God is Coming

Chapter 697: Sense of Ritual

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Before a policeman opened his mouth to interrogate, Chu Jungui said leisurely: "I wish your pre-interrogation a success."

"No, this is not a pre-trial." Several policemen began to look a little uneasy.

For a full 20 minutes, Chu Jungui and several policemen who didn't know whether they were real policemen, fake policemen, or other identities debated over and over again on the word pre-trial, and confirmed the clear definitions of 22 words. , used no less than 40 long sentences with more than 50 words and multiple nestings to avoid any possible ambiguity, and then further defined the possible differences, and at the same time, any small loopholes or lack of clarity in the other party's speech Artificially amplify and attack the place, wait for the other party to clarify the ambiguity or define it clearly, and then launch an attack on a new round of clarification or definition, and the cycle repeats.

For a full 20 minutes, neither side reached an agreement on the nature of the conversation, and even argued for several minutes whether to use more mouths or more pens in this conversation.

Chu Jungui was in high spirits, feeling that he had initially grasped the essence of being a lawyer, and could extend this conversation indefinitely, even if it got dark, there would be no result.

Finally, the door knocked, and a middle-aged man with sharp clothes and sharp eyes came in. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting. In fact, I really want to listen to it for a while. After all, such wonderful debates are rare. There is a chance to hear it. But I have to abort this meeting due to duty, which has violated the rights of my client, and he is the victim. I think it is clear to everyone that such a meeting will not lead to anything , and every minute of extension will lead to a corresponding increase in the subsequent compensation. Believe me, this is not what you, or those gentlemen want. "

Several policemen stood up and walked out of the room one after another.

After they all left, the middle-aged man said to Chu Jungui: "You can call me Sabo. I was entrusted by the Winton family to take charge of the follow-up of your attack. Of course, you can also refuse my service. It's all up to you."

Chu Jungui quickly searched the relevant information, and found that Sabo was one of the top 50 famous barristers in the federation. His ranking does not seem to be particularly high, but considering the vast star field of the Federation and the large number of lawyers specializing in various fields, Sabo is probably the most outstanding barrister in this field in the left near star field.

Since the Winton family came forward, Chu Jungui naturally had no reason not to accept it. He shook hands with Sabo and said, "I'll leave it to you."

Sabo said: "In fact, Mr. Chu, you are a very good lawyer yourself. You didn't need me at first. However, this incident involves a wide range of needs, and it needs to balance various needs, and I happen to be a little bit small in this regard. resource."

"I understand, happy cooperation."

"Are you staying in the hospital now or where are you going?" Sabo asked.

Chu Jungui glanced at the guarded policemen in the corridor, and said, "I lack trust in the federal law enforcement agencies, so let's go to the Melting Mountain Hotel."

"In fact, our law enforcement agencies are quite trustworthy." Sabo said meaningfully, and then seemed to be afraid that Chu Jungui might misunderstand, and then added, "You will understand later, they are quite in line with expectations."

No matter what, Chu Jungui didn't plan to stay in the hospital anymore. Sabo asked his assistant to accompany Chu Jungui to the Rongshan Hotel, while he stayed to discuss the aftermath with the police.

Melting Mountain Hotel was as quiet as ever. In the huge lobby, there were only a few three or five hotel guests rushing in and out. The number of various waiters was ten times that of the guests, and this was still the permanent staff in the lobby. It is believed that there will be hundreds of waiters in case of need, ensuring that each guest can be served by at least five waiters in different fields.

As usual, Chu Jungui chose one of the three most expensive suites. According to Sabo, until the end of this case, the hotel expenses will be paid by the other party.

The definition of the word "opponent" is very vague, and Sabo, as a senior barrister, should not have been so negligent, it can only be said that he said it on purpose. Combining the past cases of the Federation, Chu Jungui had many associations.

Hathaway arrived shortly after staying at the Lava Mountain Hotel. When she saw Chu Jungui's empty right arm, she couldn't restrain herself anymore, and threw herself into Chu Jungui's arms!

Chu Jungui's whole body shook violently, and his left hand grasped the back of the little princess' neck like lightning. Fortunately, at the last moment, he withdrew his strength and didn't really grab it. Instead, he stroked the thick long hair.

Hathaway hugged her hard, then restrained her emotions, took a step back, and said, "From now on, you can't leave me ten meters away, at any time!"

Chu Jungui was startled, and said helplessly, "Isn't it necessary? This is just a little accident."

"They are really going to kill you! This is not an accident!" The little princess cried out before realizing that she was too excited. She took a deep breath and said word by word: "I will not be impulsive or angry; I will not shrink back and compromise, and I will never give up until I send all those guys to prison!"

After announcing something similar to the oath, the little princess seemed to lose a lot of strength and felt tired instantly. And Chu Jungui suddenly felt something at that moment, as if something emanated from her body, and then disappeared into the void.

Chu Jungui felt something very clearly, but he didn't see it, and he didn't resonate with it. As a test subject, Chu Jungui's eyes can see most of the invisible light, and the spectral range is almost as wide as that of large radio telescopes. Similarly, for various energy fields known to human beings, Chu Jungui can resonate with the most common ones, so as to perceive changes in the surrounding environment.

However, at that moment just now, Chu Jungui was obviously feeling, not perception. In other words, that is the realm of the occult, not science.

"What did you do just now?" Chu Jungui asked.

"It's nothing." The little princess lowered her head slightly, and blinked her eyes a few times to remove the mist from her eyes. After a short pause, she said, "That's a kind of ritual, so I can remind myself and strengthen my determination. Life should have a sense of ritual!"

By the last sentence, she had become lively and buried all her anger deep in her emotions. At this time, the little princess gave Chu Jungui the feeling of a silent volcano.

Tactical Deception quietly reminded that it was time to change the subject, and offered several options.

Chu Jungui shook the sleeve of his right arm and said, "Is it expensive to install a new arm here?"

Hathaway's attention was indeed attracted, and she said, "Are you new? There are many choices, such as mechanical arms with various functions, or biochemical arms, or natural arms with different gene optimization directions, all of which are different. The brand can be customized. The most troublesome thing is to re-cultivate a new arm that conforms to the original gene, which will take at least two weeks."

"It's best to have the original gene. Before that, get one of each, and use it to see."

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