God is Coming

Chapter 669 The so-called freedom

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An hour later, the light-year bond had fallen below 70, and there was little resistance left below.

The major organizations have obviously given up their resistance, and they seem to have no plans to take any further action until Chu Jungui comes forward to clarify. And some well-informed people found the place where Mr. Chu lived, and there were still speeding cars coming one after another. These people wanted to enter the hotel, but were directly stopped by the security guards.

At this time, you can see the confidence of the hotel. This hotel deserves to be called the No. 1 hotel on the planet. It directly stopped all the angry investors, and the two sides immediately clashed. The manager on duty of the hotel rushed over, and dozens of investors unanimously demanded to find out whether Chu Jungui was still living here, and if so, the hotel would hand him over.

However, after understanding the intentions of these investors with a smile, the manager on duty suddenly changed his face. Not only did he refuse the request to inquire about the status of Chu Jungui's stay in the store, but he even announced in a high-profile manner that even if Chu Jungui was in the store, he would never hand over anyone. And in view of the obvious bad intentions of this group of people, the duty manager even announced that they must leave the hotel ten kilometers away, because the surrounding ten kilometers are the hotel's land. And they will not accept their hotel application within the next 72 hours, that is to say, it is impossible for them to enter the hotel as a hotel guest.

The hotel's tough attitude immediately caused an uproar. Many people shouted who they are, who their friends are, who they know, who they have heard of...

Unexpectedly, the on-duty manager's attitude became even tougher, and he directly stated that no matter who they call, in a word, all the things in front of him must leave the hotel, and they must be ten kilometers away, even less than one meter!

The investors were outraged, and new investors came one after another. As a result, the manager on duty didn't give any warning at all, and anyone who joined the previous group would be expelled!

These investors had already suffered heavy losses, but they didn't expect their dignity to be trampled on again. Immediately, they became angry and moved their hands. As a result, they were punched hard by the security guard before they hit the face of the manager on duty. He fell to the ground and was dragged out of the crowd and beaten violently. The manager on duty was not angry either. He snorted and said to the blood-stained investor: "So many eyes have seen it. You intend to violently intrude into private land and pose a great threat to the safety of hotel guests. It's no small matter."

The man struggled to argue, but the heavily armed security guard held his neck firmly, and he couldn't say a word.

The manager on duty snorted and said, "If you have anything to say, go to the court! By the way, I forgot to tell you that the nearest police station is on the basement of the hotel, and the cells are also located there. The security guys have zero tolerance. Plus, hotels spend hundreds of millions a year on lawyers, so hope you get just as good ones, good luck, idiot!"

After the conflict broke out, dozens of heavily armed security guards poured out of the hotel, and a dozen or even a handful of special forces equipment. This makes people wonder whether they can still release a heavy armored force when necessary.

Investors left angrily, many people put down their harsh words, the manager on duty accepted them all with a smile, and now they are flying away one by one. Speed ​​cars come and go fast, as people in the cars are constantly alerted to being locked on by missiles and will be shot down if they don't leave the private area within 5 minutes.

After watching the last flying car disappear, a follower hurriedly asked, "Why are you so lenient?"

The manager on duty glared at him and said, "Mr. Chu is our real VIP, the one who can stay in the most expensive suite indefinitely. No matter what happens, those who are capable will naturally find him, and these The guy who comes to the door obviously doesn't have that ability, so he can only come here to block people. Don't forget, we are the best hotel on the entire planet! The best meaning is not to say that you have to save a few months to stay for one night. Our guests, our real guests, are people like Mr. Chu who can regard our hotel as part of his daily life. Do you understand?"

The following class is like enlightenment.

In Hengyuan Bank, Henry collapsed on the sofa, with two empty wine bottles in front of him. The light screen was right next to him, with Chu Jungui at the top, and Hathaway and Serena below. As for Sino, although Henry knew this person, he was not interested in leaving his contact information.

Henry's eyes kept wandering on the images of the three of them, and as long as he moved his mind, he could send a communication request. However, Chu Jungui was in a state of refusing to receive information, Serena and the little princess were normal, but Henry thought for a long time, but still did not go to them. He stood up, slowly packed up his personal belongings, put them in a cardboard box, then called his secretary in, and said to her: "I'll be away for two days, go out to relax, and I'll be back the day after tomorrow. You put this office Clean it up."

The secretary tentatively asked, "How much do you want to clean up?"

Henry paused for a moment before saying, "You can welcome its new owner immediately."

The secretary didn't know what to say for a while, and could only watch Henry walk out of the office with some staggering steps. At this time, his assistant rushed over and asked: "Mr. Henry, we have reached the closing line, what should we do now? Do we want to close the position?"

Henry smiled wryly and said, "Close the position? Is it closed?"

The assistant froze in place for a moment.

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

Henry patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just do what you want." After speaking, he walked into the elevator and closed the door.

The assistant stayed for a while, still not knowing whether to level or make up.

It was already afternoon, and there was still no news from Light Years. The Glonass news station was almost occupied by investors, and they had to show the video from the previous day to prove that it was Chu Jungui himself who came to ask for news release.

At this time, most people actually understand that there will probably be no more news. As for why Chu Jungui announced his profitability the next day, there are quite reasonable speculations, that is to arouse the enthusiasm of market investors so as to cover his own shipments. There is unconfirmed news that there are indeed privately issued light-year bonds in the market, which are different from those issued by major institutions.

The price of light-year bonds then fell below 60, and short orders surged in an instant. Anyone with a little experience knows that this is someone who broke out and was forced out. The reason why there is no further drop is because there are almost no orders below, even if it hits 0, it is meaningless, and there is no transaction at all.

There are only a small number of depressed individual investors, and the short side is the main force. Most investors were elated, celebrating a victory that almost fell from the sky. Many high-end restaurants are fully booked for dinner. After all, there are too many people who made a fortune on this day, although they don't know how many positions they can successfully cash out.

Until then, some tearful investors began to miss the parent star era. At that time, at least most countries had regulatory agencies of various names that could punish liars like Chu Jungui. Unlike now, a truly free market without supervision brings these small investors only the freedom to be played with.

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