God is Coming

Chapter 670

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Xinuo tiptoed into the living room, and saw Chu Jungui sitting in his old seat by the window, meditating against the background of lava eruption. After getting along for so long, Xinuo has long understood Chu Jungui's habits, and knows that he will never be in a daze for no reason. In that seemingly human-like head, you never know what you are thinking.

"I can't go out yet, can I?"

"If you don't want to be besieged." Chu Jun returned.

Si Nuo sat in front of Chu Jungui and said, "I admit that there are many things I don't understand during this time, but this doesn't seem to be the life I want. I prefer to command the fleet, or even fly a fighter plane to fight head-on. Instead of staying in the hotel every day like now, you can earn billions with your fingers. To be honest, the experience during this period makes me sometimes think, if it is so easy to make money, how hard is it? What are you working so hard for?"

Chu Jungui looked at him quietly, waiting for the next sentence.

Sino was awkwardly silent for a while, and then said: "I know I owe you a lot, and there is no room for me here, why don't I go back to Planet 4 and help you train a group of fighter pilots."

Chu Jungui stood up, patted Xinuo on the shoulder, and said, "Actually, there are more things you don't understand than you think. Don't worry, you will be useful soon. As for finance, although It’s quick to make money, but it’s never really been a strategic industry, much less a means of end.”

Sino was startled, but didn't understand what it meant.

Chu Jungui said: "It's okay to make a small amount of money in the financial field. If you want to make a lot of money, finance alone is not enough. It's like a gambler who wins a lot of money. If you want to take the money out of the casino, you have to wear it." There's a gun. By the same token, we're on the edge now, and as long as we're making more money, we've got to have an army behind us to take the money away."

"So it's not finance that solves the problem, but starships?"


Sino said: "Don't we have an army in hand, and it's very powerful!"

Speaking of this, Sino also blushed a little. After all, a strong combat power needs a reference, and he is unfortunately one of the references. Chu Jungui smiled and said: "Our current troops can only be said to be good, and we still need more equipment. The little money we have now is far from enough."

This is the field that Sino is familiar with. He naturally knows how much it costs to equip an army. Although Chu Jungui didn't say the time, but with a vague promise to use his ability, Xinuo felt at ease. He took the equipment and went to the fitness area. The performance of modern fighter jets is very powerful. If you want to fully utilize it, you need the driver to have extremely strong physical fitness.

After Xinuo left, Chu Jungui continued to sit quietly in a daze. It seemed that he hadn't done anything, but in fact he had already started to arrange things slowly. The whole afternoon passed quietly like this, and the light-year bond has been hovering between 10-20. There were some transactions in the middle, and most of them were profit-taking by the short side.

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Chu Jungui's refusal to answer the communication records is close to a thousand, and most of them are calls from major organizations. Chu Jungui ignores them at all, even the communication between Yang Hui and Henry is ignored. Now is the critical period, and Chu Jungui doesn't intend to cause trouble, and he doesn't feel that the relationship between himself and them is very good. What he was dealing with was Hengyuan and Excalibur, not someone inside.

From another point of view, Chu Jungui now knows very well that these so-called high-end people have entertainment almost every day, and he just had a meal with Yang Hui and Henry. Just like a comrade in arms in the futures market, it is possible to reverse the operation at any time and give you a head-on blow.

What's interesting is that the little princess hadn't had any contact with Chu Jungui in the past two days, but Serena had approached him twice, and what she said was that she supported Chu Jungui in everything he did.

In this way, Chu Jungui remained absolutely silent for three whole days.

Needless to say three days, many investors on the first day were already desperate and surrendered. Many large institutions began to ship regardless of cost to get rid of their current positions. The short side also seemed to feel that it was almost done at this level, and began to take profits. There were transactions in the market one after another, and the price gradually rose to around 15 yuan.

On the other side of the planet, Richard came to Jane excitedly and said: "I have received definite news that Hengyuan Bank has decided to close their long positions, and Henry will also be ordered by the board of directors to resign in the near future. His resignation report is said to be It is already in the system, it has been set up to send automatically, and it will be sent to the board of directors before work tomorrow!"

"It's really good news." Jane said without raising her head.

"Shouldn't you be happy? Isn't this what we want? Now we should end this matter."

"I was already happy when I heard what you said just now. For this kind of thing, 10 seconds is enough to be happy. We still have a lot to do." Jane continued to stare at the screen.

Richard glanced at the screen and asked, "Is this the Star Pirate's report?"

"Pirate Redbeard."


"This is the name of this star thief."

Richard was helpless, and said: "I thought you were reading the myths and legends of the mother star era! Is there anything special about this star thief?"

"They bought light-year equipment."

Richard was very surprised, "Aren't those orders all fake?"

"This star thief is different, they really bought it."

Richard began to read the report seriously, "So, Light Year really has the ability to manufacture starships?"

"It's not surprising that it can be built. The key is how well it is built. Now just a few kids can build a starship in their own backyard. The parts are all ready-made, just weld them together."

Richard said: "How do you plan to deal with this star thief?"

Jane raised her head and said, "Notify your friends in Bilinde, let them dispatch and destroy this star thief."

Richard frowned slightly and said, "Isn't this a bit of a fuss?"

Jane said word by word: "First, I want to let the market see how Lightyear's equipment performs in the war, so Bilinde is dispatched instead of your small army."

Richard shrugged and said, "Understood, you just think my troops are not strong enough to fight better than Linde."

Jane rolled his eyes at him, "Even if your army is twice as powerful, it still doesn't play better than Linde."

Richard raised his hands in surrender: "I see, what about the second?"

"Secondly, let the market see what happens to those who dare to buy Light Year equipment."

Richard frowned and said, "Isn't it necessary? We've already won a big victory, why bother?"

Jane said: "Now the price of Light Year is still 15 yuan, and this 15 yuan is also a profit, which is very rich. We are only winning now, not yet to the point of winning a big victory."

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