God is Coming

Chapter 690

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The speeding car stopped in front of a building, and when entering the gate, one could see a lush woodland. The sunlight came down from the dome, forming mottled patches of color on the grass in the forest.

There is a small path in the forest, the winding path leads to seclusion. Chu Jungui walked along the path, and after a while, a small lake appeared in front of him. The surface of the lake was as clear as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds on the dome. There is a secluded villa by the lake, with an elegant and simple style, which complements the tranquil and peaceful natural scenery.

A gust of wind blew by, and the woods made whirling sounds. Chu Jungui looked back subconsciously, but there was no one behind him. The little princess stayed outside the forest and did not follow.

Chu Jungui glanced around again, making sure that there were no hidden scenes, hidden props, or hidden monster traps, before walking towards the villa.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Chu Jungui looked at the villa for a while, and a three-dimensional image of it had already been formed in his mind. According to the instinct of the test subject, at this time, he should go around to the side or the rear, climb over the wall, and look for the entrance on the roof or the third floor. Anyway, the entrance on the first floor is either well-defended, or has a lot of traps and safety equipment. Good for breaking in.

Chu Jungui shook his head, expelling the unrealistic thoughts. He has seen this style of villa many times before, and it has always been used as a classic training subject for architectural breakthroughs. When I see it now, it is inevitable that I will recall the past experience.

Chu Jungui walked into the yard, walked around a clump of trees that blocked his view, and saw an old man sitting in a garden chair, looking at the light screen in front of him. The old man also saw Chu Jungui and pointed to the seat next to him.

Chu Jungui walked over to sit down, and the old man poured him a cup of tea, and then his gaze stayed on Chu Jungui's face for a moment.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, but his face is still middle-aged. His hair and beard seem to be messy, but if you look closely, you will find that every curve seems to have carefully designed traces. Even with the appearance of an old man, he is still very attractive. If he was young, he would have no problem becoming a big star just by his appearance.

Chu Jungui calmly welcomed the old man's scrutiny. The old man nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's good to be calm."

This evaluation made Chu Jungui feel a little embarrassed. It is not good to test the body. It is a natural ability to turn off emotional reactions. There is really no one who can compare to him in terms of calmness.

The old man took a sip of the tea and said, "It won't taste good after a while."

According to the knowledge of tea drinking in the database, Chu Jungui drank it in one gulp, and analyzed 381 different aroma components by the way.

"Jenning Winton."

"Mr. Chu returns."

After a brief introduction, the old man said: "I heard that Hathaway met a good new friend. I happened to be in a nearby galaxy, so I came to have a look. But before I met him, I heard a lot about your deeds. "

"I do the little things."

The old man chuckled and said, "It's not a good thing for young people to be too modest. Just do what you want, otherwise people will think you are proud."

"I have been taught." In fact, Chu Jungui was either modest, or felt that those things were nothing more than trivial matters.

Zhan Ning said slowly: "I heard about what you have done in the capital market recently, and it has become quite large in a short period of time. You can earn tens of billions at a young age, which is indeed a talent. After you make so much money , what are you going to do?"

Chu Jungui said without hesitation, "Make more money."

Zhan Ning was startled, and then said, "Is the purpose of life just to make money?"

"of course not!"

Janning asked with great interest. "what is that?"

"Spending money." Chu Jun returned.

Zhan Ning's hands froze in the air, and then he continued to move, took a sip of tea, and slowly put down the teacup. He looked at Chu Jungui and said, "The capital market is just a tool for harvesting, and starships are needed to develop it. Since you already have a good foundation, why waste time in the capital market?"

"what do you mean?"

"It's nothing, I just said it casually. By the way, I heard that you dealt with those two arrogant little guys very badly. How are you going to deal with them?"

"Jane and Richard?"

Janning nodded.

Chu Jungui said: "I didn't pay much attention to their actions, and I always acted according to my own timetable. If I accidentally caused losses to them, it was probably because the two sides accidentally had a little overlap."

Zhan Ning laughed and said, "It's really arrogant. Don't you see them at all? Young people, it's understandable. Then let's get down to business. The Winton Family Fund intends to enter the light year, and we will acquire 70% of the shares."

Chu Jungui said without even thinking about it: "Guangnian won't sell it."

Jenning said: "Our estimate of light years is 900 billion."

Chu Jungui still shook his head.

The smile on Zhan Ning's face faded a little, and he said: "Rejecting the initial offer is a good negotiation strategy, but that is for ordinary people, not for Winton. We like to be honest, so this price is the final bottom line, no There is potential for improvement. Also, you haven't heard of any other strings attached."

Chu Jungui said: "I can listen to the additional conditions, but Guangnian won't sell it."

Zhan Ning said lightly: "The additional condition is that you need to serve in Light Years for 100 years, and the Winton family's interests are given priority in the rules of conduct."

"Understood, light years are not for sale."

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The smile on Zhan Ning's face almost completely disappeared, and he said, "Do you think the price is too low?"

Chu Jungui said: "This price is very high. Judging from Light Year's current stock assets, it will not exceed 100 billion at most. What you gave is a ten-fold premium."

"Then why don't you agree?"

This question is not easy to answer. Hundreds of answers flashed through Chu Jungui's mind instantly, but none of them felt appropriate. After much deliberation, the last thing I said was: "I don't want to sell."

The anger in Zhan Ning's eyes faded away, and he became calm, and said: "Originally, this meeting should end at this time, but for Hathaway's sake, I will just say a few more words. What are you facing now? The situation is very dangerous, but if you join the Winton family, none of this will be a problem."

"I've been living in danger."

Something flashed in Zhan Ning's eyes, and he said, "Enemies will always appear from unexpected places."

"I'm alone, and they have nothing to do."

"Really?" Zhan Ning said meaningfully.

Chu Jungui nodded.

"That's it." Zhan Ning waved his hand.

Chu Jungui got up and left the villa, and saw the little princess standing in the woods, her face pale.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"It's nothing." Hathaway forced a smile and walked out with Chu Jungui. At the edge of the woods, she couldn't help but ask, "Is the price not high enough?"

"Of course not. In fact, the price is very good. Even with additional conditions, it is quite good."

Hathaway sighed, and said: "The family fund holding 70% is a sign, which means that after the acquisition, it will become the core business of the family and will receive full support. So far, the Winton family has only 6 core businesses."

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