God is Coming

Chapter 683: New Idea

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After Light Year Bond was thrown a stone, everything was calm. Chu Jungui was busy with the design and manufacture of starships, so he couldn't care about Bond's affairs. The reason why the price was raised to 95 was to make Serena's position look better, at least if there was no loss, she would not be under so much pressure.

At the same time, a large number of orders were poured out from Chu Jungui's hands, and he began to purchase all kinds of starship equipment. Soon these orders had a butterfly effect, and a large number of starship equipment suppliers took the initiative to come to sell their products. In just two or three days, Chu Jungui's supplier list has increased to more than 300. Just managing these suppliers, coordinating and tracking orders consumes half of the computing power of a wise man. Fortunately, now that Lord Chu is rich and powerful, he specially purchased 10 tons of rare elements for the wise and Kaitian to enjoy. The production speed of these two guys is also quite amazing, both of them have exceeded the 100 kg mark. If they are completely atomized, each of them can fill a hall.

Thanks to the support of the entire research team, Wise Man and Kai Tian not only grew at an astonishing speed, but also gradually caught up with Brother Dao in terms of evolutionary quality. It won't be long before they will be the strongest of the new generation of Wu Clan.

More than 300 suppliers have received a total of 2 billion orders, and it is believed that more suppliers will try to squeeze into the light-year system soon. These devices are enough for Chu Jungui to equip 10 destroyers or 20 frigates. Of course, in the spirit of not letting the fat and water flow into the field of outsiders, Chu Jungui gave all the orders related to the pump to Pulsation Global. Although this part of the order is only 200 million, since Pulsation Central is his own, Chu Jungui also There was no bargaining at all, so the profit margin reached 30%.

Now with the continuous arrival of new equipment, Chu Jungui's office environment at the orbital station is much better than before. Now the working base of the orbital station has been built to the sixth floor, and the entire sixth floor belongs to Mr. Chu. The new small mastermind has been installed here. Because it is less disturbed by the storm clouds, a medium-performance mastermind can be installed here, and the computing power index is 10 times higher than that of the Cambrian.

With the support of new computing power, Chu Jungui's work is much easier. And many people from Le Mans and his research team moved to the orbital station. There is sufficient computing power support here, and many new projects can be carried out, unlike the poor computing power of the Cambrian that can only be relied on on the surface of the planet. In the words of Le Mans, for a slightly more complicated research, the Cambrian dared to stretch the calculation time to 100 years.

When Chu Jungui was away, this new small mastermind would naturally become their property. Of course, when Mr. Chu returns, he will still have the priority to use the computing power.

However, a small mastermind is obviously not enough. Just trying to reverse engineer Billind's starship is enough for this small mastermind to work for more than 20 years, and it can only restore 89%, and the other 11% is a task that cannot be completed at all. You don't need to think about it, but this 11% is the reason why the Bilinde starship is superior to others.

Chu Jungui did not intend to fully restore Bilinde's starship, and he was not very impressed with its overall design idea. The Bilinde starship can achieve one and a half times the combat power of a conventional starship with a standard hull, and obviously the cost is at least three times more expensive than a conventional starship, and maybe even higher. The light-year starship only reached one and a half times the combat power of conventional starships in terms of offense and defense, but that was the extreme use of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and its combat power in other aspects was about zero.

In Chu Jungui's view, there is no need to be obsessed with the indicator of the unit's combat power. If you feel that the combat power is not enough, you can build it bigger. No matter what kind of equipment, it is generally easier and cheaper to build bigger than smaller. . Just like the Alpha Cannon of Light Years, its technology is lackluster, and it is so backward that even the star robbers are too lazy to imitate it. And the idea of ​​this kind of gun is simple and crude, with one crystal launcher as a unit, two to four fighters, 10 beams combined into one beam for frigates, 20 to 30 beams for destroyers, 50 light cruisers, and so on. If 10,000 of them are tied together, Chu Jungui dares to install them on the battleship.

As for whether the beam of light is one meter or ten meters in diameter, it makes no difference in the eyes of the test subjects.

Comparing the reverse engineering of the Linde starship also allowed Chu Jungui to speculate that the cost of these starships is roughly more than 3 billion, and 5 billion is not impossible, which is several times that of ordinary destroyers. No matter how you look at it, the frigate must have a billion, which is also ridiculously expensive.

This gave Chu Jungui a new idea about the use of the two starships. Even he knew that it was more expensive than Linde's starship, and it was even more impossible for the large and small forces in the Federation to not know. That being the case, Chu Jungui felt that there was no need to worry about restoring combat power, as long as the two starships were repaired until they could be used. As for whether they are useful or not, customers can buy them back and refit them.

Following this new line of thought, Chu Jungui immediately had a lot of ideas, so he searched the federal enterprise directory for a long time, and finally found a company called "Wagner Private Starship Rental". He immediately connected to the company's public communication channel. After explaining his intentions, a vice president was immediately replaced on the opposite side of the channel.

Chu Jungui's time is precious, so he cut to the chase: "I understand that your company is one of the top 100 well-known companies in the Federation starship leasing industry."

"That's right!" The vice president is very proud, which is what they often advertise themselves.

"In other words, your company is roughly ranked between 80-100."

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

The vice president's face immediately turned ugly.

Chu Jungui continued: "Actually, the gap between your company and the 50th place is not that big. In fact, it is the distance between two top starships. Now, I can provide you with the opportunity to bridge the gap."

The vice president said calmly: "Two truly top-notch starships."

Chu Jungui was even more calm: "Bilinder's starship."

The vice president suddenly became short of breath, "Bilinder? What year's model is it?"

"The construction started 11 years ago and entered service 10 years ago. The numbers of the main engine and the jump engine can be checked." Chu Jungui had already obtained detailed data from the starship's main brain.

Now the vice president is not calm at all, "Of course we are interested, but the source of these two starships..."

Chu Jun said calmly: "Naturally, it is not so legal. Do you see that there are Billing starships less than 100 years old in the legal market for transfer?"

The vice president hesitated, "But there might be trouble."

Chu Jungui said: "I might as well just say that these two starships originally belonged to Kun. I think the chairman of your company will only be more interested if he hears the origin."

The vice president's eyes lit up: "This is Kun's starship? I know how they came here, hahaha! Okay, no problem, we want it!"

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