God is Coming

Chapter 698

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The little princess didn't stay long, she was inexplicably nervous, chatted a few words casually, and left in a hurry. After that initial hug, she felt like nothing was right, and every piece of furniture in the room seemed to be staring at her.

"I'm going to find you an arm right now!" The little princess threw down such a sentence, and flew away.

Chu Jungui, who had calmed down, took his usual seat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the scenery of the surging magma. He was calm, as calm as ever, but beneath the calm surface were unprecedented turbulent waves.

Chu Jungui began to think about the next things one by one.

Naturally, the first to bear the brunt was this unexpected assassination. Business is business, and war is war. This is the common principle of the federation, and Chu Jungui has always believed in this. In business affairs, no matter how much you fight to the death, it’s just a matter of bankruptcy, and it’s rare to get to the point of murder, especially at the level of Jane and Richard. Even if they go bankrupt, they can make a comeback in a few years. So Chu Jungui had no worries about this meeting and went as normal. He never thought that the other party would be so crazy that he actually made a deadly move and ambushed heavy soldiers.

That sniper was of a very high level, not as good as Rose back then, which made it impossible for Chu Jungui to dodge completely, and almost took a hard shot. If it weren't for the test subject's physical fitness being ten times and a hundred times that of a normal person, he would have been amputated by this shot long ago.

And the subsequent pursuit showed that the opponent was fully prepared, intercepting and outflanking in all directions, and actually mobilized nearly a thousand special forces. This is to put Chu Jun to death.

And the attitude of the planetary garrison also made Chu Jungui understand the tyranny of the opponent's forces. The planetary garrison obviously knew who did it, and their investigation attitude was quite perfunctory. Chu Jungui even suspected that if Hathaway hadn't intervened, he might not have been able to get out of the medical cabin alive. After all, when there is no proof of death, the other party can throw out a few sacrifices at will, and the matter can be settled.

The informal interrogation after the hospital treatment also showed the opponent's ability. Although it was an interrogation with illegal procedures, once Chu Jungui said something wrong, I believe it would immediately become conclusive evidence and a sharp weapon to turn the tables. It's just that the other party didn't expect that Chu Jungui actually had legal knowledge close to that of an elite barrister, and he disrupted the situation abruptly by rambling.

It was not until Sabo arrived and the Winton family officially stated their position that this almost one-sided situation was reversed. But it is only a reversal, which can guarantee a certain degree of fairness, nothing more. At least for now, there is no advantage at all.

Chu Jungui now owns a thriving listed company, with a solid net worth of tens of billions, but he can't even maintain the basic equality and dignity in front of these powerful and ancient families. It's really incredible to think about it.

Although the Winton family is on Chu Jungui's side, the situation is not optimistic. According to what Sabo revealed, this matter is likely to be settled with reconciliation and compensation, and the main messenger may not go to jail.

This is not to say that the Winton family is inferior to Louis and the Bilinde Group, but that the Winton family has limited contribution. After all, Chu Jungui is just an outsider, and the Winton family cannot do too much for him. This is the principle, even if the little princess cries, makes trouble and hangs herself, it's useless. And the Louis family is Bao's core heir, and Kun has the double guarantee of Bilinde and his own family, and they are almost going all out.

Another important question is the genes of the test subjects. Chu Jungui dealt with his arm in time, and believed that the biological bomb would leave a very deep impression on those who tried to study him. The problem is that Chu Jungui's genes must have been leaked during the treatment process. But this is unavoidable.

Just relying on his almost invincible fighting skills, Chu Jungui knew how special his genes and body were, and he no longer took them for granted.

Chu Jungui considered whether to sneak into that hospital secretly, destroy all the data there, and even blow up the sample area of ​​the hospital. However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered a sentence that Dr. Zero said when he checked and updated the components for him. That sentence was very understated at the time, like an unconscious soliloquy.

"There is no need to worry about the gene being cracked, that is beyond the ability of their generation."

Chu Jungui didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at the time, but now that he thinks about it carefully, it has a profound meaning. What is the ability to exceed a generation?

Chu Jungui sank into his body, examining his genes. After repeated inspections, Chu Jungui found that his genes were indeed somewhat different, but the differences were very subtle, mostly in the sense of geometry and space.

Chu Jungui knows that he has a special ability, that is, when a certain part of the body tissue is separated from the body, such as the blood that falls on the ground, gene coverage will occur, and the gene fragments are replaced by meaningless proteins, thus covering themselves real genes. On the one hand, gene coverage is to prevent the leakage of gene optimization technology, and more to cover up the identity, so that people cannot be identified through genes.

However, Chu Jungui felt that genetic coverage alone could not achieve the effect of not leaking secrets at all, and this is not a unique technology. The three major forces have mastered it, but the degree is different. Just like this, it seems that it can't match Dr. Zero's declaration beyond the ability of a generation.

Chu Jungui put this matter aside in advance, and concentrated on studying various arm materials, so as to restore combat effectiveness to the maximum extent during the temporary transition period.

At this moment, the hospital where Chu Jungui stayed has been semi-closed, and only a small area pretends to remain open. Ji's researchers have already begun to work intensively. There is only one goal of their research, and that is Chu Jungui's genes.

Most of the samples of Chu Jungui's body parts were deep-frozen to inhibit their activity for long-term preservation. A small number of samples are undergoing various tests in an attempt to find out the root cause of Chu Jungui's extraordinary performance.

The top floor of the ward was transformed into a central control room. A thin middle-aged man was staring at the genetic image in front of him, meditating silently. After a long time, he clicked on the holographic image a few times and said: "These are the key points of the genetic code. His genes are encrypted. As long as these few sections of genes are deciphered, the entire gene can be deciphered. Then Then we'll be able to see what's in his genes."

The middle-aged man turned around and said to the assistant beside him: "Use all the computing power of the group's mastermind on this planet to crack the genetic code."

The assistant operated immediately, and replied after a while: "The computing power is concentrated, and the cracking model has been established, and the cracking starts."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "How long will it take?"

The assistant's face suddenly changed, and he was speechless for a while.

The middle-aged man said slowly: "What's the matter, didn't you hear my question? If you can't finish it tonight, then rest first and see the result tomorrow morning."

The assistant's expression changed, and he said, "I'm afraid it won't be finished tomorrow morning."

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't 10 hours enough? How long will it take?"

The assistant looked at the continuously beating and increasing numbers, took a deep breath, and said, "192786... years."

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