God is Coming

Chapter 657

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"So you're still the same, that's great!" Hathaway smiled happily.

Chu Jungui's face was ashen, and he sat motionless, like a statue. Even if the little princess moves her mouth and fingertips now, it will trigger Chu Jungui's highest-level alarm. In the eyes of the test subjects, seeing Hathaway was like seeing a natural enemy. This was a crisis where the probability of survival was in doubt. In this case, instinct would go beyond reason and take action directly, trying to kill the crisis.

This is a built-in mechanism, and it is the highest level. It is at the same level as Chu Jungui's own will, regardless of level, so it is extremely difficult for Chu Jungui to control it. However, every move of the little princess is perfect without deliberation, and can easily arouse the instinctive defense, not to mention that she is deliberately molesting Chu Jungui now.

For example, she brushed her long hair seemingly casually, and the flying hair immediately caused the subject's instinct to howl: "See, those hairs are provoking me! How dare it provoke me! I must go Destroy them!"

Another example is that she folded her hands on her knees, and with a slight movement of her fingers, the test subject's instincts began to howl again: "Look at that nail, its reflection pierced me! It must be some kind of unknown beam weapon. Don't stop me, let me go and destroy it!"

And so on, Chu Jungui was so overwhelmed that he didn't even dare to speak, for fear of being distracted and out of control. But the little princess didn't seem to realize how dangerous the situation was, and she was still frantically probing on the verge of death.

Chu Jungui couldn't laugh or cry, and all attempts to control his instincts failed. According to the instinct of the body, your authority is the same as that of Lao Tzu, why should I listen to you?

Heather looked at Chu Jungui slightly, with the corners of her mouth curled up, a half-smile, Chu Jungui's heart skipped a beat. Fortunately, the little princess just looked at him like this, and didn't make any other movements for a moment. Just as Chu Jungui breathed a sigh of relief, his body instinct exploded again: "She's looking at me!"

"Looking is the most important way for human beings to collect information..." Chu Jungui explained patiently.

However, the physical instinct did not buy it at all: "I just want to know, what is she looking at?"

Chu Jungui desperately found that there was no way to communicate with the body instinct, and he could not shut it down like other components. The existence authority of the body instinct was even a little higher than that of Chu Jungui. When you lose consciousness, or even your entire brain is blown away, you can rely on your muscles and internal organs to escape from danger independently, and then just grow a head out.

In the past, bodily instincts were useless, so who would have thought that a little princess would descend from the sky?

Unable to deal with his physical instincts, Chu Jungui had no choice but to start from Heisewei, and tentatively said, "Can you... relax a little?"

Hathaway immediately slumped in the seat and asked, "Is that so?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chu Jungui was overjoyed.

Hathaway gave a malicious smirk, adjusted her body slightly, put her legs up, and asked lazily, "Is it still the same?"

"...Don't!" Chu Jungui wailed, and with a bang, the dishes on the table exploded again.

Serena looked inexplicably, as did the manager of the restaurant who was peeping from a distance. It can be explained that the two wine glasses exploded just now, but this time Chu Jungui didn't touch the table at all. How did the dishes explode?

Serena poked Shin and asked, "Did you see clearly?"

"What?" Shen looked puzzled.

It was only then that Serena realized that Shen had been looking at Hathaway, his eyes were empty and confused, and his mouth was open, almost drooling.

She suddenly felt a little annoyed, and raised her voice: "Shen!"

"Ah, what's the matter?" Shen Rumeng woke up.

"It's okay." Serena turned her head and waved to the restaurant manager with a cold face. The manager of the restaurant trotted over and asked courteously, "What's your order, Miss? These tableware are not expensive, so you can put them on the account first."

Serena glared at him and asked, "I just want to know, how did this plate break?"

"I have to ask Mr. Chu."

Serena snorted and said, "Do you think he's free now?"

While staring at Heather Wei, Chu Jungui made an OK gesture in this direction.

"Huh???" Serena also felt confused. In the end, Chu Jungui pulled him over and put him between himself and Heisewei.

Just as Chu Jungui breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the little princess's lazy voice: "It's useless."

The body screamed instinctively: "This voice! Its wave pattern is provocative!"

Chu Jungui finally accepted his fate and asked helplessly, "What do you want?"

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Hathaway smiled and said, "Yes?"

Chu Jungui sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I happen to have an appointment for afternoon tea..."

As soon as Chu Jungui's expression relaxed, Hathaway continued: "...you can go with me!"

Chu Jungui was dumb, and said after a while: "This, isn't it good? I don't know your friends well."

"You'll get to know each other as soon as you meet them. They will like you. Even if some of you are unhappy, forgive them and dare not tell them." Hathaway smiled brightly.

Chu Jungui hesitated, and asked, "Is it all right after finishing the afternoon tea?"

Hathaway smiled and said: "I still have some time after afternoon tea, go shopping with me, well, I have no clothes to wear recently, I have to buy some clothes for the dinner. Then there is a dinner here, dinner There will be a reception later, and then there will be a private party with some of my better friends, you should attend, Serena will be there too."

Chu Jungui looked serious and said, "I'm afraid I don't have so much time. After all, I still have to work and support my family..."

"Haha!" The little princess laughed out loud, and then said, "Are you saying that you have to go back to move bricks?"

Chu Jungui thought about the several tons of prefabricated bricks in the base and nodded.

Heather snorted slightly: "Glib!"

Chu Jungui still understands the meaning of glib, but he doesn't understand why this word is attached to his head. If you say he is a piece of wood, Mr. Chu still agrees. After all, Lin Xi has said it many times.

The little princess stopped asking Chu Jungui for advice, and said directly: "That's it. You go back and change your clothes. I'll wait for you here. Is 10 minutes enough?"

"I still have to work..." Chu Jungui tried to arouse Haisewei's sympathy.

"Your job is to accompany me to eat and go shopping to meet friends, or do you want to see me like this again?" Heather smiled slightly, raised her hands, and was about to stretch.

"I'll go with you!" Chu Jungui made a decisive decision.

"That's right! Also, you can work on the road, don't think I don't know you can multi-thread."

Chu Jungui sighed and gave up the plan to argue. Heatherway knows everything about him, but the universe is really small, and the human territory with a radius of thousands of light years can still meet her. Where can Chu Jun go to reason?

He couldn't escape, but the test subject still had principles and a bottom line. He didn't intend to pay back the ransom money that was collected from the little princess back then.

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