God is Coming

Chapter 686 Further Exploration

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Anyway, he will stay in the base for a few days. Chu Jungui is going to strengthen the traffic between the two bases, and further explore the surrounding area to find traces of Brother Dao and see where the beasts have gone.

Exploring the surrounding soldiers has been going on, but the progress is a little slow. Wilson's style is steady and conservative, which is why Chu Jungui assured him to command the two bases.

Considering that Light Year urgently needs to increase production capacity right now, the coordination between the two bases is a top priority. Chu Jungui mobilized 5 arks, planning to double the width of the road connecting the two bases, and at the same time further expand several high-slope road sections. leveled. The current ark has been continuously improved, and there are many new derivative models, such as the engineering ark, the fortress ark, and the base ark.

The Engineering Ark has a giant terrain modification component attached, which is, to put it bluntly, a super-large excavator. The new version of Engineering Ark is equipped with six large drill bits and four roadheaders in the front, and four adjustable medium-sized roadheaders in the rear. The car body is short and round, with strong power. The rock and soil excavated during the excavation are initially classified and compressed into individual material packets, which are thrown to the rear.

If it is turned on at full power, the engineering ark can dig 50 meters per hour in the mountain or underground. If it is in a non-rock layer, the tunneling speed will be even faster.

As for the material screening module, it adheres to Chu Jungui's spirit of never wasting any material. Even useless waste can be made into building materials, so there is nothing that can't be used.

The Fortress Ark is an evolved version of the original Armed Ark. It uses two frigate-class beam cannons as its main weapon, and is equipped with more than 50 rapid-fire cannons and tough and thick armor. It can also accommodate a 50-man special warfare unit inside. Its armor is very thick, and its weight is light. Even if it is surrounded by beast hordes, it can still press a bloody path and retreat to the fortress.

The base Ark is a production-enhanced version of the original Ark. It has a complete production system inside and can manufacture almost all the materials and primary equipment needed for survival, and all of them are alien versions modified according to the planetary environment. If there was such an ark when Chu Jun returned to planet No. 4, it would be a scam.

There are two types of bases, one is a production base and the other is a mobile base. The mobile base is like a mobile barracks. It can provide comfortable 8-person dormitories, a kitchen and bathroom, you can take off your armor to rest, and even a small entertainment area.

Looking at the newly built mobile base ark, Chu Jungui fell into deep thought. He felt that he needed to reconsider the psychological needs of the soldiers. He originally thought that these enjoyments were unnecessary and could be overcome, and seemed to have no effect other than wasting resources. Didn't you see that in the medieval period of the home planet, even the emperor only took a few baths in his life?

This mobile base was built by Wilson using all the autonomy in his hands. It can accommodate 500 soldiers, and the limit can be 1000, but they have to take turns to sleep.

It seems that it is time to solve the living conditions of the soldiers, and Chu Jungui has no shortage of resources now. Chu Jungui made the improvement of treatment into a research task, handed it over to the political component, and led the ark to set off.

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This time he brought two engineering arks, a production base ark, and a fortress ark, and after hesitating, he still took the mobile base ark.

A total of 2,000 people accompanied Chu Jungui on the trip. Except for 300 full-time soldiers, the rest were workers and engineers. One of the two engineering arks is responsible for widening the road, and the other is for leveling and hardening the road surface. After the slag generated during the expansion is separated from the organic and the inorganic, the organic matter is used to refine the Le Mans grains, and the inorganic matter is extracted from the base metal. , The remaining production capacity will be turned into building materials for hardened road surfaces, and if the production capacity is not enough, it will be thrown on the side of the road.

The operating capabilities of the two engineering arks are quite terrifying, advancing at a speed of one kilometer per hour, leaving a road nearly 50 meters wide behind them.

This road is prepared for a special transport-type ark. This new type of heavy-duty ark is equipped with a large number of anti-gravity engines. The ultimate weight reduction can reach more than 90%, and the one-time full-load transportation capacity exceeds 5,000 tons. The speed exceeds 100 kilometers per hour, and it can even fly short distances when the load is less than 3,000 tons.

After the road surface is repaired, the heavy-duty ark can complete one-way transportation in only 3 hours, and can go back and forth three or four times a day. Chu Junhui plans to set up several strongholds in the middle of the road to monitor the operation of the entire road. If a war beast appears, it can be found immediately.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Jungui had left the base for more than 70 kilometers, but it would take about half a month to rebuild the entire road. At this time, I feel that the engineering ark is a bit lacking. If we build ten units and eight units and start construction at the same time, it can be completed within a few days.

During the three days, Chu Jungui only saw the shadows of a few sporadic war beasts, and did not see a large-scale beast swarm at all, and there was not even a sign of the beast swarm's activities. Chu Jungui took a few chariots and searched for dozens of kilometers on both sides of the road. He also found no traces of war beast activities. After careful searching, he only found some old traces, which were almost eroded. Judging by the traces, it was at least two months ago.

Since there was no beast horde, there was no need for Chu Jungui to stay. He returned to the base with two chariots and a dozen soldiers. The next step is to explore the surroundings. Chu Jungui's goal is the mountainous area in the north. There is an endless forest there, which is often the direction where beast hordes gather and attack.

There are still three arks in the base, all of which are original arks that have not had time to be refitted. Chu Jungui added excavation components to one of them, and set off for the northern mountainous area.

This time the exploration was much faster, and he had advanced more than 200 kilometers in one day, and had already penetrated into the mountains. The three arks opened a road as they moved forward. Under Chu Jun's plowing style, this road can last for about a month.

Going deep into the mountains, I finally saw more war beasts, and dozens of small herds of beasts appeared, but most of them were the most low-level beasts, and the rest of the units with obvious tactical effects, such as thornbacks, were all seen. not see.

Every time he advanced 10 kilometers, Chu Jungui would get off the car and carefully search around. If so, when the next evening, Chu Jungui opened the research notes and wrote down the following passage:

"So far, no traces of the life, growth and reproduction of other war beasts have been found. Can it be concluded that alien beasts are the only truly naturally occurring form?"

Chu Jungui stopped writing here and did not continue writing. The next question is, who established a whole system of war beasts from the form of strange beasts?

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