, with a faint smile in her eyes, and slowly assumed the most classic sitting posture of a lady. The impeccable demeanor and demeanor made Shin on the side forget the time.

Serena kept staring at Chu Jungui, Chu Jungui was clearly restraining himself, not only the expression on his face was stiff, but his whole body was stiff.

The corners of Serena's mouth were slightly raised, smiling, and slowly, slowly changed to another classic lady sitting posture, which was also impeccable.

With two bangs, the two cups on the table suddenly exploded to pieces!

As if nothing had happened, Chu Jun quietly withdrew his hand from the table.

Heather finally couldn't help it, covered her mouth and chuckled, paying attention to the position of each finger. Serena looked at the side with a confused face, not understanding why Hathaway suddenly became so contrived. Shen was fascinated by it.

Heather smiled slightly, her body trembling slightly, and she hooked Chu Jungui lightly with her fingertips, intentionally or not. There was a bang, and a circle of shock waves spread out from Chu Jungui's center. Chu Jungui's hair stood up and fell slowly.

The little princess was no longer reserved, and laughed out loud. Chu Jungui's face was ashen, but there was nothing he could do, while Serena was at a loss.

Only Shen, with hatred and bitterness in his heart, didn't understand why the two knew each other so well.

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