God is Coming

Chapter 691 Good wine with good medicine

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The great nobles with a long history will not easily make demands. Behind the seemingly harsh conditions are often hidden more generous conditions, which is in line with their temperament. Chu Jungui knew that becoming the core business of the Winton family meant that he had almost the same status as the most senior heirs, or even higher. There are heirs from generation to generation, and there are only a few core enterprises.

It's just that Chu Junhui still can't accept being controlled by others, and he doesn't think it's meaningful to be a giant company that has been passed down for thousands of years. There was already a faint threat in Zhan Ning's last words, which made Chu Jungui even more uncomfortable. But it's not that he can't control his emotions, nor is he trying to anger Zhan Ning, the real reason has already been said, he doesn't want to sell.

The two walked out of the gate, and Hathaway asked, "Did he warn you of anything before you came out? Like trouble or danger?"

Chu Jungui remembered Zhan Ning's phrase "enemies always appear from unexpected places", and then said: "No."

"That's good. I've heard some bad rumors that someone is trying to turn you down."

Chu Jungui didn't take it seriously, there were quite a few Light Year investors who wanted to chase him down, and none of them really made any big moves. The little princess didn't continue to send it off, and the two separated. Mr. Chu got on the flying car and headed to the next destination, the Waterfall Hotel.

The waterfall is built on the mountainside of the volcano. It is a small but distinctive hotel. Chu Jungui will meet Jane here to discuss a settlement plan.

The speeding car stopped steadily at the hotel gate, and the waiter knew Chu Jungui's intention, so he took him straight to the top floor and entered the largest suite in the entire hotel.

Jane was wearing a backless evening dress, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, admiring the slowly flowing magma.

"I'm here." Chu Jungui greeted.

Jane tilted her head slightly, showing her beautiful profile, and said, "Please sit down, what would you like to drink?"

"Wine, the higher the alcohol content, the better."

Jane was taken aback by this strange request, then took out a wine bottle from the wine cabinet, poured a glass each, and said, "Jinmo 180-year limited edition, 51.37 degrees, quite good, do you want to try it?"

"Okay." Chu Jungui picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, distinguishing 133 aroma components.

Jane poured him another glass and said, "As long as you like it."

Chu Jungui gulped it down again. This time, he identified 134 components, of which 133 were aromas and one was chemical substances. Once this chemical substance enters the abdomen, it penetrates the mucous membrane, combines with blood cells, and releases a new macromolecular compound. The compound directly attacks the nervous system, causing a drastic reduction in blood supply to the brain.

Normal people will have symptoms such as dizziness and nausea within a few minutes, but when the symptoms appear, the compound has spread all over the body, which will cause the body's overall hypoxia, and extensive necrosis of body tissues has occurred. So by the time it feels wrong, it's already too late.

Chu Jungui's body changed suddenly. All the blood cells mutated into another form. The compounds that had entered the cells were all discharged and collected by immune cells. Some blood cells that have been completely invaded and transformed by the compound are automatically inactivated and swallowed by the immune cells, and the compounds inside are naturally collected together.

Chu Jungui put the empty wine glass on the table and looked at the wine in Jane's hand. Jane smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry." After that, she also drank it down, then shook the wine bottle in her hand and asked, "Would you like another drink?"


Jane poured another glass for Chu Jungui and herself. After clinking glasses, both of them drank in one gulp.

"Very good, come again." Chu Jungui handed over the empty cup again, looking at Jane's hand with piercing eyes.

Jane smiled unchanged, poured another glass, and then toasted. After a few cups, she simply sat on the coffee table with an ambiguous and seductive posture. This posture seemed to work, Chu Jungui drank a lot faster, and the two of them finished a bottle in a blink of an eye.

In another room, Kun and Richard stared at the screen in front of them, saw the empty wine bottle, and looked at each other.

"How is he all right?" Richard asked.

Kun looked at his watch and said, "It's not time yet, there are still 2 minutes before the attack."

Richard nodded and looked at the screen with a blank expression.

Jane's sitting posture showed a pair of snow-white and slender legs in front of Chu Jungui. If the angle was more upright, she might be able to see more content. Chu Jungui's eyes were not honest, and he didn't avoid them, but he was looking more at her hands.

"I'll get another bottle." Jane took a new bottle of wine, uncorked the bottle with her bare hands, and poured a glass each. This time she poured half a glass, and the two of them drank it all in one gulp. In the blink of an eye, the bottle of wine ran out again.

"It's okay, there's more." Jane went to get another bottle, uncorked it with her bare hands, and said, "Do you like my hands?"

"not bad."

Jane smiled and said, "Don't you men like legs?"

"I'm different from them." Chu Jungui still stared at Jane's hand. Jane poured two more full cups, and Chu Jungui drank it all in one gulp, but Jane was a little sluggish when she drank, she paused before drinking it, and then her face flushed involuntarily.

"Have another glass." Chu Jungui handed over the empty glass again.

Observing the room, Richard couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it time yet?"

Kun looked at his watch and said, "People with good physique will have a slower onset of drug effects, right?" ?"

Kun didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say: "As long as the attack occurs, he will be finished."

"you sure?"


Richard looked at Chu Jungui who had finished drinking the third bottle, with a bad expression on his face, and said, "You can't buy counterfeit medicine, right?"

"Who dares to sell me fakes?" Kun snorted, and then comforted: "It's okay, at worst, touch your legs twice, and you won't lose anything."

Jane shook her head vigorously and opened the fifth bottle.

Chu Jungui took a sip, spit it out, and said, "This wine is a little bad. It's still as good as the 180-year-old wine just now. This 150-year-old wine is much worse."

Jane had no choice but to say, "The wine just now is gone."

"Ask someone to buy it, it's okay, I can wait." Chu Jungui smiled and said, "How can such a good poison be done without good wine?"

Jane’s face finally changed.

"How do you know?" Jane asked.

"I don't feel well, and I don't know that you have tampered with the wine?" Chu Jungui said lightly.

Jane was shocked. This kind of poison mainly deals irreversible damage. Even if it is discovered in time, it will leave irreparable trauma to the body. Moreover, its onset speed is actually not slow, and under normal circumstances, taking the medicine for more than one minute will undoubtedly cause death. It was really unexpected that Chu Jungui survived for so long.

But it is enough to make sure that Mr. Chu has taken the medicine. Jane stood up and backed away slowly, saying as she backed up, "Do you want to know why?"

Chu Jungui said: "Want to delay until I die of poison? Yes, you can say it."

Before Jane could speak, Kun suddenly grabbed the microphone and yelled, "Act now!"

Following his order, the wall behind Chu Jungui suddenly collapsed, and countless gunpoints appeared.

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