God is Coming

Chapter 671 Hesitate and you will lose

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"Jane, you... are you a little crazy?"

"Since we already have such a big advantage, why not maximize the value of victory? Only by gaining the maximum benefit in every war can we go faster and farther than others." Jane said.

Richard sighed and said: "I can't tell you, the liquidation orders of major institutions will come out soon, should we also reduce our positions a little bit? Now we have a little more money in it, I The legion of the army only has the military expenses for the next period."

"Okay, 2 billion."

Richard smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "Our principal is only 8 billion, and we have borrowed another 32 billion. If we can settle it under 20 yuan, then the 30 billion will be ours. Why bother to take the last How about earning 10 billion?"

Jane said indifferently: "Are you already this rich? Don't even pay attention to 10 billion? I remember when Sino was still there, your total net worth was only tens of millions. Even now, you have Is there a lot of money? The legion belongs to your family, and the military expenses of the legion also belong to your family, it’s not something you can embezzle, it’s yours.”

Richard's face was a little ugly, and he said: "Since you know that the money must be returned, don't force me to take risks! 2 billion is too little, at least 10 billion must be cashed! No matter how bad it is, we will at least pay back the money." Some profits can be retained.”

"2.5 billion."

"5 billion." Richard was very distressed.

"3 billion, stop here." Jane said firmly.

Richard also knew that it was impossible for her to make concessions, so he stopped insisting and sat down beside her silently, watching the market conditions. Sure enough, it didn't take long for a sell order with a face value of tens of billions at the price of 20 yuan. This price has exceeded the upper limit of the short side's psychological price, but not too much. Many short sellers also began to waver and began to make small transactions even though they had already made huge profits.

It can be seen that these short orders with a face value of tens of billions are handwritten by a large institution, and their trading skills are remarkable. It's a pity that no matter how high your trading skills are, you can't match the mistakes in strategic decision-making.

Looking at the empty order hanging on 20.1 yuan, Jane hesitated for a few seconds when sending out the transaction order. This price is 0.11 yuan higher than her psychological limit price, but this is the difference between more than 20 and less than 20. Although the difference is actually not big, it just makes Jane feel humiliated.

Although the enemy surrendered, it was not unconditional.

After only hesitating for a few seconds, Jane calmed down and sent out the command. However, the moment she pressed the confirm button, something seemed to flash across the screen!

Jane thought she was dazzled, so she looked again, and finally exclaimed! All the empty orders are gone, the place at 20.1 yuan is empty, there is not even a hand left!

"Cancelled?" Richard wondered.

"No, someone has made a deal." Jane's face was extremely ugly, staring at the sudden surge in transaction data.

That is to say, someone rushed ahead and ate the liquidation order of the institution, and ate it clean, leaving nothing behind.

Jane took a deep breath and said, "It seems that I can only choose a complete victory."

Richard already had a bad premonition, and suddenly saw another billions of selling orders, this time hanging at 22.01 yuan. He looked at Jane and said in a negotiating tone: "Look, should we..."

Jane looked a little numb: "It's gone."

Richard looked back, only to see a blank screen. Just as soon as he turned his head, the list just now had all disappeared. This time, he took another look at the transaction data and knew that someone else had eaten up the sale order.

This time it took a full half an hour before there was another large-scale sell order, with a face value of nearly 20 billion, but the price was pegged at 25 yuan.

Jane gritted her teeth and said: "Except for us, the short side in the market needs to cover less than 40 billion, and after deducting the positions of 10 billion individual investors, there are just so many institutional positions that need to be liquidated. Now there will be no new funds entering the market, after all, Light Years has already confirmed that he is a liar..."

Before Jane finished speaking, a light flashed on the screen, and the batch of sales orders disappeared again.

Richard's face was already very ugly at this time, and he said after a while: "How can there be new funds coming into the market, or so much?"

Jane gritted her teeth and said, "I will find a way to investigate. You should let Billind do it as soon as possible. We have no way out now. The positions of the institutions should be basically flat."

"I'll contact them immediately, no, I'll go there myself!" Richard jumped up and left like the wind.

Jane was the only one left in the room, she suddenly grabbed everything she could find on the table, and smashed it hard on the ground, wall and windows! After smashing everything that could be smashed, she calmed down a little, sat in front of the terminal again, and started contacting key friends one by one, trying to find out where the new funds came from.

This is a job that takes time. Jane walked to the window, calmed down, and thought through the whole thing carefully from beginning to end. In fact, the conclusion remains the same. No matter where the new funds come from, her judgment is not wrong. No matter how big the new funds come from, she will at least not be at a disadvantage. In the entire federation, the Bilinde Group is a giant. Although she can only borrow a little bit of strength, it is enough to deal with the forces in the mere planet.

But now there is no way out, at least there is no possibility of an easy exit. Jane felt that some of her plans were about to be accelerated.

Chu Jungui was also sitting in front of the window, feeling that some of his plans needed to be sped up. The market was unexpectedly calm, and the competition he expected did not appear at all, which allowed him to successfully clear the liquidation orders of large institutions. The number of these warehouse receipts is not as good as Chu Jungui expected. There should be one or two institutions still fighting deadly, but that's okay. Chu Jungui swept away many individual empty orders along the way. , enough to make up for it.

It's normal to encounter some flowers and plants on the way forward, so Chu Jungui has no psychological burden.

Chu Jungui didn't stop until there were no more big orders on the market, and the price of Light Years had already advanced to the 28th line. After the whole inventory, Chu Jungui only used less than 10 billion to recover 45 billion face value of light-year bonds, which is equivalent to a net profit of 35 billion. It is different from when I had 80 billion in hand, that 80 billion has to be repaid, and the more than 30 billion is already my own.

Chu Jungui was also a little puzzled, those big institutions had obviously surrendered, why were the short sides indifferent? The liquidation order appeared for a full three seconds, but no one acted!

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The scale of the liquidation orders actually exceeded Chu Jungui's expectations. He closed all the short orders he had secretly shorted, but the face value was only more than 10 billion. It forced him to transfer 10 billion funds urgently, and then he ate all the warehouse receipts. The transfer process took more than a second.

Looking at the balance on the account, the test subject, who had been struggling with billions of debts, couldn't help thinking, the money came so easily, is it really necessary to continue to operate light years?

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