God is Coming

Chapter 692: Moment of Horror

"Psychological warfare?" Chu Jungui didn't launch it immediately, because the gunmen didn't shoot immediately after breaking through the wall. However, Chu Jungui knew in an instant that he was wrong, and the moment his attention was attracted, the side wall exploded, and a sniper bullet broke through the wall and shot at Chu Jungui!

Even if Chu Jungui reacted the moment something strange happened on the wall, he didn't have time to dodge. Suddenly, a blood mist appeared on his body, and his whole body flew out sideways as if hit by a giant hammer, hitting the wall on the other side, rolling Fall into the next door.

Jane has quickly stepped back, and a transparent barrier has been lowered in front of her, blocking her behind. Fei Ce's blood arrived at this time, and it slapped on the barrier, dyeing Jane's vision red.

Another half amputated arm fell from the air and landed on the coffee table, before several empty wine bottles fell heavily.

There was a dead silence in the room. In the wall of the next room, there is also a large hole, as is the next door, all the way down to the volcano that can be seen outside. This powerful sniper bullet pierced through multiple walls. In the direction of the bombardment, through the pierced wall, you can see a hole in the wall. The sniper is hiding ten rooms away, and the gun is still smoking lightly at this moment.

Richard's voice sounded in his ears: "Did it work?"

The sniper replied coldly: "I haven't missed yet."

The silence in the room was broken, and several heavily armed soldiers entered the room, approaching the fallen Chu Jungui.

Jane suddenly shouted: "What are you waiting for, shoot quickly! Make up a few more shots!"

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The few soldiers didn't move. They didn't need to listen to Jane's orders. In addition, bullets of this power would be fatal as long as they were hit. Can't live. Chu Jungui must be dead, and it would be too ugly to replace the gun, which is not something people of their level would do.

"Replenish the gun!!" Jane smashed the barrier hard. If it wasn't for this barrier, she would have rushed to do it herself.

The captain was overwhelmed, pointed at the two soldiers, and said, "Go and check the corpse."

The two soldiers walked up to Chu Jungui's side, looked at the blood spreading on the ground, and then at the right arm that had disappeared from the upper arm, and then provoked Chu Jungui's body with their guns and turned him over.

The moment he turned over, Chu Jungui suddenly sat up!

When he reached out with his left hand, the soldier's gun was in his hand, and then instantly emptied the magazine, and four of the six soldiers around him fell down.

These fighters are all wearing heavy armor, and under normal circumstances light weapons can't hurt them at all. However, all the bullets of Chu Jungui were aimed at the visor. No matter how they dodged, the bullets would hit the same area of ​​the visor accurately. After more than a dozen bullets were fired, the visor couldn't bear it at all, and they were shot by headshots.

After a round of bullets emptied, Chu Jungui bounced off the ground, and with another rifle in his hand, he killed the rest of the soldiers. However, Kun is not just preparing for this backhand. The ground shook, and a heavily armored soldier rushed over holding his shield, followed by a team of soldiers.

Chu Jungui had no choice but to retreat, he let out a low growl, and rushed towards the heavy shield, brazenly colliding with the heavily armored warrior!

The heavy armored soldier paused for a moment, then let out a smirk, and the roar of the auxiliary power machinery sounded on the battle armor, and the power was fully activated! The heavy armor on his body is the most advanced model, with an auxiliary power of nearly a thousand horsepower, just like a large bulldozer.

The heavily armored warrior exerted force continuously, but he didn't make Chu Jungui take half a step back. Instead, he felt the pressure on the shield was getting bigger and bigger, so he involuntarily stepped back step by step. Chu Jungui's thin body erupted with inhuman strength, pushing back the heavily armored warrior and the killers behind him step by step.

In the secret room, Richard asked in surprise: "Is this guy still human?"

Kun already looked serious, "It's okay if he's not a human, but I'm afraid he is human."

Those special fighters reacted quickly. They pushed one by one, and more than a dozen people worked together to overwhelm Chu Jungui. However, at this time Chu Jungui suddenly withdrew his strength, and the special soldiers pushed away, spraying into the room like a fountain, and falling all over the ground.

Chu Jungui walked around among them like a ghost, and several soldiers immediately let out screams, and the tactical offensive grenade on their waists was activated somehow, entering a three-second countdown!

It is not difficult to imagine what will happen when a powerful grenade explodes in a small space. These soldiers were scared out of their wits. Chu Jun was about to make the next move when he suddenly felt something, and instantly changed from a standing position to a kneeling position.

There was a strange howling sound in the air and then a continuous roar, and a series of holes appeared on the wall behind Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui took a deep look at the direction where the bullet came from, then started, made a strange turn in the air, changed direction, and left the room.

In the next second, the explosion and fire flow filled the entire room, and the huge power directly destroyed multiple adjacent rooms. From the outside, the hotel spewed out a ball of fire, and several figures were ejected and fell into the magma lake below.

The secret room is not far away, the power of the explosion has reached here, and several cracks have been opened on the wall. A disturbing snowflake appeared on the screen, and it took a few seconds for it to return to normal.

The negotiating room was already in a mess, with scorched black and fuel embers everywhere, everything was leveled, and the huge gap on the outer wall could be seen directly.

Kun was the first to react, and immediately ordered: "Block the apron, close the safety gates, and if it doesn't work, lock all the speeding cars!"

"The security door has been..." There was a sudden gunshot at the other end of the communication channel, and then it fell silent. After a few more seconds, someone said: "The target has broken through the safety gate and entered the apron."

Kun was a little frightened and furious for a moment, and shouted: "How many people did you put to defend such an important pass?"


Kun also had nothing to say. The six people are two combat teams, and the deployment of troops is already quite strong, but how long did it take Chu Jungui to kill these six people just now? Three seconds, or five seconds?

He collected himself and gave up hope on the tarmac, but he still ordered: "Block the sky and blow up everything..." Kun suddenly turned his head, and saw a speeding car flying past the window.

"Shoot it down!!" Kun was also a little hysterical.

"Flying Snake 3 and 4 fighters are on standby in the target airspace. They have locked on to the target. Have they entered the air combat mode? I want to remind you that entering the air combat mode will attract the attention of the planetary government."

Kun sternly said: "Shoot it down! Let's talk about it later!"

"Yes... the target has been shot down, and the crash location is 1173, 2912, 170 kilometers away from us. Our Flying Snake 4 was shot down."

"Two heavy-duty fighter planes hit a speeding car and there will be losses? How did you lose it?" Kun's tone became more and more severe.

"……have no idea."

Kun smiled instead of anger, and said: "Mobilize mobile forces to search and arrest the target crash site, 300, no, 500 people! If you can't catch him again, you can come to see me with your own head!"

After giving the order, Kun turned around and said to Richard, "Let's go and see if Jane is still alive."

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