God is Coming

Chapter 684 Rough

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There are many internal factions in Bilinde, and there are also many external enemies. Among them, the Ander Group is Bilinde's strongest competitor, and it is one of them, not the only one.

After knowing the existence of Kun, it is not difficult to find the enemies of Kun and the Kun family. For example, the owner of the Wagner Starship Rental has a feud with Kun and Grandpa. Following this line of thought, Chu Jungui tried a little bit, and sure enough, the opponent was going to eat these two starships. This is not the authority that a vice president can have. At this time, the boss is probably already hiding in the background, watching the conversation between the two parties.

After negotiating the intention, Chu Jungui sent the holographic images of the two starships over. The appearance of the two starships is indeed Billind's starship, but there is a huge different color block on each ship, as well as many scattered small color blocks, which look like they are printed on two haute couture clothes. Patched, indescribably dazzling.

The vice president suppressed his surprise, entered the interior of the starship to watch, and was instantly shocked again. The interior of the starship can only be described as horrible. Many areas look like newly added structures, and the colors are obviously different. There is an extra piece here and a piece missing there. A lot of equipment is temporarily added at first glance, and some even save the need for an outer packaging structure, and the equipment is directly thrown on the ground.

The wiring is also wonderful. Almost all the various pipelines are directly attached to the wall, and I don’t even bother to do a simple cover. The interior cabins of the starship are also dilapidated. There are still traces of smoke and fire on many walls, and the furniture is also crooked. It looks usable, but normal people can't bear the three-legged chairs and missing chairs. A table with two corners, not to mention a bed with a hole in the center.

"With this ship situation, you also..." The vice president wanted to say that he was ashamed to sell it, but his good business literacy made him choose to shut up.

Chu Jungui was not embarrassed at all, and said: "Anyway, you bought it to redecorate it according to your own style, why should I bother? So I repaired the main structure of the starship, and the rest of the ship can be guaranteed to fly."

"So you just gave me a blank?"

"The delivery standard is like this. If decoration is required, we can discuss a standard."

The vice president hurriedly said: "Forget it, your decoration style seems to be different from ours." He said it tactfully, in fact, he didn't believe that a guy who couldn't even align the seams could provide what kind of decoration standard.

Mr. Chu readily accepts it. Everyone has different tastes in decoration. Just like the gold and red color scheme, some people make it magnificent, while others are vulgar. Although the test body has artistic components, it seems that its works can only get inexplicable evaluations.

Then negotiate the specific price, which is much easier. The structural integrity of the destroyer is 83%, and the frigate is 71%, so the two parties based on Billind's brand-new starship and settled the deal at a price of 70%. The two starships were sold for a total of 3.5 billion. This was a price that Chu Jungui had never expected. It seemed that the cost of the Bilinde starship was much higher than what Chu Jungui had imagined.

The moment the contract was signed, Chu Jungui regretted that he should not have let Bilinde's remaining starships go away. Even if one starship was lost at the time, all of Bilind's starships should be kept. For no other reason than the profits are simply too high. The restoration of these two starships only cost Chu Jungui a few million. All the materials can be saved as much as possible, and the equipment is all the cheapest. Anyway, after they are sold, the buyer will have to renovate them. As for the other costs, they are completely zero. If you have to find some costs, it is just the fuel consumed when cleaning the battlefield and bringing back the No. 4 planet.

After dealing with Bilinde's starship, Chu Jungui continued to consider computing power. Both Federation and Shengtang have masterminds with excellent performance, but the problem is that they are demanding on the environment and cannot be used in the low orbit of planet 4 at all. However, if it is in a high orbit, it is much farther away from the storm clouds, and the mastermind of the advanced generation can be used. The computing power of the same small mastermind is twice that of what Chu Jungui currently uses, and one is equivalent to 20 Cambrians.

Chu Jungui formed the new computing power requirement into a task, and the wise man came up with a new plan after a while.

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This plan is to place the new mastermind on a starship made of survival-grade materials, and at the same time build a high-orbit base. There are only simple living facilities on this base for researchers to use. The starship usually carries the mastermind on the base. Become a part of the base, leave the base in times of danger or war, hide in low orbit with the main brain and research materials, and even hide on the surface of the planet. As long as the cabin is not opened, the main brain will not be damaged. In this way, both safety and research are taken into account.

Chu Jungui was very satisfied with the new plan, and immediately contacted the mastermind manufacturer in the federation, and ordered 10 small masterminds in one go. These masterminds are actually products of the previous generation. They have been produced for more than 30 years, and the stock is sufficient. They are automatically shipped out of the warehouse almost at the same time as Chu Jungui pays. This makes Chu Jungui lament the commercial efficiency of the Federation, and the mastermind is not Fruits and cabbage are sold as soon as they are sold, without even a review, and without checking who they are selling to. After all, this thing is considered a strategic material, right?

While the new masterminds are still a few days away, the first shipments from Scone Industrial Foods have already arrived. The first batch to arrive was a full hundred large food machines and 50,000 tons of raw food.

According to Chu Jungui's request, the cargo ship uses separate containers, that is, a tractor ship with several giant containers tied together hanging on the back. When it reaches the designated location outside the galaxy, the transport ship will release the container, and then it will be towed back to the base by Light Year's own transport ship.

The industrial food manufacturing machines that Chu Jungui ordered are all sturdy and durable models, with primitive and backward technology. The advantage is that the cost is low, and there are no expensive and sensitive parts, and they can also be used on the surface of the No. 4 planet. Chu Jungui personally drove the batch of manufacturing machines into the surface of the planet and landed in the No. 2 base.

There are 11,000 soldiers in base No. 2 at the moment, and the manufacturing machine will be installed in a blink of an eye. This batch of manufacturing machines will inevitably be corroded and aged in the planetary environment, and they can last for about one month. The reason why Chu Jungui ordered 500 machines was to replace the broken ones.

The food raw materials are packaged in a standard one cubic meter package, and they can be produced directly by filling them into the manufacturing machine without removing the package. These food raw materials are all compressed, and the density is quite high, one piece is ten tons. A lot of water needs to be added when making food.

Chu Jungui has already prepared the formula, and directly input it into a manufacturing machine for trial production, and then add water at a ratio of 1:1. The engineer next to him was baffled. According to the normal requirements, water should be added in a ratio of 1:20.

After a roar, the manufacturing machine spit out a bunch of square food pieces according to Chu Jungui's recipe, which looked a bit like meat.

The engineer next to him picked up a piece and poked it with a knife. Sure enough, only a little skin was broken, which was as tough as a tire.

"Is this edible?" the engineer asked politely.

"Humans can't, but beasts can." Chu Jun returned.

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