God is Coming

Chapter 678 Redbeard

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After Chu Jungui left, a quarrel erupted among Verney's directors. Some thought that the bid was too greedy and it would be better to just pay a 200% premium. Chu Jungui renegotiated. But in general, they don't want to lower the price too much. Verney has grown rapidly in recent years, with an annual growth rate of 30%, so there is no reason to lower the price.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the old guys sent their confidantes to follow Chu Jun back, wanting to see where his next stop would be. Moments later the news came back, both expected and unexpected: Scone Industrial Foods.

When he walked into the gate, Sino said without any concealment: "It's not attractive to hear the name, industrial food? You don't even eat it for pets? Look at this lobby, the cement is still exposed. What kind of primitive industrial style is this? Just say it If you don’t have the money to paint the walls, it’s over? How much premium do you plan to give them?”

"50%." Chu Jungui didn't hide anything from Xinuo.

"50%?!" Sino shook his head, "I really don't know what you think, this company is only 8 billion, one-third smaller than Verny, and it grows by 5% every year, without the slightest imagination. But The money is yours, it's up to you to decide."

Chu Jungui smiled and said: "You can talk for me later, as long as it is below 50%, you can talk about it as you like."

"No problem." Sino took a deep breath.

The first thing Sino did when he walked into the conference room was to sit on the chair in the center, and then threw his feet onto the table. Opposite them was a group of old people who looked a little rigid, and their faces were not very good-looking.

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"Industry is not art. There is no room for imagination here, and I don't think you have any imagination." Sino's opening remarks made the faces of the group of people look ugly. He didn't care, and said: "We don't have much time, come, tell me, what price do you want to sell?"

Although the faces of the old people were not very good-looking, the old man in the middle still said politely: "In view of the last acquisition of the Light Year Group..."

"The last time was the last time, and it has nothing to do with this time. It is Verney who has something to do with us."

The old people looked at each other, and they seemed to know where Chu Jungui came from. The old man in the middle said: "We have competition with Verny, but there are also many areas that do not overlap."

He talked about his own advantages in 15 minutes. The reason why he didn't talk longer was that Xinuo's feet were too dazzling, so he had to stop early, and then said: "We think that a 20% premium is the bottom line we can accept. In addition, we have the following requirements..."

"Premium 35%, pay immediately, but don't accept any request! Yes or no, give me a word!" After Sino finished speaking, he began to look at the watch to check the time.

At a critical moment, the stronger human brain and higher-performance personal chips in the new era give full play to their power. More than a dozen members of the board of directors held an on-site meeting and analyzed and discussed 128 cases in just three minutes. After fully analyzing the efforts and rewards in different scenarios, discussing the data volume of a whole G, and then came to the conclusion: Yes.

Sino was already stunned, and unknowingly put his feet under the table.

Sino looked back in a daze, and asked, "Did I pay too much?"

Chu Jungui patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's not too high. Their reasonable price is 33%, and the bottom line is also here. You are only two points higher, which is not easy."

"I'm... lucky?" Sino finally began to have a clear understanding of himself.

"Luck is also a part of strength, and it is a very important part." After Chu Jungui finished speaking, he signed his name on the contract and paid.

This time, he bought 75% of the shares of Si Kang Industrial Foods at a total price of 9 billion, and acquired another company with full control. After the equity change was completed, Chu Jungui said: "Everyone still has a transition period of 2 months, and I have an order for you to complete. I want to order 500 large food manufacturing machines and 50,000 tons of raw food per month .”

This is an order with a total price of 2 billion, which means a profit of 300 million. This business alone can increase the performance of Scone Foods by 30%. The president of the company looked around and asked, "This is a major order, do we need to disclose it?"

Chu Jungui looked at the time and said, "I will disclose it in 10 days."

"Okay." Although it was a small side-ball, the company president still agreed. After all, in the transaction just now, his account has an extra 500 million, not only can he retire directly, but also fulfilled 5 childhood dreams.

When he walked out of Scone, Sino said: "Are you crazy? Order so many food machines? There are 50,000 tons of raw materials! I just researched, this is a concentrated raw material, and the ratio when it is made into a finished product is 1: 3. That is to say, 150,000 tons of food per month? We only have more than 20,000 people, how can we eat? Even 200,000 people can’t finish it!”

"Of course someone will eat it." Chu Jungui didn't want to say any more at this moment.

When the two returned to Rongshan Hotel, the manager greeted them and said in a low voice, "Mr. Chu, there is a special guest who wants to see you. If you don't want to see her, I can let her go immediately."


The manager's expression was a little strange, "She calls herself Redbeard, a star thief."

"Okay, let her come to my room."

A moment later, a hot red-haired beauty sat in front of Chu Jungui and said, "I am the red beard."

Chu Jungui stroked his chin thoughtfully.

The beauty asked: "What are you thinking?"

"Even if you have a beard, it's not red. What's more, the pores on your face are all ordinary pores, so you can't grow a beard." Chu Jungui's eyes can be used as a microscope when necessary.

"Red Beard is just a code name! Who said Red Beard can't be a woman?"

"This doesn't seem to be a topic we should discuss. What can you do for me?"

The red-haired beauty said: "I have three of your starships in my hand."

"I seem to have only sold four starships in total, and three of them must not have been sold to you."

"I only got one, and then I thought it was good, so I got two second-hands from others. There are three in total."

"Thank you for your trust, how is it used?"

The red-bearded man's eyes burst into flames, and he said: "My old lady did a good job of robbing people and stealing money, and even beat up the federal guards. Who would have thought that a bunch of very ruthless guys would appear suddenly! They beat me up half of me Fleet, this old lady must be avenged! So I came to you. I want to buy a ship!"

"Buy? Isn't it on credit?" Chu Jungui asked.

The red-bearded man stared, "Do you look down on me? Even your few broken boats worth the price of cabbage can be credited? I have a lot of savings, and this time I also took out the dowry, so I have to take this tone!"

"Then how much money do you have?" Chu Jungui put on a perfect smile, leaned forward slightly, and his voice was a little magnetic. According to tactical deception, this can bring more emotional value to female customers and win their trust more. The political component is not so long-winded. It can be summed up in one sentence: It is better to have a good attitude towards funders. Women are better patrons, and of course they have a better attitude.

"Save 500 million, dowry 1 billion, a total of 1.5 billion, what do you think you can buy?" Redbeard didn't hesitate at all.

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