God is Coming

Chapter 687

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The exploration to the north lasted for 4 days, advancing nearly 500 kilometers, and did not stop until encountering mountains with an altitude of more than 5,000 meters. The range is nearly impassable, its peaks thrust into storm clouds. No matter how strong the protection of the Ark is, it is impossible to be active in the storm clouds for a long time. The instantaneous temperature of the ion storm can exceed one million degrees, which is simply not what the existing technological means can harden.

This endless mountain range is like a natural barrier, firmly sealing off the northern region. There are many old traces of animal horde activities in the forest, but they all come along the mountain range. It seems that even the animal horde cannot cross this mountain range. Within the known range, the end of this mountain range cannot be seen yet, and it is not known whether the other side of the mountain range is a plain or a plateau.

Further north of the mountains, there are still about a few thousand kilometers before reaching the north pole of the planet. This is a huge shadow area, and it is unknown what is hidden inside.

At present, if you want to cross the mountains, one is to advance along the mountains to see if there will be a gap or an end, and the other is to enter directly from the track. However, the latter also has unknowable risks. If the entry point is a plateau or mountain peak, which is inserted into the storm clouds, you have to return immediately and get out of the storm clouds.

At this point, the exploration ends here. However, Chu Jungui was not without gains. In addition to discovering a large number of double-leaf tree forests that were almost impossible to use up, he also found several metal veins, and one of the copper veins contained a large number of rare associated mines. This lode alone could meet metal needs for a few years.

When returning, Chu Jungui re-corrected the route and opened up a shorter and more convenient road in order to mine the newly discovered vein.

After a round of tossing, ten days have passed. As soon as he returned to the base, Chu Jungui heard the good news: the hundreds of tons of food that had been put in the southern forest area had all been dragged away, and the corresponding activity frequency of war beasts in the southern forest area soared, and there were signs that there were war beasts They are coming one after another.

The researchers concluded from this that, first, the war beast population did experience a crisis of survival, and the food was obviously insufficient. This is the normal phenomenon of herds in nature. The second is that war beasts have efficient and effective communication methods, and their intelligence level is quite high, even if they have not yet reached the level of intelligent races, they are not far behind.

After seeing the report, Chu Jungui asked the researchers to continue releasing food, eventually reaching a daily delivery rate of 1,000 tons.

At this time, the three starships on the orbital station that were going to be handed over to Redbeard had been refitted, and they were successively heading to designated areas outside the galaxy for handover. A large amount of materials are being continuously transported from the base to the space station, preparing to build a new batch of starships. Now the orbital station can start building two starships at the same time, and when the new expansion project is completed, three destroyers can be started at the same time.

Chu Jungui took a transport ship carrying materials and returned to the orbital base. As soon as the communication with the outside world was resumed, Chu Jungui's mailbox exploded in an instant, with hundreds of messages and missed communications. This was the result of screening, and not many people knew Chu Jungui's contact information. There were all kinds of contacts, and almost everyone who had Chu Jungui's contact information sent a few messages.

After browsing through these contents roughly, Chu Jungui thought about it. It seems that he posted a video a few days ago? Isn't it just finding a cheap director to cut a bad movie, and then finding a small platform with little traffic to post it, how could it cause such a big response?

Chu Jungui opened the market, and was surprised to find that the stock price of 1 Light Year had soared to 120, and there was still an upward trend of shocks. It's only been a few days? Chu Jungui suppressed the urge to dim the light and began to study it carefully.

After a closer look, Chu Jungui realized that he had made a mistake. His original intention was to compare the light-year starship with Bilinde, in order to show the performance of the starship. Although it is a little worse in comparison, it is still remarkable, and its combat power is still good. This short film is mainly to give confidence to the market, showing that we are really building starships in Light Years.

But what Chu Jungui didn't expect was that this short film was edited by the director with ups and downs, and the soundtrack was majestic and magnificent, creating an atmosphere of an epic blockbuster. If that's all, that's all. The key is that as soon as the short film came out, experts from Starship Wars showed up and began to interpret it frame by frame, almost anatomically analyzing the pros and cons of the light-year starship.

These experts are not just for nothing, they all have real talents and learning, and some even directly judged the parameters of the main gun by directly looking at the thickness of the beam of light and the reaction to the Billind starship.

A well-known expert commented: "Although the director wholeheartedly wants to cover up the problems in the layout and command of the entire battle, we can still find the problems. These three light-year starships have first-class firepower, first-class protection, quick response, and embody It has a very powerful fault tolerance capability. That’s right, I’m talking about fault tolerance. Quite a few starships will lose most of their combat power after being hit by one or two shots, and the starship we saw was shot with a big hole in the middle, but Doesn't affect its retaliation in the slightest. Look at this shot! Can you tell the difference from the first shot? No! So in terms of reliability, the Lightyear is one of the best models I've seen. Everyone knows , Billind's starships are all S-class, so if this battle is used as a comparison, I will give the light-year starship an A-class evaluation, but!"

The expert cleared his throat heavily, and raised the volume: "We have to consider the price of the light-year starship, so I will give it an S-class rating! Yes, it's too cheap! This is the real weapon of war. Still Yes, we can't underestimate the stupidity of the command in this battle. After being attacked and losing two starships at the beginning, what I saw was a mess, fighting on their own, and there was no overall command at all. It is very likely that the light-year starship potential has not yet been realized.”

At this time, the host next to him asked at the right time: "So your opinion on the stock price of 1 Light Year is..."

"Of course it is a buy! Immediately, immediately, full position!"


Looking back at the past few days, the public market is full of similar news. Chu Jungui overlooked one thing, he should not take Bi Linde as the standard. The positioning of Bilinde equipment in the Federation is close to that of fever products. It is more sophisticated than the general special forces equipment, and belongs to the typical category of good performance and better price. Now the performance of the light-year starship is only a bit worse, but the price is a fraction of that of Bilinde. The two parties are not in the same market, but common sense knows that the light-year starship is equipped with standard equipment purchased on a large scale market, while Bilinde is in a niche high-end market, and the scale of the two markets is not at the same order of magnitude.

From an investment standpoint, that expert was right, the growth potential of Light Years is much higher, and it's just getting started.

Chu Jungui felt a little tricky, and the situation was out of control. Looking at the past transaction records, the enthusiasm of investors is extremely high, and it is almost impossible to bring down the stock price. According to his original plan, the stock price should hover around the forty to fifty area now.

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Fortunately, the test subject has never been a person who sticks to the rules, so he changed his thinking direction: should he take advantage of the trend, raise the stock price to 200, and then lighten it? Even the founding major shareholder has escaped, so what reason is there to be optimistic?

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