God is Coming

Chapter 699 Ridiculous

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Chu Jungui sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the lava flow continuously, seemingly endlessly. Maybe tens of millions of years later, the energy inside the planet will be consumed enough to cool the surface, and life will be born naturally.

He watched quietly, no one knew what he was thinking.

At this time, the soft doorbell rang, Chu Jungui moved his mind, and the door opened, and he heard Xinuo roaring: "You bastards, let me go! Otherwise, I will burn this ghost shop!"

His roar suddenly became dull, as if his mouth was blocked by something.

Is it from Kun and Jane? Arrested Xinuo to come to demonstrate, so arrogant? Chu Jungui's face turned cold, he got up and walked towards the door.

In the lobby, the hotel manager bowed slightly, respectful as always. There were two male waiters and two female waiters behind him, and the four of them firmly held on to Sino, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the control of the four of them. A translucent film was pasted on Sino's mouth, sealing most of his voice in his throat.

The hotel manager gave a salute and said, "Dear Mr. Chu, please calm down your friend a little bit. He just drank two full bottles of wine, took up a weapon, and said he was going to fight the Bilinde Group to the death. Ben In the spirit of being responsible to our most valued customers, we have to temporarily restrain Mr. Sino and send him to you. Of course, if you think there is no problem with his actions, then we will not pose any threat to his actions in the future. Get in the way."

This guy is going to avenge me! Chu Jun sighed secretly, and said to the hotel manager: "Leave him, I will persuade him, and thank you for your excellent service."

The hotel manager bowed slightly and said, "The best hotel should have this kind of service." After finishing speaking, he led the waiters out.

After being freed, Xinuo tore off the seal on his mouth, and said unnaturally: "Those waiters are fake, all of them have the level of special fighters, otherwise how could I not beat them?"

In Chu Jungui's eyes, several of the waiters have a martial arts level of 5.0, and they are very good fighters. With all four of them together, Sino is naturally no match. And there are not only four waiters who can fight in the hotel.

Chu Jungui looked at Xinuo calmly, until he lowered his head involuntarily, and then asked, "Why are you working so hard?"

"I'm just... just..." Sino took a deep breath, and suddenly broke out: "I just can't understand the virtue of those guys who think they control everything and are omnipotent!"

With the beginning, Sino no longer had any scruples, and all his emotions poured out: "They took control of the hotel and used the entire army to ambush and assassinate them in broad daylight. Just like this, they will escape punishment time and time again. At most, they only let a few minions Go to jail instead of them! It doesn't matter how they deal with me, but you were also brought in and almost died! I don't have the ability, but I have to let them know that there are always people who are not willing to be manipulated by them! And no matter what I say The blood of the Louis family, I'm dead, that bitch Jane must have a hard time, at least her marriage with Richard is over!"

Chu Jungui thought for a moment, and said, "What do you know? About the case of me being ambushed."

"This case will not be made public, or even filed. Most likely, it will be settled in private. Otherwise, once it is made public, it will create a huge pressure of public opinion. This is not what the old guys in the Ring of Roses want to see. What they have been preaching But all people are created equal, there is no difference between ordinary people and noble children."

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"Isn't it?" Chu Jungui asked.

"How could there be no difference?" Sino sneered, and continued: "For example, when I started receiving education, I went to a school in the Laurel Alliance, from the age of 3 to the age of 16. All the education in the Laurel Alliance Schools only enroll children of nobles, and only some schools have some places for non-nobles, the annual tuition fee is about 3 million, and the cost of genetic optimization ranges from 5 to 10 million. Is this affordable for ordinary people?"

Chu Jungui listened quietly.

Sino said: "This time, you are just a member of the Federation with some money. And I have been expelled from the family, so it is insignificant. The only thing the other party needs to worry about is Hathaway, but you are just a friend of hers. It is impossible for the Winton family to fully support you, and there are not enough reasons, unless you are about to become Hathaway's husband. That's why they dare to assassinate you! Because there is no consequence other than losing some money!"

Chu Jungui was silent for a moment, and said: "I will confirm it, before that, don't be impulsive."

After reassuring Sino, Chu Jungui connected Sabo and asked directly, "What will be the result of this case?"

The image of Sabo showed a gentle smile, and said: "It is still in the stage of collecting evidence, and it is too early to say the result. However, I have already greeted all parties, and the investigation of you has ended, and you can move freely. Until In the next stage of the case, there should be no further investigation."

"Jane, what about Richard and Kun?"

Sabo's smile remained natural, and he said, "The suspects have all been restricted from moving and are waiting for further investigation."


"Yes, the police have identified 17 suspects and are still investigating." Sabo paused before saying, "The three people you just mentioned are not yet on the list of suspects, so there are no restrictions on their actions for the time being." .”

"Not on the list?" Chu Jungui felt very ridiculous.

"There is currently no direct evidence that they were involved in the murder. Of course, if new evidence is discovered in the future, they will still be arrested. In addition, some people think that there are too many deaths at the scene and suspect that you used prohibited weapons. If they're charged, it's a serious crime."

Chu Jungui asked calmly: "Will their accusations be established?"

Sabo smiled and said: "With me here, naturally this command will not be established. However, there were hundreds of casualties at the scene. How they died has to be doubted. It is not difficult to imagine that this command is accompanied by Endless investigations, questioning and testing, prolonged detention and surveillance operations are necessary. I think it would also be quite unnecessarily annoying for you to have the other party continue to play on this charge to the detriment of the overall case. So I think it's best to make a preliminary deal with the prosecutors."

"What kind of deal?" Chu Jungui continued to ask.

"My suggestion is that the prosecutors drop the investigation and charges of your countermeasures, and we will accept the main terms of their plea deal, which is to add, against the other party."

Chu Jungui understood, that is to say, if the prosecutor reached a deal with Jane and the others and charged with a lesser crime, he could not object to the main terms.

Chu Jungui said calmly, "I don't see the point of doing this."

"The significance is very significant." Sabo paused for emphasis, and then said: "The investigation can be dragged on for a very long time, and the time can be as long as 15 or even 20 years under the deliberate promotion of the prosecutor and the opponent. The investigation is the pre-procedure of this case, that is to say, in the worst case, you may spend half of the time in the detention center during this period, and the case has not actually started the trial."

"Is there no other way?" Chu Jungui asked.

Sabo said frankly: "There is a way, but you don't have the corresponding resources. I know you are very wealthy now, but unfortunately, this cannot be solved by just having money."

Chu Jungui said sarcastically, "So the crux of the problem is that I killed too many people?"

"You can say that."

"If I didn't kill so many people, how could I survive to the end?" Chu Jungui asked back.

Szabo was silent for a moment, then said, "There's a joke in the legal world: this has nothing to do with this case."

"That's right, I shouldn't have survived, but I did, which is very abnormal and needs to be investigated... Well, what is the deal that the other party might propose?"

"One possibility is that the case will not go to a formal trial, and the case will be settled out of court. The other party will pay a certain amount of compensation in exchange for the prosecution giving up the prosecution."

This time it was Chu Jungui's turn to be silent, and he said after a while: "You can really do whatever you want!"

Sabo coughed and said: "My personal suggestion is that the quick conclusion of this case is beneficial to all parties. Mr. Zhanning is willing to come forward and fight for an appropriate amount of compensation. Besides, the Winton family will not have any additional In addition, for the three names you just mentioned, there is a high probability that they will gradually lose the support of their families and live an ordinary life. Xinuo around you is a good example. So they are not incapable Get punished, but the ancient family will be willing to punish them in their own way."

"What if the so-called punishment of the ancient family is not fair enough in my opinion?"

"The old family has always been fair in this respect."

"Without exception?"

"That's a question that shouldn't be asked."

Chu Jungui didn't relax, "What if I have to ask?"

Szabo sighed and said, "In a way, this will be seen as a provocation, a provocation to the whole family."

Chu Jun said: "Well, back to this case, how much compensation can I get?"

Szabo said tactfully: "The faster the settlement, the better it is actually for you. Therefore, under the premise of a quick settlement, the compensation amount will not be too high. Referring to the federal precedent for personal damage compensation, the compensation will be between 10 million and 50 million. During this period, of course, some additional conditions will be added, such as increasing Sino's inheritance sequence. The corresponding part will be deducted from Richard's share."

After a moment of silence, Chu Jun returned, "Is this the compensation Mr. Zhan Ning won?"

Sabo obviously heard the irony in it, coughed lightly, and said: "The current situation is different from the previous period. The conditions are actually quite good, and Mr. Zhanning played a huge role in it."

Chu Jungui looked at the time and said, "In just two days, Mr. Zhan Ning has played a huge role..."

Sabo said: "I have to remind you that Miss Hathaway and you are just friends now, and Mr. Janning has never even heard of you before."

"I understand. In this case, I have my request. Of course, this is for the other party, not for the Winton family."


Chu Jungui said: "If the loss of money reaches a certain limit, it will also constitute a heavy punishment. Therefore, the compensation I request is 20 billion."

"This is impossible!" Sabo lost his voice.

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