God is Coming

Chapter 673 Sleepless Night

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When the news of Chu Jungui's reappearance spread, it was no surprise that there were overwhelming curses. Although the number of multi-party investors who have lost money is not large and the positions are not large, they can't hold back their anger and can scold for more than ten hours continuously, truly achieving one against a hundred. In contrast, the empty side is much more elegant, and at most it just mocked Chu Jungui's stupidity, and this kind of ridicule was quickly slapped in the face by people in the industry: He has tens of billions in hand, how much money have you made like this? Do you have the nerve to sarcasm others for not making money?

The excitement is only limited to a corner of the market, and in fact it is not as attractive as it was a few days ago. After the big institutions conceded defeat and left, there are not many important players in this game. There are quite a few organizations participating in the issuance of Lightyear, but many of them are joint issuance roles, and the number of participants is not large. And apart from Hengyuan and Excalibur, other large institutions rarely end up directly fighting against the short side. Regardless of whether Light Year is good or bad, it is just a business for these institutions, and it is over to earn a good distribution fee.

Guaranteeing income during drought and flood is the way banks play.

Chu Jungui now knows that there are light-year bonds in the market. The total amount of open and dark bonds is only 35 billion, which is still the face value. This is also the part that Chu Jungui needs to repay. The stock short order is about 50 billion, and the leverage is not high. . It is easy to guess who the rest of the stock belongs to, because the 30 billion bonds that Chu Jungui sold to Jane privately have all been sold and have not yet returned to Jane. In other words, Jane's short position is at least 30 billion.

Calculated in this way, there are less than 10 billion scattered short positions left in the market, which naturally became the target of Chu Jungui. As for Jane, she is automatically ignored by Chu Jungui. This kind of opponent must be respected enough. Chu Jungui doesn't think he can easily get her hooked.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui connected to Hengyuan Bank. As soon as she heard that it was Chu Jungui, the bank operator immediately wanted to find Henry, but at the moment Henry could not be reached, so she had to transfer to another executive in charge of investment.

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Chu Jungui got straight to the point: "In view of the current light-year bond price fluctuations are too violent, I decided to use Hengyuan Bank as a platform to repurchase 5 billion bonds at a price of 50 yuan, valid until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. If possible, The repurchase funds can be sent to your designated account within 3 minutes."

"...No problem at all." The executive was silent for a minute before responding.

"Very good. Repeat again, this repurchase is valid until ten o'clock tomorrow, or the repurchase quota is used up." Chu Jungui emphasized again, and cut off the communication.

The executive sat alone for a while, and the assistant came in and told him that the repurchase funds had arrived.

"Then send out the announcement." Gao Duan said.

Before leaving, the assistant said in a low voice: "100 issued, 50 repurchased, it's only been a few days?"

The executive thought so too, but he glanced at the light-year bond hovering around 25 yuan, and couldn't help thinking, is this guy really a good person?

However, he immediately dispelled his naive thoughts. How could a good person borrow 80 billion? I can't borrow 80,000.

The announcement caused moderate waves in the capital market, allowing people who were in despair to see a glimmer of light, but it was only a glimmer of light. Many individual investors had thought that the bonds in their hands were a piece of waste paper, but they did not expect that Light Year would come forward to repurchase them. Repurchasing the newly issued bonds at half price is more civilized than stealing money.

However, for many investors, the light year was originally intended to be thrown into their hands. Now that the liars are willing to show kindness and take part of the money to feed the market, it seems that they should not miss it. After all, as a liar, it is the duty of the person to take the money .

The market turnover was unexpectedly light. After a few hours, the turnover was only a few hundred million, and there was still a long way to go before the 5 billion acquisition funds were used up. However, affected by the repurchase, the price of Light Year Bonds quickly rose to above 50 yuan. After all, if it is below 50, there will be room for arbitrage. Most of those billions of dollars in transactions were actually arbitrage.

In the blink of an eye, the arbitrage space disappeared completely, and investors who missed this opportunity made new demands on Chu Jungui, and they wanted a higher repurchase price!

In the beginning, someone suggested 80, which was a crazy number a few hours ago, but now people see the buyback price of 50, and they think 80 is not impossible, and then 90, 95, 99...

At ten o'clock in the evening, a well-known financial media expert called 102. His reason was that Chu Jungui had already earned so much money, why didn't he share it with everyone?

This point of view has received a lot of support, and the voice of the masses is as loud as thunder! It's a pity that Chu Jungui sat in the perfect soundproof suite and couldn't hear anything.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Chu Jungui notified Hengyuan Bank again, asking them to contact institutions that still hold light-year bonds in the market on their behalf. Yuan repurchase rights, but require more than 12 months of lock-up.

The above two options are valid until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Regarding these two plans, Chu Jungui did not explain or explain, nor would he provide any further information.

It only took Hengyuan Bank 15 minutes to complete the contact with all institutions and get the preliminary feedback results. Although they didn't know what Chu Jungui wanted to do, as a bank's job, they were still efficient and excellent.

By 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, Chu Jungui had received initial feedback. About 5 billion face value bonds had chosen to be sold back. In addition to the sporadic purchases of bonds in the market, this round of Chu Jungui recovered 6 billion face value bonds. In other words, he made a net profit of another 3 billion.

The stock of bonds in the market is less than 30 billion, while the face value of the existing short positions is more than 50 billion. In this market size, the difference of more than 20 billion is a bit dazzling.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night for many people. Many institutions that still held light-year bonds held meetings overnight to try to analyze Chu Jungui's next move. However, there is very little information, and no characteristics can be analyzed from Chu Jungui's past trading style. He is like a child who can do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants. There was no further news from Hengyuan Bank. In the end, most institutions made the most reasonable, but often the most stupid decision: wait and see.

Everyone is waiting for ten o'clock the next day. Only Chu Jungui is still worried, what can he say?

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