God is Coming

Chapter 677 No Bottom Line

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As a large comprehensive platform with full licenses, Hengyuan Bank is unparalleled in its ability to handle various texts and procedural matters. In just one day, they prepared all the necessary documents and successfully listed in 1 light year.

The shareholding structure of 1 Light Year is very simple, with an issued market value of 30 billion, a total share capital of 1 billion, and 30 yuan per share. Among them, Chu Jungui accounted for 60%, Little Princess accounted for 25%, Serena and Xinuo jointly accounted for 5%, and the other 10% were public shares. To be honest, there is nothing in 1 light-year except circumstellar pulsation, and you want to turn 10 billion into 30 billion with a layer of shell? Originally, Hengyuan was a little worried about the difficulties in the issuance, but the market responded extremely enthusiastically, and hot money from all walks of life swarmed in, and the stock price of 1 light year exploded to more than 100 in a blink of an eye.

Only then did Hengyuan's analysts realize that the hot money was aimed at replacing the shares of the Light Year Group with 1 Light Year stocks. Just after such speculation, the market value of the parent group Lightyear Corps has exceeded 1 trillion, which shocked the test subjects, and sold 100 million shares to suppress the shock.

Although the shareholders of 1 Light Year have been technically processed and no individuals appear directly, the capital market can still figure out who is roughly who, especially the largest shareholder, needless to say it must be Chu Jungui.

The shareholding reduction is public information, and the entire market has known since Chu Jungui made a move. Hot money from all walks of life suffered a sap, only to find that Chu Jungui is not easy to mess with, and he has no bottom line. How can a founder sell stocks on the first day of listing? Doesn't it make it clear that 1 light year is not worth so much money?

There is no lack of ruthless people among hot money from all walks of life, and there are also countless veterans who have experienced turmoil. They came here on a whim, but they did not expect to meet a test subject who did not follow the routine, and the stock price of 1 light year in the blink of an eye was like a waterfall. Like a straight drop, it fell to 40 in one breath.

Hot money from all walks of life has been humiliated by defeat, how can they let it go? As a result, the curses were overwhelming, and Chu Jungui's reputation was already under the floor, but now it has dropped another 18 floors.

The speculators cursed and cut their meat to stop losses. Finally, the stock price stabilized around the issue price and continued to fluctuate between 28 and 30. After a round of ups and downs, the total market turnover has more than doubled the circulating market value. As a trading platform, Hengyuan Bank can naturally see a lot of background data, and Henry just stared at Chu Jungui's shareholding in a daze.

At this moment, Chu Jungui's shareholding has reached 61%, that is to say, this guy not only picked up the 100 million shares that were thrown out, but also collected some retail investors' chips below the issue price.

Henry shook his head, feeling for the first time that he was not wronged in the bond.

After a round of thrilling roller coaster, Jane on the other side of the planet paid attention to the news of 1 light-year price fluctuation with blue eyes. When she opened it, she discovered that Chu Jungui had entered the equity market again. At this time, she had been waiting in the bond market for three full days.

After waiting in vain for three days, although Jane had nothing to lose, she gained a huge humiliation.

She looked at the video of the red-bearded star thief in her hand and wanted to delete it directly. Fortunately, she calmed down and began to think about the next plan.

Chu Jungui and Sino returned to the Melting Mountain Hotel, and met many stalkers along the way, but they were all left behind by the speed car provided by Ander Group with its powerful performance, and there was no possibility of intercepting them.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Jungui called the hotel manager, tactfully expressed his concerns about his own safety, and asked if he could provide individual weapons and armor.

Hearing this request, the hotel manager showed no surprise at all, but brought Chu Jun back underground. Under the hotel, there is actually another vast world. There are a total of 500 various armors here, basically all the advanced models that can be found on the market are here. As for individual light weapons, there are even more patterns. There are as many as tens of thousands of drawings of individual weapons in the blueprint library, most of which can be printed on the spot.

"Are you guys preparing for a small war?" Chu Jungui asked.

"We want to provide maximum security and freedom for our customers. In the event of an extreme situation, such as the entire planet being occupied by star thieves, all our employees will be armed immediately, and you will find that this is a well-trained team In addition, most of our guests have good personal combat power. As long as they are equipped with suitable equipment, the guests themselves can protect themselves to a certain extent. In addition to the hotel's own defense system, we have done an evaluation, Measured by the standards of the combat power of the first-level federal legion, if the Star Bandits ground troops are less than 20,000, they will not be able to defeat the molten mountain."

"It's really impressive." Chu Jun praised.

"Although I don't think any killer dares to do it in the Molten Mountain Hotel, since you will occasionally leave the hotel, we can also provide you with a full set of equipment. Most of them are free, but a few of them are rare. limited edition, so fees and deposits need to be charged as appropriate.”

"Understood. I want this, this and this." Chu Jungui ordered 5 sets of personal armor, 11 sets of individual equipment of different types, 2000 rounds of various ammunition and 50 energy batteries.

Even the hotel manager was taken aback, and then said: "The total cost is 900,000 yuan, and the deposit is 11 million yuan."

The usage fee is the rent, and the deposit is the purchase price. This is how Chu Jungui understands it. He paid the money directly, and asked the manager to take out two sets and prepare the rest.

"Let's go to this company next." Chu Jungui sent the road map to Sino.

"Vinier Life Support? Well, you're going to buy a food company?"

"Yes, I see that their food manufacturing equipment is quite good. It can provide up to 10,000 recipes and has a good taste. I think it's time to improve the food for the soldiers of the legion. It seems that the high calorie alone can't help Boost morale."

Sino said angrily: "Do you finally know that Legion's food is unpalatable? That is, energy chocolate has a better taste, but the calories in that thing are too high. A small piece is 20,000 calories, which can completely support a person. Field rations are of course fine, but if you position it as a delicious snack, there is a problem."

"You're right." Chu Jun returned to be kind.

In Vinier Life Support Equipment Company, Chu Jungui received the highest standard of welcome, and then had a heated meeting with its board members as usual, but there was no good result. The vampires in these boards were not satisfied with the 25% premium at all, but put forward an overall offer of 35 billion. You must know that the current market value of the entire company is only 11 billion, but it is a little higher than that of Huanxing.

Not surprisingly, the talks naturally did not have a good result. These old guys saw that Chu Jungui had bought Huanxingpulse at a premium, and felt that they were much more high-end than a bunch of old-school engineers who only knew how to make pumps. At least the PPT was not as exciting. At the same level, this can at least double the price. Of course, the 200% premium is a bit exaggerated, but this is just a bargain.

But these old guys don't know that the test subjects are most sensitive to numbers, and they only believe in numbers. His bottom line is a 10% premium, no matter how exciting the PPT is, Chu Jungui will not pay a little more.

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