God is Coming

Chapter 693: Chivalry

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When Kun and Richard entered the room, some soldiers were already on alert and began to clean up the debris and treat the wounded. The corpses were dragged to one side and placed in a long row. Looking at the dozens of corpses, Richard's expression turned ugly, and he said, "It's really ruthless."

Kun said: "If it were me, maybe it would be more ruthless. After all, we want his life."

Chu Jungui activated more than a dozen grenades in one breath, and the power of the explosion exploded exponentially in a small space. Even the shockproof of the heavy armor could not resist, and most of the soldiers inside were shocked to death. At that time, only a few soldiers who surrounded Chu Jungui survived.

Jane found it too, she was buried under the rubble in a corner of the house. Fortunately, she hid behind the barrier, which blocked the explosion and the falling debris. Except for a slight injury, she was completely intact.

Looking at Jane, Kun said: "I came to save you out of politeness, otherwise I should go after Chu Jungui myself at this time."

Half of Jane's face was covered with blood, and her hair was loose and stuck to her forehead, making her look a bit hideous. She stared at Kun with a rather unfriendly expression, and said coldly: "I finally know now that politeness, elegance and dignity are useless on the battlefield. If your soldiers are a little bit more ruthless and listen to me, they won't die It's a pity that they have the same unrealistic vanity as you. Just like now, you shouldn't be here to save people, this kind of work is done by normal people. You should be in the hunting team."

Richard had to interrupt her, "Jane, Kun is concerned about us."

Jane sneered, "Is it useful to care? The real concern is to eliminate the enemy. I know that Kun is a great combat master, but if he is compared with Chu Jungui, he is not at the same level at all. Look at the methods he uses to face the enemy. I can't think of a more ruthless operation. Now I just hope that Mr. Kun will not fight Chu Jungui one-on-one for the so-called dignity. Although he is missing a hand, it seems that Mr. Kun is not able to defeat him."

Kun's face was extremely ugly, but he didn't know how to refute. It is indeed against his principles to go after an enemy with a broken arm. And this principle, or chivalry, is something that has been deeply rooted in his bone marrow since he was a child.

Richard tried to ease the atmosphere, saying, "It's all right, we've sent a battalion of Special Forces to hunt him down."

"Will it work?" Jane asked.

Richard was speechless for a while, and said, "It should be fine."

"Should be no problem?" Jane sneered, "I dare to bet you 100 million that you won't catch Chu Jungui."

Kun's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, but instead of quarreling with Jane, he gave a series of orders to the adjutant next to him: "Let the second and third special warfare battalions immediately join the search and capture force and rush to the scene. Call the first fighter squadron , to block the sky above the target area. Prepare my fighter planes and landing craft, prepare the No. 3 special warfare equipment. I want to touch this Chu Jungui myself."

The adjutant next to him brought over a tray with a transparent sealing cover on it. Inside the tray was Chu Jungui's right hand, which was still covered with a faint layer of black air.

Kun stared at the black air for a few seconds and asked, "What is this?"

"I don't know, the preliminary judgment is that it is symbiotic with the broken arm."

Kun said: "It seems that Chu Jungui has a lot of secrets in him. Send it to the laboratory immediately for a thorough analysis!"

"Yes!" The adjutant carefully put the tray into the freezer, and then ordered people to quickly transport it to the biological laboratory behind.

Kun patted Richard and said, "I'm leaving, you can stay with her. I take back what I said before, this woman is still very useful in some ways."

"I'll go with you," Richard said.

"No, I can do it alone. You'd better accompany her well."

"With me here, your combat power will increase a lot!" Richard shouted.

Kun had already turned and left, waved his hand, and said, "I'm still sure about dealing with a seriously injured guy, don't worry. By the way, I will come to your wedding."

When Kun's figure disappeared, Richard withdrew his gaze, handed Jane a square scarf, and said, "You wipe the blood first, and the doctor will come right away. Don't worry about that guy Kun, this is his way of apologizing. "

Jane wiped the blood stains on her face and said, "There's no need to find a doctor, I just have some flesh wounds, it doesn't matter. You'd better follow him, don't your two fighting styles complement each other very much, it will increase your insurance. Here I will find a way to deal with the aftermath, and if I can't deal with it, I can delay the time until you come back."

"It's not necessary, is it? That guy has been seriously injured. Kun will definitely be able to deal with him, and he has also used the entire special operations team. There is only a wilderness where he fell, and he can't escape."

Jane stared at Richard and said, "You are still concerned about Kun's face. Is your damn face and chivalry that important? As long as Chu Jungui escapes this time, you two will never be able to think about it for the rest of your life." .What kind of guard can stop his assassination and sneak attack? That sniper is quite powerful, but the price is not cheap, right? And if I'm not wrong, he must be the kind who only accepts the contract and will not join people."

"Jane, stop talking! Now that Kun has passed by himself, that guy can't escape." Richard was a little impatient.

Jane stared at him for a while, and said word by word: "Even this kind of situation can't keep him, do you think Kun can succeed alone? If you want to deal with him, you must use any means! Leave me alone, you bring all you can Those who lead him should go to support Kun immediately, and don’t care what he thinks. Only by killing Chu Jungui can we turn the situation back. If we can’t kill him, endless troubles will follow!”

"Okay, I'll go." Richard put on his helmet and strode out. A large number of soldiers followed him to the tarmac. Only a dozen people were left in the hotel to clean up the ruins and deal with the aftermath.

In the distance, Chu Jungui took out a spare battle armor from the rear of the wreckage of the fighter plane and put it on, checked the model and function, it was not bad, it was a mid-range product.

Kai Tian circled around Chu Jungui, one finger stretched infinitely, sensing something, and said after a while: "The sub-body I left on your arm has not been destroyed, it seems that they don't know the real function of the sub-body. When your arm is genetically overwritten, it transforms the arm into a powerful biobomb. The whole process takes an hour."

"Well, it's good to teach them a lesson." Chu Jungui took out several weapons from the wreckage of the speeding car, hung them on the mounting points on the outside of his thighs, and then took out a multifunctional ammunition backpack and carried it on his back. He tried the multifunctional rifle in his hand, and all functions were normal.

When the chariot crashed, Chu Jungui had already taken a good look at the terrain, and ran directly into a jagged stone forest in the north.

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Several heavy flying vehicles landed hundreds of meters away, and a large number of soldiers poured out from the flying vehicles, outflanking the crash site. They soon found the remaining traces and rushed towards the stone forest.

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