God is Coming

Chapter 700

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The conversation with Sabo ended in a polite but unpleasant way, which was not what Chu Jungui expected.

Under federal law, individual compensation is effectively capped and also based on disability. Chu Jungui recovered too quickly, and instead became a disadvantage. In this era, a lost arm can be brought back intact without spending much money, and of course that is for ordinary people. However, if Chu Jungui wanted to prove that he was not an ordinary person, and that his loss was far greater than the normal standard, he needed to prove this point. And this proof can be known without thinking, it must be very cumbersome and will be challenged by the opponent everywhere.

According to the wrangling tradition of federal cases, this proof alone can take three years.

If it is an ordinary person, the cost of regenerating an arm is only tens of thousands of yuan, excluding the cost of gene optimization, so the key to claiming compensation in this regard is mental damage.

From a purely legal approach, Sabo is right. Chu Jungui is not dead, nor is he irreversibly disabled. The possibility of compensation exceeding 50 million is almost zero. As for the assassination and the use of the army to hunt them down, these belong to the category of separate cases. How to deal with them is beyond Chu Jungui's interference.

But now the other party obviously wants to combine the two cases into one case and settle it directly through reconciliation. This is where Chu Jungui's opinion needs to be sought. Of course, Chu Jungui can disagree, but if he disagrees, it will not change anything. If the case is handled separately, it is very likely that the other party will throw out some cannon fodder and close the case. Saab has hinted at this very clearly.

The conditions provided by the other party in private are not very good, to be precise, they are quite shabby. This is what surprised Chu Jungui slightly. When he fought with Jane and Richard because of the futures, the reconciliation terms offered by the other party were far more than this time. Now that Chu Jungui has been assassinated but failed, how can he compensate for almost nothing?

Chu Jungui pondered for a long time before he slowly figured out something.

Jane's family is regarded as an upstart, and if they don't belong to the ring of roses, the family's influence is actually limited. Such a family is naturally very fancy to Jane. After all, she has achieved such achievements at a young age, and she is likely to lead the family to a higher position in the future. Richard is an important heir of the Louis family. Although it is not clear what the serial number is, it is presumably either Louis 555 or Louis 777. Kun is someone who came to know Chu Jungui later, and his understanding is limited, but he is so young to be able to bring his own army in the Bilinde Group, so it is obvious that there must be a powerful family behind him. Needless to say Kun's own strength, although Chu Jungui lost a hand, there are very few people who can face the gun with him.

These three people are unwilling and impossible for their respective families to give up, and they have concluded a deadly feud with Mr. Chu. In this way, the attitudes of their respective families towards Mr. Chu's return are obvious, and they have changed from possible cooperation to Suppress it with all your strength, and do not rule out the possibility of taking similar actions secretly.

Thinking of this, Chu Jungui roughly guessed that perhaps in the eyes of the ancient family, the mistake these three young people made was not to assassinate Chu Jungui, but to fail to assassinate.

From this, it is speculated that the reaction of the Winton family is logical. At present, Chu Jungui and Hathaway have no substantive relationship. With the three families expressing their attitudes, it is considered quite friendly for the Wenton family to provide limited help to Chu Jungui. Saab will do his best on the case itself, but will not use additional resources.

Of course, if Chu Jungui can have a further relationship with Hathaway, then the Winton family will definitely not hesitate to give full support, regardless of whether he is facing Louis 666 or 888.

This is why Sabo feels that it is impossible for Chu Jungui to propose a compensation of 20 billion, because in the final analysis, Chu Jungui is fighting alone. Sabo's ability to take over this case is already the result of the little princess's hard work behind the scenes. Two days have passed since the attack, and Serena never showed up or contacted her. She probably didn't mean it, but she was restricted by the family and couldn't contact Chu Jungui, so as not to stand on the opposite side of the other three families.

After thinking about it, Chu Jungui realized that the compensation of 20 billion was not realistic, and he did not intend that the other party would accept this figure. Looking at the flowing magma, Chu Jungui suddenly laughed, and said to himself, "I'm a bit of a bully..."

Chu Jungui's gaze turned to the screen next to him, where a communication request lit up at the same moment. Looking at the blurred and beautiful figure, Chu Jungui was suddenly in a daze. How did he know that Jian Jian contacted him at this time? intuition? There is no such thing as a test body, and the metaphysical components have not been upgraded for a long time.

He connected to the communication, and Jane's phantom quickly became real, no different from the real person, but scaled down.

"Are you okay?" Jane's gaze paused on Chu Jungui's arm.

"It seems unnecessary to ask this question." Chu Jungui was still gentle.

Jane brushed her hair. Apart from being a little thin, her figure has no shortcomings, and this is the source of some people's sense of high-end aesthetics. She said unhurriedly: "If I were you, I would leave the Federation immediately and never come back. Being lucky once doesn't mean being lucky every time."


"Yes, luck. Our stupidity is the luck of the enemy. If Kun's idiots are willing to listen to my timely replacement of the gun, we don't need to discuss compensation now. We only need to pay the death benefit. This way the case will be simpler many."

Chu Jungui thought about it for a while, and said, "If you mean the guy who dared to challenge me one-on-one, then I can tell you that you underestimated him."

"Underestimated?" Jane sneered, "Those unrealistic persistence and sense of honor will only make him unable to reach the peak that he could have reached!"

"You didn't come to me just to chat, did you?"

Jane picked up a glass of red wine, took a sip between her lips, and said slowly: "I just want to see the loser's forced smile for the last time, and see your last struggle and mourning. You are a worthy opponent, There are very few people in the Federation who can beat me in the financial field, and you have accumulated wealth through the financial market without even being in the Federation before, which is admirable. However, you are like a foreign gambler, gambling Great skills, but don't understand what the real secret to winning money is."

"What is it?" Chu Jungui asked.

Jane raised her chin slightly, artificially looked down at Chu Jungui, and said word by word: "The money that the casino lets you take away is the money you win!"

Chu Jungui tapped on the armrest lightly, and said, "Just now, I made a request to Mr. Sabo for a compensation of 20 billion. But Mr. Sabo refused for you."

Jane's hands trembled imperceptibly, and her eyes instantly became extremely sharp. But for the sake of the victor's demeanor, she suppressed her anger, smiled deliberately, and said, "So you still want to continue playing, don't you?"

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