God is Coming

Chapter 672 Say something

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The hesitation only lasted for a short moment, and Chu Jungui put all these behind him and continued to delve into the history and institutional changes of the Federation. He found that it was a huge treasure with countless things to dig. Just like now, he has only studied a small part, and there is already a huge wealth of nearly 100 billion in the account, although most of it is not his own.

It's just that the stage is different, the environment is different, and the objects of Chu Jungui's research are also different. Now he's not studying con artists, but a strange thing called the financial military-industrial complex.

This field contains almost endless knowledge, and is basically involved in all fields. The test subject saw it at a glance, and another day passed before he knew it. Chu Jungui remembered that he still had Nothing was done.

A moment later, the beautiful host appeared in front of Chu Jungui again. She stared at Chu Jungui as if seeing an alien creature.

Chu Jungui didn't notice her strangeness, and said, "I want to make a statement."

"..." The face of the beauty host was a little distorted, and it took a lot of effort to swallow a swear word back.

"Huh? Is it inconvenient, then I'll find someone else." After finishing speaking, Chu Jungui was about to hang up the communication.

"Don't! Don't, stop!" The beauty host jumped up instantly, almost jumping out of the screen.

"It's fine to make a statement, but I want to have an interview, privately, for 5 minutes!" the beauty host said quickly.

Chu Jungui looked at the time and said, "It's not too late, I'm staying at the Rongshan Hotel, come here, I'll greet the hotel, otherwise you won't be able to come in."

"Wait, I'll be right there! By the way, my name is..." Before finishing speaking, the screen in front of the beautiful host went black. She swears a bunch of obscenities, throws the cleaning tool in her hand on the ground, and rushes all the way from the ground to the lobby.

The director happened to come in from the gate, saw the beautiful host at a glance, and asked unexpectedly, "What are you doing?"

"Call a car and go out."

"Absent from work? Isn't that good?" the director whispered.

"I'm going to have an interview. As for how to deal with the content of the interview, I haven't figured it out yet." The beauty host said.

"Interview, with whom?" The director keenly sensed something unusual.

"Chu Jungui, the one from Light Years, I'm going to the Melting Mountain Hotel to have a face-to-face interview with him now!"

The director was shocked, and decisively threw a car key over: "Then what is the car called? Take my car, don't waste time, don't worry about the car!"

The beauty host was also polite, grabbed the key, and said viciously: "Tell that old pervert to save his stinky money and find other women! I would rather sweep the warehouse than sleep in his bed!"

"Of course you don't have to sleep in his bed, but you can't let go of his bad money!" The director slapped her hard on the back, "Go girl! I'm waiting for your work!"

The beautiful host flew away, but the director was not in a hurry. At this time, an assistant rushed over and shouted: "Director, why don't you go up? The directors are waiting for you!"

"I have to buy a cup of coffee, let them wait first." The director left the stunned assistant and walked out the door leisurely.

An hour later, in the private lounge of Lava Mountain Hotel, the hostess was sitting on a chair, watching the lava waterfall outside the window. Chu Jungui came over and sat down opposite her.

"Mr. Chu, nice to meet you, my name is..."


"Yes, I'm glad you remembered my name, I finally have a name." The beauty host laughed.

"What do you want to eat?" Chu Jungui asked.

"I've already ordered it." The beauty host showed the long menu, "It's a bit much, but to be honest, I've never been in a hotel of this level, and I probably won't have one in the future. It's a rare opportunity, and I don't want to miss it .”

"No problem." Chu Jungui nodded, only then did he notice that the beauty host was wearing a set of clothes similar to blue-collar workers' overalls.

"Thanks to you last time, the boss was furious and gave me two choices, either to sleep on his bed or to clean the warehouse. So when I received your communication, I was cleaning the warehouse and hadn't had time to change clothes. But this The hotel is really nice, they let me in after verifying my identity, they didn’t look at me strangely, they are really well-trained.”

"It's really good." Chu Jungui agreed.

The beauty host snorted and said, "Perhaps this is another proof that rich people have more eccentricities."

Chu Jungui didn't know what to say for a while, but he didn't intend to accommodate the other party's temper, he just said: "You still have 180 seconds."

The beauty host gave Chu Jungui a hard look, and said, "Okay, I'll get to the point. I just want to ask a question, why did you let me go last time?"

"The truth is..." Chu Jungui pondered for a moment, took the truth back, and said, "I overslept."

The beautiful host gave him a blank stare, and said angrily, "I want the truth!"

"The truth is, you are not considered in this." Chu Jun returned.

The beauty host froze for a moment, then said nonchalantly: "It's normal. Then may I know what statement you plan to make this time?"


"It's kind of inappropriate, especially since you missed your appointment last time."

Chu Jun said calmly: "If it is not suitable, then I will change."

"No!" The beauty host blurted out, then sighed, and said, "Forget it, I admit defeat. Then what if you miss the appointment again this time?"

This time it was Chu Jungui's turn to think, and then said: "I haven't thought about it yet."

The beautiful host was taken aback, "Are you really planning to miss the appointment again?"

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"I haven't made a final decision yet, and I may not miss the appointment." Chu Jungui said seriously.

The beauty host stared into his eyes, but unfortunately didn't see anything, and finally sighed: "I admit, even if there is only a 1% chance, we won't let it go. So it's settled, what's the time?"

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning. Alright, eat slowly, I'll go first." After speaking, Chu Jungui got up and left.

In the large conference room of Hengyuan Planetary Headquarters, the old man in the center distributed the documents, and then said: "Next we will discuss the position of Mr. Henry. Mr. Henry has officially submitted his resignation report, and we..."

At this time, the assistant appeared and whispered something in the old man's ear. The old man was obviously taken aback, glanced at the personal terminal, then raised his head and said to the participants: "Sorry, our information system is out of order. Mr. Henry’s scheduled resignation report was sent out ahead of schedule. Legally speaking, this resignation report has not been officially submitted yet, so I want to take back the document. Mr. Henry’s sending time is 12:00 noon tomorrow, and we will That time to move on to the topic of his resignation. Now, on to the next topic."

In a blink of an eye, Light Years has become a hot topic in the capital market again. Everyone is guessing what Chu Jungui plans to say tomorrow. There are various versions, such as announcing good and bad news, or simply apologizing, or even announcing the news of marriage and romance. In short, You can say anything.

In fact, everyone guessed wrong, because Chu Jungui didn't think about what he was going to say, he just felt that he had to say something at this time.

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