God is Coming

Chapter 689 Meeting

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Of course, Chu Jungui would not believe any request, but at this time, I believe that most of the requests will be satisfied. In Chu Jungui's understanding, Jane is now in a desperate situation, and the only thing she can do is to linger and wait for a miracle to come.

She could only hope for a miracle.

Even if there is nothing in the light years, there is no problem in repaying the principal and interest. As long as you have the foundation of elementary school mathematics, you can know that Chu Jungui has tens of billions of cash hoarded in his hands. After Light Years Bond. In other words, it is impossible for Light Year Bonds to default unless Chu Jungui does something else.

Now Chu Jungui doesn't have to do anything, as long as he simply holds the bonds, he can force all leveraged short positions to go bankrupt. It's just that this will be a long process, which will last at least one year until the short position expires.

People often describe conflicts in the financial market as wars, but in Chu Jungui's eyes, finance is finance, and war is war. In a war environment, the highest principle that the test subjects uphold is not only to destroy the enemy's body, but also to destroy the enemy's genes. Only when the enemy's genes have disappeared can it be called a complete victory.

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In the financial market, Chu Junhui is still a beginner, trying to understand the rules established here. According to the understanding of the established rules, Chu Jungui has no intention of eliminating Jane at all, but hopes that she can be active in the financial market for a long time and have more children, both legal and illegitimate. It is best that her offspring are also in the capital. market work. The more genes like Jane, the easier it is for Chu Jungui to make money.

Therefore, Chu Jungui agreed to Jane's request for a private meeting.

He came to the dock area of ​​the orbital station and found Sino who was concentrating on installing equipment. This guy is working hard, and the data shows that he has been working for 11 hours straight.

Chu Jungui patted Xinuo and said, "There is good news, you will soon be able to restore your inheritance rights."

Sino raised his head, switched the shading mode of the visor, revealed his face, and said, "It's no big deal, the Family Affairs Committee has sent a notice, and I'm the twelfth heir."

Chu Jungui leaned on a large piece of equipment beside him and said, "I heard that your family is very big, and each heir can get a share of assets."

Sino disagrees: "I was originally the fifth in line of succession, not including the share that my grandfather gave me alone. Inheritance rights are exponentially decreasing from top to bottom. I am afraid that the 12th in line of succession It’s not as good as one-tenth of the top five. The real big one is the ancestral property, which is now in Richard’s hands.”

"You want me to help you regain your ancestral property?"

Sino shook his head and said, "Maybe I still had this idea before, but now I don't have it at all. Instead of going back to fight with Richard and others, it's better to work here with you, at least what you do is what you like. .”

"Jane wants to meet, do you want to go?" Chu Jungui asked.

Sino hesitated for a moment, then shook his head again, "It's over, I don't hate her so much now, and my love has almost disappeared. If you want to go, go by yourself."

"Okay, let's go together, and you can take a look at these two companies for me."

Sino opened the information, one is a fighter design company, and the other is a fighter system integrator. This is what he is interested in, and he immediately agreed excitedly.

An hour later, the starship departed from planet 4 and flew towards the red ocean. After changing the starship twice, Chu Jungui returned to the red ocean. When he stepped out of the starship, he saw that the little princess who had received the news was already waiting for him.

Chu Jun returned to the flying car of the little princess, while Xinuo went straight to the Fighter Aircraft Company, unwilling to delay for a minute. Without thinking about it, Sino must have asked more about how to modify his limited-edition fighter.

Chu Jungui didn't intend to interfere with Sino's hobbies. Apart from his unreliable personality, Sino was indeed an ace fighter pilot and an excellent fleet commander. Both types of talent are light-years rare.

On the speeding car, Hathaway seemed to have something on her mind, and hesitated before saying: "Jun Gui, this time the family decided to reconcile with each other, did it disrupt your plan?"

"It's just a little less money, it's nothing. There are many other places to make money. In fact, I'm already planning to stop here." Chu Jun returned.

These words sounded more like comfort to Hathaway. She sighed softly and said, "That's not just a little bit, it's tens of billions. It's impossible to ignore it."

Chu Jungui shook his head and said, "But there is no one-size-fits-all situation. In history, most cases of this kind were reconciled at a certain price. So I expected it to be resolved through the Winton family. .”

"Thank you for thinking this way. There is one more thing. An elder in my family wants to meet you. He is my grandfather's cousin and has a high status in the clan, but he has a bad temper."

"I'll try to be patient."

Seeing Chu Jungui's cooperation, the little princess was obviously relieved, with a smile on her face again, and said: "This meeting is a kind of... investigation. If the meeting turns out to be good, the Winton family may invest in Light Years. "

Chu Jungui actually didn't need money, but Winton's investment was not just money, it could be said that money was the most insignificant part. Winton's investment means more channels, wider circles, and a safer trading environment. It can be said that the Winton family can provide all the environment for the company to grow.

Next, Heatherway didn't reveal anything more, including the elder's hobbies, and didn't even mention his name. It seems that this is also one of the rules. It is already the limit to reveal that you have a bad temper.

Chu Jungui was a little strange. Heisewei, who usually talked and laughed calmly, was inexplicably nervous at the moment, and he didn't know what he was nervous about. It was just a meeting. Chu Jungui had met with many people during this period, negotiated many contracts, and also discussed many cooperations. It is normal to succeed or not to succeed, and Qian Chujungui can develop very well without the Winton family. And because of the background of the dynasty, Chu Jungui has not yet decided whether to accept Winton's investment.

A light year that operates completely independently is what Chu Jungui wants.

The flying car gradually became quiet, and Heather seemed very tired, and fell asleep without knowing it. It can be seen that she is exhausted these days, otherwise, a human being whose genes have been optimized to a certain level can work for dozens of hours without sleep.

The speeding car is like a meteor, skimming over the surging lava land.

In a dark room, in the center of the screen is Chu Jungui's speeding car. The flying car image is translucent, showing the two humanoid images in the back row.

"The target has been confirmed, and the destination ahead is the Lava Mountain Hotel." A soft electronically synthesized voice echoed in the room.

"Are you back?" There was a sneer in the darkness.

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